azure_silent_auth 1.0.1 copy "azure_silent_auth: ^1.0.1" to clipboard
azure_silent_auth: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard

A Flutter package for handling silent authentication using azure backend

Azure Silent Login #

A Flutter package for seamless integration with Azure authentication and Silent Login.

Features #

  • Azure Authentication: Integration with Azure authentication including login, logout, and silent login.
  • Secure Storage: Securely store and manage tokens and user data.
  • Silent Login: Provides silent login functionality which saves developers time.
  • Useful for Offline Applications: Silent login functionality is particularly useful for offline applications where continuous user authentication may not be possible.
  • Token Management: Automatically manages token expiration and refreshing.

Explanation: #

  1. First-Time Login:

    • When the user opens the app for the first time, call AzureAuth->Login() to open the authentication page.
    • Upon successful login, the token is securely stored.
  2. Token Retrieval:

    • When the app needs the token, call AzureAuth->getAccessToken().
    • The token's validity is checked; if expired, it is automatically refreshed.
  3. Silent Login:

    • Use AzureAuth->silentLogin() when the app is opened again.
    • The stored token is validated in the background without redirecting the user to the authentication page.
    • If the token is invalid or expired, an error is thrown, allowing developers to redirect the user to the login screen.
  4. Logout:

    • Call AzureAuth->logout() to clear all locally stored token and user data.
    • Sends a request to the OpenID Provider to log out the End-User.

Documentation #

Explore the documentation to learn more.

Getting started #

To use this package, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  azure_silent_auth: ^1.0.0

Then, run:

flutter pub get

Prerequisites #

Flutter: Your app should use Flutter framework. Dart: Your app should use Dart programming language.

Platform #

Tested in Windows and iOS, Should work on Android too.

Usage #

  AzureAuth _azureAuth = AzureAuth(
    authenticatorProvider: DefaultAuthenticator(
      ["openId", "offline_access"],
      {nnnn}, // Redirect URI's port in Azure app registration authentication (http://localhost:nnnn/)

Please refer main.dart in the example app to see how this instance can be used in different scenarios.

Additional information #

  • Contributions: Contributions are welcome! Open an issue or submit a pull request.
  • issues: If you encounter any issues, please feel free to reach out to Email: