azure_speech_recognition 0.8.0 copy "azure_speech_recognition: ^0.8.0" to clipboard
azure_speech_recognition: ^0.8.0 copied to clipboard

An implementation of Azure Speech Recognition Service for Flutter.

AzureSpeechRecognition #

Demonstrates how to use the AzureSpeechRecognition plugin.

Getting Started #

This project is a starting point for using the Azure Speech Recognition Services.

To use this plugin you must have already create an account on the cognitive service page.

Installation #

To install the package use the latest:

azure_speech_recognition: ^0.8.0

Usage #

import 'package:azure_speech_recognition/AzureSpeechRecognition.dart';

Initialize #

There are 2 type of initializer:

Simple initializer #

It should be used in any case other than the IntentRecognition. The language default setting is "en-EN" but you could use what you want (if it is supported).

AzureSpeechRecognition.initialize("your_subscription_key", "your_server_region",lang: "it-IT");

Intent initializer #

It should be used only in IntentRecognition. The language default setting is "en-EN" but you could use what you want (if it is supported).

AzureSpeechRecognition.initializeLanguageUnderstading("your_language_subscription_key", "your_language_server_region", "your_language_appId",lang:"it-IT");

Types of recognitions #

Simple voice recognition #

The response is given at the end of the recognition.

AzureSpeechRecognition _speechAzure;
String subKey = "your_key";
String region = "your_server_region";
String lang = "it-IT";

void activateSpeechRecognizer(){
  AzureSpeechRecognition.initialize(subKey, region,lang: lang);
  _speechAzure.setFinalTranscription((text) {
    // do what you want with your final transcription

  _speechAzure.setRecognitionStartedHandler(() {
   // called at the start of recognition (it could also not be used)


  void initState() {
    _speechAzure = new AzureSpeechRecognition();



Future recognizeVoice() async {
    try {
    } on PlatformException catch (e) {
      print("Failed start the recognition: '${e.message}'.");

Voice recognition with microphone streaming #

It returns in the recognitionResultHandler the temporary phrases that it understand and at the end the final response is returned by the setFinalTranscription method.

void activateSpeechRecognizer(){
  AzureSpeechRecognition.initialize(subKey, region,lang: lang);
  _speechAzure.setFinalTranscription((text) {
    // do what you want with your final transcription

  _speechAzure.setRecognitionResultHandler((text) {
    // do what you want with your partial transcription (this one is called every time a word is recognized)
    // if you have a string that is displayed you could call here setState() to updated with the partial result

  _speechAzure.setRecognitionStartedHandler(() {
   // called at the start of recognition (it could also not be used)


Future recognizeVoiceMicStreaming() async {
    try {
    } on PlatformException catch (e) {
      print("Failed start the recognition: '${e.message}'.");

Voice recognition with microphone streaming #

It returns in the recognitionResultHandler the temporary phrases that it understand and at the end the final response is returned by the setFinalTranscription method.

void activateSpeechRecognizer(){
  AzureSpeechRecognition.initialize(subKey, region,lang: lang);
  _speechAzure.setFinalTranscription((text) {
    // do what you want with your final transcription

  _speechAzure.setRecognitionResultHandler((text) {
    // do what you want with your partial transcription (this one is called every time a word is recognized)
    // if you have a string that is displayed you could call here setState() to updated with the partial result

  _speechAzure.setRecognitionStartedHandler(() {
   // called at the start of recognition (it could also not be used)


Future recognizeVoiceMicStreaming() async {
    try {
    } on PlatformException catch (e) {
      print("Failed start the recognition: '${e.message}'.");

Voice recognition continuously : CURRENTLY NOT WORKING #

It returns in the recognitionResultHandler the temporary phrases that it understand and at when the function is called again the final response is returned by the setFinalTranscription method.

Voice intent recognition #

It returns in the recognitionResultHandler the temporary phrases that it understand and at the end the final response is returned by the setFinalTranscription method.

void activateSpeechRecognizer(){
  AzureSpeechRecognition.initializeLanguageUnderstading(subKey, region, appId, lang: lang);
  _speechAzure.setFinalTranscription((text) {
    // do what you want with your final transcription

  _speechAzure.setRecognitionResultHandler((text) {
    // do what you want with your partial transcription (this one is called every time a word is recognized)
    // if you have a string that is displayed you could call here setState() to updated with the partial result

  _speechAzure.setRecognitionStartedHandler(() {
   // called at the start of recognition (it could also not be used)


Future speechIntentRecognizer() async {
    try {
    } on PlatformException catch (e) {
      print("Failed start the recognition: '${e.message}'.");

Voice recognition with keyword : CURRENTLY NOT WORKING #

This method require the keywords file to be put in the asset folder. The mandatory parameter is the name of that file. It returns in the recognitionResultHandler the temporary phrases that it understand and at the end the final response is returned by the setFinalTranscription method.

Contributing #

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

pub points



An implementation of Azure Speech Recognition Service for Flutter.

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