barco_event_master 3.0.0 barco_event_master: ^3.0.0 copied to clipboard
A library for controlling Barco Event Master systems via JSON RPC
A dart library for controlling Barco Event Master systems via JSON RPC
Currently Supported Functions #
I am adding these as I require them. If you would like a specific one added, feel free to open a ticket.
- ❌ allTrans
- ❌ cut
- ❌ resetFrameSettings
- ❌ powerStatus
- ✅ listPresets
- ❌ listDestinationsForPreset
- ❌ savePreset
- ❌ renamePreset
- ✅ activatePreset
- ❌ recallNextPreset
- ❌ deletePreset
- ✅ listDestinations
- ✅ listSources
- ❌ activateCue
- ❌ listCues
- ❌ activateDestGroup
- ❌ 3dControl
- ❌ listContent
- ❌ listSuperDestContent
- ❌ listSuperAuxContent
- ❌ changeContent
- ✅ changeAuxContent
- ❌ changeSuperAuxContent
- ❌ freezeDestSource
- ❌ listStill
- ❌ deleteStill
- ❌ takeStill
- ❌ getFrameSettings
- ❌ listAuxContent
- ❌ 3dControlOutput
- ❌ armUnarmDestination
- ❌ fillHV
- ❌ clearLayers
- ❌ recallUserKey
- ❌ listUserKey
- ❌ listSourceMainBackup
- ❌ activateSourceMainBackup
- ❌ resetSourceMainBackup
- ❌ listInputs
- ❌ listOutputs
- ❌ mvrLayoutChange
- ❌ listOperators
- ❌ configureOperator
- ✅ getInputThumbnail (unofficial)
Usage #
import 'package:barco_event_master/barco_event_master.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
final e2 = EventMaster(ipAddress: '');
final r = await e2.listDestinations();
Additional information #
Issues and feature requests can be filed here.