base32 0.0.3 copy "base32: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
base32: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

Base32 Encoder and Decoder

dart-base32 #

Simple base32 encode/decode matching the base32 method used by Google Authenticator.


Getting Started #

Notes on Windows (currently) #

  • Use cmd for pub

Pubspec #

There are 2 options. Directly from git, or from (you can use 'any' instead of a version if you just want the latest always)

  base32: 0.1

directly from github:

#import(''); //pulls it directly from github.
// OR
#import('package:base32/base32.dart'); //Uses the local one in ./packages/base32/lib/bas32.dart

Start encoding/decoding ...

// Encode a hex string to base32
base32.encodeHexString('48656c6c6f21deadbeef'); // -> 'JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP'

// base32 decoding to original string.
base32.decode("JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP"); // -> '48656c6c6f21deadbeef'


base32.encode(List byteList) #

Generate and return a RFC4122 v1 (timestamp-based) UUID.

  • byteList - (List) A list of bytes representing your input.

Returns String representation of the encoded base32.

base32.encodeHexString(String hex) #

Generate and return a RFC4122 v4 UUID.

  • hexString - (String) A string of hex values intended to be converted to bytes and encoded.

Returns String representation of the encoded base32

Example: Encode a hex string.

base32.encodeHexString('48656c6c6f21deadbeef'); // -> 'JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP'

base32.decode(String base32) #

Decodes a base32 string back to its original byte values.

  • base32 - (String) The base32 string you wish to decode.

Returns Uint8List of the decoded data.

Example: Decode a base32 string, then output it in hex format

var decoded = base32.decode("JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP");
var decodedHex = CryptoUtils.bytesToHex(decoded); // -> '48656c6c6f21deadbeef'

Testing #

In dartvm

dart test\base32_test.dart

In Browser

At the moment, this package does not work client-side as it uses server-side only UInt8Lists. I might have to wait till UInt8Arrays and UInt8Lists are merged into 1

Release notes #


  • Made all functions static. v0.0.2
  • Fixed unittest dependency v0.0.1
  • Initial Documented Release