background_downloader 6.1.1 copy "background_downloader: ^6.1.1" to clipboard
background_downloader: ^6.1.1 copied to clipboard

A multi-platform background file downloader and uploader. Define the task, enqueue and monitor progress

6.1.1 #

Bug fix for request method where the httpRequestMethod override was not taken into account properly.

6.1.0 #

Added unregisterCallBacks to remove callbacks if you no longer want updates, and resetUpdates to reset the updates stream so it can be listened to again.

Bug fix for DownloadTask.withSuggestedFilename for servers that do not follow case convention for the Content-Disposition header.

6.0.0 #

Breaking changes:

  • The TaskStatusCallback and TaskProgressCallback now take a single argument (TaskStatusUpdate and TaskProgressUpdate respectively) instead of multiple arguments. This aligns the callback API with the updates listener API, and makes it easier to add data to an update in the future. For example, in this version we add an exception property to programmatically handle exceptions
  • Similarly, the download and upload methods now return a TaskStatusUpdate instead of a TaskStatus
  • For consistency, the taskStatus property of the TaskRecord (used to store task information in a persistent database) is renamed to status
  • The trackTasks method no longer takes a group argument, and starts tracking for all tasks, regardless of group. If you need tracking only for a specific group, call the new trackTasksInGroup method

Other changes (non-breaking):

  • You can override the httpRequestMethod used for requests by setting it in the Request, DownloadTask or UploadTask. By default, requests and downloads use GET (unless post is set) and uploads use PUT
  • The download, upload, downloadBatch and uploadBatch methods now take an optional onElapsedTime callback that is called at regular intervals (defined by the optional elapsedTimeInterval which defaults to 5 seconds) with the time elapsed since the call was made. This can be used to trigger UI warnings (e.g. 'this is taking rather long') or to cancel the task if it does not complete within a desired time. For performance reasons the elapsedTimeInterval should not be set to a value less than one second, and this mechanism should not be used to indicate progress.
  • If a task fails, the TaskStatusUpdate will contain a TaskException that provides information about the type of exception (e.g. a TaskFileSystemException indicates an issue with storing or retrieving the file) and contains a description and (for TaskHttpException only) the httpResponseCode. If tasks are tracked, the The following TaskException subtypes may occur:
    • TaskException (general exception)
    • TaskFileSystemException (issue retrieving or storing the file)
    • TaskUrlException (issue with the url)
    • TaskConnectionException (issue with the connection to the server)
    • TaskResumeException (issue with pausing or resuming a task)
    • TaskHttpException (issue with the HTTP connection, e.g. we received an error response from the server, captured in httpResponseCode)

Fixed a few bugs.

5.6.0 #

Adds handler for when the user taps a notification, and an openFile method to open a file using the platform-specific convention.

To handle notification taps, register a callback that takes Task and NotificationType as parameters:

            taskNotificationTapCallback: myNotificationTapCallback);
void myNotificationTapCallback(Task task, NotificationType notificationType) {
    print('Tapped notification $notificationType for taskId ${task.taskId}');

To open a file, call FileDownloader().openFile and supply either a Task or a full filePath (but not both) and optionally a mimeType to assist the Platform in choosing the right application to use to open the file. The file opening behavior is platform dependent, and while you should check the return value of the call to openFile, error checking is not fully consistent.

Note that on Android, files stored in the BaseDirectory.applicationDocuments cannot be opened. You need to download to a different base directory (e.g. .applicationSupport) or move the file to shared storage before attempting to open it.

If all you want to do on notification tap is to open the file, you can simplify the process by adding tapOpensFile: true to your call to configureNotifications, and you don't need to register a taskNotificationTapCallback.

5.5.0 #

Adds withSuggestedFilename for DownloadTask. Use:

   final task = await DownloadTask(url: '')
       .withSuggestedFilename(unique: true);

The method withSuggestedFilename returns a copy of the task it is called on, with the filename field modified based on the filename suggested by the server, or the last path segment of the URL, or unchanged if neither is feasible. If unique is true, the filename will be modified such that it does not conflict with an existing filename by adding a sequence. For example "file.txt" would become "file (1).txt".

Bug fixes:

  • Fix for issue #35 for pausing convenience download and a specific issue with nginx related to pause/resume
  • Fix for issue #38 related to notification permissions on iOS

5.4.6 #

Fix issue #34 with moveToSharedStorage on iOS

5.4.5 #

An invalid url in the Task now results in false being returned from the enqueue call on all platforms. Previously, the behavior was inconsistent.

