bagel_db 0.2.22 copy "bagel_db: ^0.2.22" to clipboard
bagel_db: ^0.2.22 copied to clipboard

Dart plugin to retrieve and update data on BagelDB. This library allows you to build a backend in a matter of minutes, make REST API requests and manage your content easily


// Copyright 2020 Bagel Studio ltd. All rights reserved.
// For an example app, see

import 'dart:io';

import 'package:bagel_db/bagel_db.dart';

const String bagelToken = 'your token here';

class Db {
  static Db? _instance;
  static Db get instance => _instance ??= Db._();
  Future<BagelDB> init({String? token}) async {
    db = await BagelDB.init(token: token);
    return db;

late BagelDB db;

void init() async {
  db = await Db.instance.init(token: bagelToken);

// create an instance of BagelDB

// a var that will hold the response from BagelDB
BagelResponse response = BagelResponse(data: {}, statusCode: 0);

// get data using Builder pattern
void getFromBagelDB() async {
  // simple get request
  await db.collection('testItems').get();

  // get with query
  await db
      .query('position', '=', 'developer')
      .query('age', '>', '27')

  // sort the data by parameter
  await db.collection('testItems').sort('age').get();

  // sort with order
  await db.collection('testItems').sort('age', sortOrder: 'asc').get();

  // define how many results will be in each page
  await db.collection('testItems').perPage(2).get();

  // include all the details for item
  await db.collection('testItems').everything().get();

  // get a specific item
  await db
      .item('5dr22f010a1466a13e2f967a' /*replace with your item id*/)

// post item. Post returns the id of item that created
void postTodb() async {
  // post item to db
  await db.collection('testItems').post({
    'name': 'Baz',
    'age': 25,
    'position': 'CTO'
  } /* replace with your item */);

  await db.collection('testItems').item("customId").set({
    'name': 'Baz',
    'age': 25,
    'position': 'CTO'
  } /* Creates an item with an custom id you set :: if the item exists it will just update it*/);

// put item
void putInBagelDB() async {
  // post item to BagelDB
  await db.collection('testItems').item('5dr22f010a1466a13e2f967a').put({
    'name': 'Baz',
    'age': 34,
    'position': 'CEO',

void deleteFromBagelDB() async {
  await db.collection('testItems').item('5dr22f010a1466a13e2f967a').delete();

// uploading image
void uploadImage() async {
  File image = File('/Users/userName/Desktop/photo-test.jpeg');
  await db.collection("users").item("3423432").uploadImage("profilePic", image);

void getCollectionSchema() async {
  await db.schema('testItems').get();
pub points



Dart plugin to retrieve and update data on BagelDB. This library allows you to build a backend in a matter of minutes, make REST API requests and manage your content easily



unknown (license)


dio, shared_preferences, universal_io


Packages that depend on bagel_db