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b012_data is a package that allow you to build, generate and manipulate data (sqlfite and disc files) very easily

b012_data is for data manipulations #


Framework name: B012sqlfEasy
- Define a constructor with optional argument that holds every fied<br/>.
    Example: Business([this.idBusiness,this.nomBusiness,this.dateCreation,this.siege,this.isChoose])

- field names of type date must containt the substring *date*. Nb: this substring is not cas sensitive<br/>
    Examples: dateCreation,creationDate,creationDATE,theDaTeOf

- field names of type Uint8List must containt the substring *file*. Nb: this substring is not cas sensitive<br/>
    Examples: fileName,fileContent,imageFILE,profilFile

- Add constraints using optionaly these 5 getter depending on what constraint you woud add:<br/>
    CREATE TABLE Business (
      idBusiness text PRIMARY KEY,
      nomBusiness text NOT NULL,
      dateCreation Datetime NOT NULL,
      siege text DEFAULT NULL,
      isChoose INTEGER NOT NULL CHECK(isChoose IN (0,1))
    is geneate as follow:<br/>

    String get pKey => "idBusiness";
    List<String> get notNulls => <String>['nomBusiness','dateCreation','isChoose'];
    List<String> get uniques => null;
    Map<String,String> get checks => {'isChoose':'isChoose in (0,1)'};
    Map<String,String> get defaults => {'siege':'NULL'};
    Map<String,List<String>> get fKeys => {'siege':['Siege','idSiege']};

    If a constraint is not need,you don't have to set its corresponding getter or simply make it return null<br/>

- Always define a named constructor and an inatance method with the same name fromMap like below:<br/>
    Entite.fromMap(dynamic jsonOrMap) and <br/>
    Entite fromMap(dynamic jsonOrMap)=>Entite.fromMap(jsonOrMap)<br/>

- Define the Map<String, dynamic> toMap() methode and make sure to assign an aproprate default value to each null ones

///////////////////////////////////////////////  ABOUT SQLITE  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Important note from sqlite documentation:<br/>
    Supported SQLite types<br/>
    No validity check is done on values yet so please avoid non supported types https://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html<br/>
    DateTime is not a supported SQLite type. Personally I store them as int (millisSinceEpoch) or string (iso8601).<br/> 
    SQLite TIMESTAMP type sometimes requires using date functions. TIMESTAMP values are read as String that the application needs to parse.<br/>
    bool is not a supported SQLite type. Use INTEGER and 0 and 1 values.

    Whwen tying to save data type bool, it fails and the below message appears
    *** WARNING ***
    I/flutter (26142): Invalid argument true with type bool.
    I/flutter (26142): Only num, String and Uint8List are supported. See https://github.com/tekartik/sqflite/blob/master/sqflite/doc/supported_types.md for details
    I/flutter (26142): This will throw an exception in the future. For now it is displayed once per type.

    * SQLite type: INTEGER
    * Dart type: int
    * Supported values: from -2^63 to 2^63 - 1
    * SQLite type: REAL
    * Dart type: num
    * SQLite type: TEXT
    * Dart type: String
    * SQLite typ: BLOB
    * Dart type: Uint8List
pub points


unverified uploader

b012_data is a package that allow you to build, generate and manipulate data (sqlfite and disc files) very easily

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, path_provider, sqflite


Packages that depend on b012_data