babstrap_settings_screen 0.1.7
babstrap_settings_screen: ^0.1.7 copied to clipboard
This project help developpers to display a beautiful Settings Screen UI using Flutter.
Babstrap settings screen #
This project allows you to create an intuitive and visually appealing Settings screen for your Flutter applications.
Compatible with Android & iOS & Web.
Showcase #
Settings screen | SmallUserCard |
![]() |
![]() |
BigUserCard | SimpleUserCard |
![]() |
![]() |
Getting started #
- add the following dependency in your
babstrap_settings_screen : "^latest_version"
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- add import in your
import 'package:babstrap_settings_screen/babstrap_settings_screen.dart';
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- Example
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10),
child: ListView(
children: [
// User card
userName: "Babacar Ndong",
userProfilePic: AssetImage("assets/logo.png"),
cardActionWidget: SettingsItem(
icons: Icons.edit,
iconStyle: IconStyle(
withBackground: true,
borderRadius: 50,
backgroundColor: Colors.yellow[600],
title: "Modify",
subtitle: "Tap to change your data",
onTap: () {
items: [
onTap: () {},
icons: CupertinoIcons.pencil_outline,
iconStyle: IconStyle(),
title: 'Appearance',
subtitle: "Make Ziar'App yours",
onTap: () {},
icons: Icons.dark_mode_rounded,
iconStyle: IconStyle(
iconsColor: Colors.white,
withBackground: true,
title: 'Dark mode',
subtitle: "Automatic",
trailing: Switch.adaptive(
value: false,
onChanged: (value) {},
items: [
onTap: () {},
icons: Icons.info_rounded,
iconStyle: IconStyle(
backgroundColor: Colors.purple,
title: 'About',
subtitle: "Learn more about Ziar'App",
// You can add a settings title
settingsGroupTitle: "Account",
items: [
onTap: () {},
icons: Icons.exit_to_app_rounded,
title: "Sign Out",
onTap: () {},
icons: CupertinoIcons.delete_solid,
title: "Delete account",
titleStyle: TextStyle(
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
copied to clipboard
Components #
- SettingsGroup
Parameters | Type | Description |
settingsGroupTitle | String? | Use it to add a Title for the group |
settingsGroupTitleStyle | TextStyle? | Adapt the style of the title to your liking |
backgroundColor | Color? | Use it to custom item's colors |
items | List<SettingsItem> |
Use it to add the SettingsItem allowing the user to do action |
iconItemSize | double? | Use it to increase or decrease all SettingsItem icon size |
- SettingsItem
Parameters | Type | Description |
icons | IconData | Use it to add an Icon at the beginning |
iconStyle | IconStyle? | Use it to change the icon colour, add the icon background, etc. |
title | String | Use it to add a title on the SettingsItem |
titleStyle | TextStyle? | Use it to change the title style |
subtitle | String? | Use it to add a subtitle on the SettingsItem |
subtitleStyle | TextStyle? | Use it to change the subtitle style |
trailing | Widget? | Use it to add a widget at the end of the SettingsItem |
onTap | VoidCallback | Use it to trigger an action on click |
- BigUserCard
Parameters | Type | Description |
userProfilePic | ImageProvider | Use it to display an image |
cardColor | Color? | Use it to change the card color |
cardRadius | double? | Use it to change the card corner radius |
backgroundMotifColor | Color? | Use it to change the card background motif color |
cardActionWidget | Widget? | Use it to add an other Widget on the card for managing the onTap action (You use a SettingsItem here) |
userName | String? | Use it to add the user name |
userMoreInfo | Widget? | Use it to add more user's informations |
- SmallUserCard
Parameters | Type | Description |
userProfilePic | ImageProvider | Use it to display an image |
cardColor | Color? | Use it to change the card color |
cardRadius | double? | Use it to change the card corner radius |
backgroundMotifColor | Color? | Use it to change the card background motif color |
onTap | VoidCallback | Use it to trigger an action on Card clicked |
userName | String? | Use it to add the user name |
userMoreInfo | Widget? | Use it to add more user's informations |
- SimpleUserCard
Parameters | Type | Description |
userProfilePic | ImageProvider | Use it to display an image |
userName | String | Use it to add the user name |
imageRadius | double? | Use it to change the image corner |
onTap | VoidCallback? | Use it to trigger an action on the Image |
textStyle | TextStyle? | Use it to change the userName text style |
icon | Icon? | Use it tot add a Icon on the image for improve the UI |
Licence #
Licence MIT