5.4.4 #

Added optional properties to UploadTask related to multi-part uploads:

  • fileField is the field name used to indicate the file (default to "file")
  • mimeType overrides the mimeType derived from the filename extension
  • fields is a Map<String, String> containing form field name/value pairs that will be uploaded along with the file in a multi-part upload

5.4.3 #

Added optional mimeType parameter for calls to moveToSharedStorage and moveFileToSharedStorage. This sets the mimeType directly, instead of relying on the system to determine the mime type based on the file extension. Note that this may change the filename - for example, when moving the test file google.html to SharedStorage.images while setting mimeType to 'images/jpeg', the path to the file in shared storage becomes /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/google.html.jpg (note the added .jpg).

5.4.2 #

Better permissions management, implementation of moveToSharedStorage for Android versions below Q

5.4.1 #

Minor fixes

5.4.0 #

Shared and scoped storage #

The download directories specified in the BaseDirectory enum are all local to the app. To make downloaded files available to the user outside of the app, or to other apps, they need to be moved to shared or scoped storage, and this is platform dependent behavior. For example, to move the downloaded file associated with a DownloadTask to a shared 'Downloads' storage destination, execute the following after the download has completed:

    final newFilepath = await FileDownloader().moveToSharedStorage(task, SharedStorage.downloads);
    if (newFilePath == null) {
        ... // handle error
    } else {
        ... // do something with the newFilePath

Because the behavior is very platform-specific, not all SharedStorage destinations have the same result. The options are:

  • .downloads - implemented on all platforms, but on iOS files in this directory are not accessible to other users
  • .images - implemented on Android and iOS only. On iOS files in this directory are not accessible to other users
  • .video - implemented on Android and iOS only. On iOS files in this directory are not accessible to other users
  • .audio - implemented on Android and iOS only. On iOS files in this directory are not accessible to other users
  • .files - implemented on Android only
  • .external - implemented on Android only

On MacOS, for the .downloads to work you need to enable App Sandbox entitlements and set the key to true. On Android, depending on what SharedStorage destination you move a file to, and depending on the OS version your app runs on, you may require extra permissions WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and/or READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE . See here for details on the new scoped storage rules starting with Android API version 30, which is what the plugin is using.

Methods moveToSharedStorage and the similar moveFileToSharedStorage also take an optional directory argument for a subdirectory in the SharedStorage destination.

Thanks to @rebaz94 for implementing scoped storage on Android.

Library base directory #

The BaseDirectory enum now also supports .applicationLibrary. On iOS and MacOS this is the directory provided by the path_provider package's getLibraryDirectory() call. On Other platforms, for consistency, this is the subdirectory 'Library' of the directory returned byn the getApplicationSupportDirectory() call.

Bug fix #

Fixed a bug with iOS cancellation in non-US locales.

5.3.0 #

Notifications #

On iOS and Android, for downloads only, the downloader can generate notifications to keep the user informed of progress also when the app is in the background, and allow pause/resume and cancellation of an ongoing download from those notifications.

Configure notifications by calling FileDownloader().configureNotification and supply a TaskNotification object for different states. For example, the following configures notifications to show only when actively running (i.e. download in progress), disappearing when the download completes or ends with an error. It will also show a progress bar and a 'cancel' button, and will substitute {filename} with the actual filename of the file being downloaded.

        running: TaskNotification('Downloading', 'file: {filename}'),
        progressBar: true)

To also show a notifications for other states, add a TaskNotification for complete, error and/or paused. If paused is configured and the task can be paused, a 'Pause' button will show for the running notification, next to the 'Cancel' button.

There are three possible substitutions of the text in the title or body of a TaskNotification:

  • {filename} is replaced with the filename as defined in the Task
  • {progress} is substituted by a progress percentage, or '--%' if progress is unknown
  • {metadata} is substituted by the Task.metaData field

Notifications on iOS follow Apple's guidelines, notably:

  • No progress bar is shown, and the {progress} substitution always substitutes to an empty string. In other words: only a single running notification is shown and it is not updated until the download state changes
  • When the app is in the foreground, on iOS 14 and above the notification will not be shown but will appear in the NotificationCenter. On older iOS versions the notification will be shown also in the foreground. Apple suggests showing progress and download controls within the app when it is in the foreground

While notifications are possible on desktop platforms, there is no true background mode, and progress updates and indicators can be shown within the app. Notifications are therefore ignored on desktop platforms.

The configureNotification call configures notification behavior for all download tasks. You can specify a separate configuration for a group of tasks by calling configureNotificationForGroup and for a single task by calling configureNotificationForTask. A Task configuration overrides a group configuration, which overrides the default configuration.

