background_stt 1.0.0 copy "background_stt: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
background_stt: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard


A flutter plugin for Speech-to-Text.

background_stt #

[Android Support Only]

pub package

An flutter plugin that runs Speech-to-Text continously in background. Speech results will be delivered in real-time to the flutter app.

Install #

In your pubspec.yaml

  background_stt: [LATEST_VERSION]
import 'package:background_stt/background_stt.dart';

How to use it? #

Start Speech-to-Text Service

Note: Service will keep on running once it is started and can only be stopped by calling stop service method.

 var _service = BackgroundStt();

    _service.getSpeechResults().onData((data) {
      print("getSpeechResults: ${data.result} , ${data.isPartial}");

Stop Speech-to-Text Service


Author #

background_stt plugin is developed by Umair Adil. You can email me at for any queries.