backendless_sdk 8.0.0-alpha.28 copy "backendless_sdk: ^8.0.0-alpha.28" to clipboard
backendless_sdk: ^8.0.0-alpha.28 copied to clipboard

Flutter plugin for Backendless SDK. It provides access to the Backendless services that enable the server-side functionality for developing and running mobile and desktop apps.

8.0.0-alpha.28 #

  • Updated minimum supported Flutter-SDK to 3.0.0 version.
  • Code refactoring to Flutter 3.0.0 standards.

8.0.0-alpha.27 #

  • Added the ability to ignore badge for push notifications(if badge value in your console was set to 0).

8.0.0-alpha.25 #

  • Minor fixes for push templates service.

8.0.0-alpha.24 #

  • Added implementation for AtomicCounters

8.0.0-alpha.23 #

  • Added implementation for on tap push notifications for Android.

8.0.0-alpha.22 #

  • Fixed on tap push action when device is locked for iOS.

8.0.0-alpha.21 #

  • Minor code refactoring

8.0.0-alpha.20 #

  • Fixed on tap push action when app in foreground for iOS

8.0.0-alpha.19 #

  • Fixed duplicating of push notifications after more then one calling registerDevice method.

8.0.0-alpha.18 #

  • Minor optimization changes.

8.0.0-alpha.17 #

  • Fixed problem with BackendlessException's object parsing.

8.0.0-alpha.16 #

  • Fixed method unregisterDevice.

8.0.0-alpha.15 #

  • Hot fix with double displaying of push notification in Android when app in foreground.

8.0.0-alpha.14 #

  • Fixed handling of push notifications for Android.

8.0.0-alpha.13 #

  • Added optional parameter callbackUrlDomain to getAuthorizationUrlLink method.

8.0.0-alpha.12 #

  • Fixed issues with 'addBulkCreateListener'.

8.0.0-alpha.11 #

  • BackendlessExpressions removed as a separate parameter. Now it should be used inside an object (for example, 'changes' in the update method) that is sent to the server.

8.0.0-alpha.10 #

  • Added 'uniqueEmails' parameter in 'EmailEnvelope'. By default this parameter is true.
  • Added 'append' method in Backendless.files section.
  • Fixed bug in 'saveFile' method. Now file content should be in string format as base64 instead of Uint8List.

8.0.0-alpha.9 #

  • Added support for BackendlessExpressions in methods: 'update', 'bulkUpdate' in Transaction and Data API.

8.0.0-alpha.8 #

  • Added support grouping api. Methods: 'group' and 'getGroupObjectCount'.

8.0.0-alpha.7 #

  • Fixed several bugs.
  • Added support for push templates for Android and IOS.

8.0.0-alpha.6 #

  • Fixed restorePassword method.

8.0.0-alpha.5 #

  • Bug fixing in transactions API.

8.0.0-alpha.4 #

  • Fixed minor issue in transaction API.

8.0.0-alpha.3 #

  • Fixed an issue where the 'whereClause', 'havingClause' and 'properties' parameters were ignored in the transactions APIs.

8.0.0-alpha.2 #

  • Fixed error that appears when calling removeListeners.
  • Fixed broken transactions APIs.
  • Fixed broken addAllProperties method for DataQueryBuilder.
  • Fixed decoding of text symbols.

8.0.0-alpha.1 #

  • Significantly improved the speed of the SDK.
  • Many bugs have been fixed.
  • All api requests have been transferred to REST.
  • Flutter-sdk no longer uses Android-sdk and iOS-sdk, now it handles requests on its own.
  • Web is not yet supported in the alpha version.

7.3.1 #

  • Added parameter 'attachments' to sendEmailFromTemplate method.

7.3.0 #

  • Bump Backendless Android SDK version to 7.0.0

7.2.12 #

  • Fixed a bug with an issue where the user token would continue to be sent in a custom service request even after logout.

7.2.11 #

  • Fixed bug in web with nested relations named the same as global js classes.

7.2.10 #

  • Fixed bug due to which connect and disconnect listeners did not work in RT.

7.2.9 #

  • Fixed bug with ignoring relation properties for transaction find method

7.2.8 #

  • Updated dependencies to newer ones
  • Minor refactoring

7.2.7 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

  • Bump Backendless Android SDK version to 6.3.6
  • Bump Backendless iOS SDK version to 6.7.2
  • BREAKING The minimum iOS version is 11.0

7.2.6 #

  • Fixed a problem with setCurrentUser method.

7.2.5 #

  • Fixed a bug due to which the request for permission to send push notifications did not appear on IOS.

7.2.4 #

  • Fixed a bug that did not allow you to remove a subscription to a RT event in Android.

7.2.3 #

  • Fixed a bug that occurred when working with Cyrillic in custom services

7.2.2 #

  • Fixed a bug due to which the method parsed the response incorrectly on ios.

7.2.1 #

  • Added getAuthorizationUrlLink method.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the RT handlers did not work in the web application.

7.2.0 #

  • Added support for upsert in save method.
  • Added upsert and bulkUpsert methods for transactions.

7.1.9 #

  • Added the ability to set the stayLoggedIn parameter in the setCurrentUser method.

7.1.8 #

  • Updated version of Android-SDK
  • Fixed problem with initializing custom domains.