When attempting to show its first notification, the downloader will ask the user for permission to show notifications (platform version dependent) and abide by the user choice. For Android, starting with API 33, you need to add <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS" /> to your app's AndroidManifest.xml. Also on Android you can localize the button text by overriding string resources bg_downloader_cancel, bg_downloader_pause, bg_downloader_resume and descriptions bg_downloader_notification_channel_name, bg_downloader_notification_channel_description. Localization on iOS is not currently supported.

5.2.0 #

Better persistence for tasks that execute while the app is suspended by the operating system.
To ensure your callbacks or listener capture events that may have happened when your app was suspended in the background, call FileDownloader().resumeFromBackground() right after registering your callbacks or listener.

5.1.0 #

Previously, Android file downloads were limited to 8 minutes. Now, long downloads are possible provided the DownloadTask.allowPause field is set to true. Just before the download times out, the downloader will pause and then resume the task in a new worker, effectively resetting the 9 minute clock. As a result, the download will eventually complete

5.0.0 #

Pause and resume #

To pause or resume a task, call:

  • pause to attempt to pause a task. Whether a task can be canceled or not depends primarily on the server. Soon after the task is running (TaskStatus.running) you can call taskCanResume which will return a Future that resolves to true if the server appears capable of pause & resume. If that returns false, then calling pause will return false as well, and the call is ignored
  • resume to resume a previously paused task, which returns true if resume appears feasible. The taskStatus will follow the same sequence as a newly enqueued task. If resuming turns out to be not feasible (e.g. the operating system deleted the temp file with the partial download) then the task will either restart as a normal download, or fail.

This adds TaskStatus.paused which may require updating switch statements to remain exhaustive, though this status will never appear unless you use pause.

Individual status and progress callbacks for batch upload and download #

Adds status and progress callbacks for individual files in a batch. This is breaking if you used a batch progress callback earlier, as that is now a named parameter. Change:

   final result = await FileDownloader().downloadBatch(tasks, (succeeded, failed) {
      print('$succeeded files succeeded, $failed have failed');
      print('Progress is ${(succeeded + failed) / tasks.length} %');


   final result = await FileDownloader().downloadBatch(tasks, batchProgressCallback: (succeeded, failed) {

To also monitor status and progress for each file in the batch, add a taskStatusCallback (taking Task and TaskStatus as arguments) and/or a taskProgressCallback (taking Task` and a double as arguments).

iOS minimum version from 11.0 to 13.0 #

To improve Swift code readability and maintenance, the minimum iOS version has moved from 11.0 to 13.0

4.2.3 #

Fixed another bug with database.allRecords if taskId contains illegal filename characters (like '/'). For tracking record id purposes those are now replaced with '_'

4.2.2 #

Fixed bug with database.allRecords if taskId contains illegal filename characters (like '/'). For tracking record id purposes those are now replaced with '_'

4.2.1 #

Upgraded dependency to address issue with Windows platform database performance

4.2.0 #

Added creationTime field to Request and Task.

Added allRecordsOlderThan(Duration age, {String? group}) to database, making it easy to extract the TaskRecord entries that are stale.

4.1.0 #

Adds optional tracking of task status and progress in a persistent database.

To keep track of the status and progress of all tasks, even after they have completed, activate tracking by calling trackTasks() and use the database field to query. For example:

    // at app startup, start tracking
    await FileDownloader().trackTasks();
    // somewhere else: enqueue a download
    final task = DownloadTask(
            url: '',
            filename: 'testfile.txt');
    final successfullyEnqueued = await FileDownloader().enqueue(task);
    // somewhere else: query the task status by getting a `TaskRecord`
    // from the database
    final record = await FileDownloader().database.recordForId(task.taskId);
    print('Taskid ${record.taskId} with task ${record.task} has '
        'status ${record.taskStatus} and progress ${record.progress}'

You can interact with the database using allRecords, recordForId, deleteAllRecords, deleteRecordWithId etc. Note that only tasks that you asked to be tracked (using trackTasks, which activates tracking for all tasks in a group) will be in the database. All active tasks in the queue, regardless of tracking, can be queried via the FileDownloader.taskForId call etc, but those will only return the task itself, not its status or progress, as those are expected to be monitored via listener or callback. Note: tasks that are started using download, upload, batchDownload or batchUpload are assigned a special group name 'await', as callbacks for these tasks are handled within the FileDownloader. If you want to track those tasks in the database, call FileDownloader().trackTasks(FileDownloader.awaitGroup) at the start of your app.

4.0.0 #

Adds support for MacOS, Windows and Linux and refactored the backend to be more easily extensible.

Changes FileDownloader usage from static to a singleton. This means that instead of calling FileDownloader.downloader(...) now call FileDownloader().downloader(...) etc.

Calling .initialize is not longer required.

3.0.1 #

iOS BaseDirectory.applicationSupport now uses iOS applicationSupportDirectory instead of libraryDirectory

3.0.0 #

Version 3 introduces uploads, onProgress and onStatus callbacks passed to download and upload, and cleans up the API to be less verbose.

The class hierarchy is Request -> Task -> (DownloadTask | UploadTask), and several methods and callbacks will return or expect a Task that may be a DownloadTask or UploadTask.

To align naming convention, several class and enum names have been changed:

  • class BackgroundDownloadTask -> DownloadTask, and field progressUpdates -> updates
  • enum DownloadTaskStatus -> TaskStatus
  • enum DownloadProgressUpdates -> Updates (and enum value changes)
  • class BackgroundDownloadEvent -> TaskUpdate
  • class BackgroundDownloadStatusEvent -> TaskStatusUpdate
  • class BackgroundDownloadProgressEvent -> TaskProgressUpdate
  • typedef DownloadStatusCallback -> TaskStatusCallback
  • typedef DownloadProgressCallback -> TaskProgressCallback
  • class DownloadBatch -> Batch
  • typedef BatchDownloadProgressCallback -> BatchProgressCallback

2.1.1 #

The url and urlQueryParameters passed to a BackgroundDownloadTask or Request must be encoded if necessary. For example, if the url or query parameters contain a space, it must be replaced with %20 per urlencoding

2.1.0 #


  • Added option to use a POST request: setting the post field to a String or UInt8List passes that data to the server using the POST method to obtain your file
  • Added request method, taking a Request object (a superclass of BackgroundDownloadTask), for simple server requests, where you process the server response directly (i.e. not in a file).
  • Refactored Android Kotlin code and made small improvement to the fix for issue with Firebase plugin onMethodCall handler

2.0.1 #

Fix for issue with Firebase plugin onMethodCall handler

2.0.0 #

Added option to automatically retry failed downloads. This is a breaking change, though for most existing implementations no or very little change is required.

The main change is the addition of enqueued and waitingToRetry status to the DownloadTaskStatus enum (and removal of undefined). As a result, when checking a DownloadStatusUpdate (e.g. using a switch statement) you need to cover these new cases (and for existing implementations can typically just ignore them). The progressUpdate equivalent of waitingToRetry is a value of -4.0, but for existing implementations this will never be emitted, as they won't have retries.

The second change is that a task now emits enqueued when enqueued, and running once the actual download (on the native platform) starts. In existing applications this can generally be ignored, but it allows for more precise status updates.

To use automatic retries, simply set the retries field of the BackgroundDownloadTask to an integer between 0 and 10. A normal download (without the need for retries) will follow status updates from enqueued -> running -> complete (or notFound). If retries has been set and the task fails, the sequence will be enqueued -> running -> waitingToRetry -> enqueued -> running -> complete (if the second try succeeds, or more retries if needed).

1.6.1 #

Fix for issue with Firebase plugin onMethodCall handler

1.6.0 #

Added option to set requiresWiFi on the BackgroundDownloadTask, which ensures the task won't start downloading unless a WiFi network is available. By default requiresWiFi is false, and downloads will use the cellular (or metered) network if WiFi is not available, which may incur cost.

1.5.0 #

Added allTasks method to get a list of running tasks. Use allTaskIds to get a list of taskIds only.

1.4.2 #

Added note to README referring to an issue ( and fix) where the firebase plugin interferes with the downloader

1.4.1 #

Improved example app, updated documentation and fixed minor Android bug

1.4.0 #

Added downloadBatch method to enqueue and wait for completion of a batch of downloads

1.3.0 #

Added option to use an event listener instead of (or in addition to) callbacks

1.2.0 #

Added as a convenience method for simple downloads. This method's Future completes only after the download has completed or failed, and can be used for simple downloads where status and progress checking is not required.

1.1.0 #

Added headers and metaData fields to the BackgroundDownloadTask. Headers will be added to the request, and metaData is ignored but may be helpful to the user

1.0.2 #

Replaced Ktor client with a basic Kotlin implementation

1.0.0 #

Initial release




Weekly Downloads

A multi-platform background file downloader and uploader. Define the task, enqueue and monitor progress

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async, collection, flutter, http, localstore, logging, mime, path, path_provider


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