7.1.7 #

  • Added support null safety for tests
  • Fixed a bug due to which the web project did not start

7.1.6 #

  • Fixed a bug due to which the user-token did not get into custom services
  • Added custom headers implementation to custom services

7.1.5 #

  • Fixed bug with DataQueryBuilder

7.1.4 #

  • Fixed a bug in the relationsDepth parameter for IOS
  • Now the minimum version of IOS is 10.

7.1.3 #

  • Upgrade Android embedding

7.1.2 #

  • Added implementation for method findByRole
  • Added leave and removeAllMessageListeners methods
  • Fixed error with compile app for ios

7.1.1 #

  • Bump Backendless Android SDK version to 6.3.1

7.1.0 #


  • createEmailConfirmationURL method
  • RT listeners for relations
  • Deep save

7.0.0 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

  • Enable null safety
  • Require Dart 2.12 or greater
  • App initialization with custom domain
  • BREAKING Update initApp method signature with named parameters

6.3.3 #

  • Handle stayLoggedIn parameter for loginWithOauth methods
  • Fix BackendlessUser encoding
  • Add setCurrentUser() method. currentUser() method renamed to getCurrentUser()

6.3.2 #

  • Fixes and improvements.

6.3.1 #

  • Fix social login with guest user

6.3.0 #

  • Add BulkCreateListener for Data RT
  • Enable template values for pushWithTemplate method
  • Support spatial data types for Web
  • Fixes and optimizations

6.2.0 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

  • Add distinct parameter to DataQueryBuilder
  • Fix relationsPageSize parameter on Android
  • Rename providerName parameter to providerCode.
  • Add new oauth login methods: loginWithOauth1 & loginWithOauth2
  • BREAKING Remove old social login methods: loginWithGoogle, loginWithFacebook & loginWithTwitter
  • BREAKING Remove deprecated geo service. You should use new spatial data types

6.1.0 #

  • Added JSON API

6.0.3 #

  • Fix Custom Service invocation for Web

6.0.2 #

  • Implement social logins for Web
  • Minor fixes for Web platform

6.0.1 #

  • Add Web support

6.0.0 #

  • Introduce Transactions API
  • Bump the plugin version to match the Backendless v.6 release

1.1.8 #

  • Fixed error handling for iOS

1.1.7 #

  • Fixed a crash on iOS due to Swift SDK update

1.1.6 #

  • Added excludeProperties. Usage:
dataQueryBuilder.excludeProperties = ['excluded-property-1', 'exclude-property-2'];
  • Fixed EmailBodyParts naming

1.1.5 #

  • Updated relations method signatures. Now you can just use parent and child object IDs instead of the object itself.
  • Fixed crash during call
  • Implemented method removeHeader that accepts String key
  • Implemented custom class approach for the BackendlessUser class. Call<BackendlessUser>() to start working with Users table.

1.1.4 #

  • Fixed DateTime deserialization

1.1.3 #

  • Fixed iOS methods not returning the result

1.1.2 #

  • Fixed inner sdk classes deserialization

1.1.1 #

  • Guest login with social account

1.1.0 #

  • Support for geometry data types
  • Custom classes caching

1.0.1 #

  • Fixed crash during publish() call

1.0.0 #

  • Bump to released version
  • Added integration tests
  • Fixes and optimizations

0.4.1 #

  • Added relationsPageSize parameter to DataQueryBuilder
  • Fixed deserialization of List<CustomClass> properties in ClassDrivenDataStore
  • Fixed DateTime deserialization in ClassDrivenDataStore
  • Fixed encoding/decoding of class BackendlessGeoQuery

0.4.0 #

  • Fixed method setRelation to correctly work with Map children
  • Fixed deserialization of DateTime for ClassDrivenDataStore on iOS
  • Added AndroidX support in Android example
  • Fixed decoding of EmailEnvelope
  • A lot of fixes and improvements.

0.3.1 #

  • Fixed HeadersEnum rawValues in iOS.
  • Fixed problem with sending BackendlessUser from Flutter to native SDK.

0.3.0 #

  • Added Class to Table Mapping and Column Name Mapping.
  • Added FlutterBackendlessFCMService. Now you can handle notifications from Flutter.
  • Added the ability to publish and subscribe to custom classes.
  • A lot of fixes and improvements.

0.2.0 #

  • Add support for custom classes. To start working with custom classes, use the following method:<TestTable>().
  • Add methods Backendless.getHeaders, Backendless.setHeader, Backendless.removeHeader, and also Backendless.userService.getUserToken, Backendless.UserService.setUserToken.
  • Fixes and optimizations.

0.1.1 #

  • Remove redundant methods.
  • Fix encoding issues.

0.1.0 #

  • Add support for iOS.

0.0.4 #

  • Fixes and improvements.

0.0.3 #

  • Restructure the plugin.

0.0.2 #

  • Fix all analyzer hints.

0.0.1 #

  • Initial version for Android.
pub points


unverified uploader

Flutter plugin for Backendless SDK. It provides access to the Backendless services that enable the server-side functionality for developing and running mobile and desktop apps.



API reference


MIT (license)


collection, connectivity_plus, device_info_plus, firebase_core, firebase_messaging, flutter, flutter_local_notifications, flutter_secure_storage, flutter_web_plugins, http, reflectable, shared_preferences, socket_io_client, synchronized, uuid


Packages that depend on backendless_sdk