azure_ad_authentication 1.0.5 copy "azure_ad_authentication: ^1.0.5" to clipboard
azure_ad_authentication: ^1.0.5 copied to clipboard

The Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) enables developers to acquire tokens from the Microsoft identity platform in order to authenticate users and access secured

azure_ad_authentication #

Azure Ad package Msal login for Android, iOS and MacOs, AD refund information user and token and expiration time session

Register your App #

This app comes pre-configured for testing. If you would like to register your own app, please follow the steps below.

To Register an app:

Sign in to the Azure portal using either a work or school account. In the left-hand navigation pane, select the Azure Active Directory blade, and then select App registrations. Click on the New registration button at the top left of the page.

Android Configs #

  • Version msal 4.+

Extra Setup for Android Network Security for Msal 4.+ #

  • Path folder res -> xml -> network_security_config.xml

  • No Network Security Config specified, using platform default

  • Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <!-- Trust preinstalled CAs -->
            <certificates src="system" />
            <!-- Trust user added CAs while debuggable only -->
            <certificates src="user" />
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  • AndroidManifest.xml
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For Andriod

  • Integrating with a broker Generate a redirect URI for a broker You must register a redirect URI that is compatible with the broker. The redirect URI for the broker should include your app's package name and the Base64-encoded representation of your app's signature.

The format of the redirect URI is:


You can use keytool to generate a Base64-encoded signature hash using your app's signing keys, and then use the Azure portal to generate your redirect URI using that hash.

  • Linux and macOS:
keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64
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  • Windows
keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore %HOMEPATH%\.android\debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64
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  • AndroidManifest.xml
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
                android:path="/<YOUR_BASE64_ENCODED_PACKAGE_SIGNATURE>" />
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  • build.gradle
 signingConfigs {
       debug {
           storeFile file("Keystore/debug.keystore")
           storePassword 'android'
           keyAlias 'androiddebugkey'
           keyPassword 'android'

   buildTypes {
       release {
           signingConfig signingConfigs.release
       debug {
           signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
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  • Path folder res -> raw -> msal_default_config.json

MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library)

  "client_id" : "xxxxxxxxxxx",
  "authorization_user_agent" : "DEFAULT",
  "redirect_uri" : "msauth://xxxxxxxxxx/U5rbvBLdFUbEazWhQfDgt6oRa24%3D",
  "account_mode" : "MULTIPLE",
  "minimum_required_broker_protocol_version": "3.0",
  "multiple_clouds_supported": false,
  "broker_redirect_uri_registered": true,
  "web_view_zoom_controls_enabled": true,
  "web_view_zoom_enabled": true,
  "environment": "Production",
  "power_opt_check_for_network_req_enabled": true,
  "handle_null_taskaffinity": false,
  "authorization_in_current_task": false,
  "authorities" : [
      "type": "AAD",
      "authority_url": "",
      "audience": {
        "type": "AzureADMultipleOrgs"
      "default": true
  "browser_safelist": [
      "browser_package_name": "",
      "browser_signature_hashes": [
      "browser_use_customTab" : true,
      "browser_version_lower_bound": "45"
      "browser_package_name": "",
      "browser_signature_hashes": [
      "browser_use_customTab" : false
      "browser_package_name": "org.mozilla.firefox",
      "browser_signature_hashes": [
      "browser_use_customTab" : false
      "browser_package_name": "org.mozilla.firefox",
      "browser_signature_hashes": [
      "browser_use_customTab" : true,
      "browser_version_lower_bound": "57"
      "browser_package_name": "",
      "browser_signature_hashes": [
      "browser_use_customTab" : true,
      "browser_version_lower_bound": "4.0"
      "browser_package_name": "",
      "browser_signature_hashes": [
      "browser_use_customTab" : false
      "browser_package_name": "com.cloudmosa.puffinFree",
      "browser_signature_hashes": [
      "browser_use_customTab" : false
      "browser_package_name": "",
      "browser_signature_hashes": [
      "browser_use_customTab" : false
      "browser_package_name": "com.explore.web.browser",
      "browser_signature_hashes": [
      "browser_use_customTab" : false

      "browser_package_name": "com.ksmobile.cb",
      "browser_signature_hashes": [
      "browser_use_customTab" : false

      "browser_package_name": "",
      "browser_signature_hashes": [
      "browser_use_customTab" : false

      "browser_package_name": "com.opera.browser",
      "browser_signature_hashes": [
      "browser_use_customTab" : false

      "browser_package_name": "",
      "browser_signature_hashes": [
      "browser_use_customTab" : false

      "browser_package_name": "mobi.mgeek.TunnyBrowser",
      "browser_signature_hashes": [
      "browser_use_customTab" : false

      "browser_package_name": "org.mozilla.focus",
      "browser_signature_hashes": [
      "browser_use_customTab" : false
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iOs Configs #

  • Version msal 1.2.9
  • minimum support 14

Configuring MSAL Adding MSAL to your project Register your app in the Azure portal Make sure you register a redirect URI for your application. It should be in the following format:


Add a new keychain group to your project Capabilities. Keychain group should be on iOS and on macOS.

alt text

See more information about keychain groups and Silent SSO for MSAL.

iOS only steps: Add your application's redirect URI scheme to your Info.plist file

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Add LSApplicationQueriesSchemes to allow making call to Microsoft Authenticator if installed. Note that "msauthv3" scheme is needed when compiling your app with Xcode 11 and later.

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See more info about configuring redirect uri for MSAL

MacOs Configs #

  • Version msal 1.2.9

Add URI scheme in the Info.plist. Redirect URI scheme follows the format msauth.[app_bundle_id]. Make sure to substitute [app_bundle_id] with the Bundle Identifier for your application.

 String _authority = "";

 String _redirectUri = "msauth.msal2794d211-4e3f-4010-9f37-250f928d19c5://auth";
 String _clientId = "2794d211-4e3f-4010-9f37-250f928d19c5";
 Future<AzureAdAuthentication> intPca() async {
    return await AzureAdAuthentication.createPublicClientApplication(
        clientId: _clientId, authority: _authority, redirectUri: _redirectUri,);
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  • Step 2: Configure Xcode project settings Add a new keychain group to your project Signing & Capabilities. The keychain group should be on macOS.

alt text

Xcode UI displaying how the the keychain group should be set up



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The Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) enables developers to acquire tokens from the Microsoft identity platform in order to authenticate users and access secured

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Packages that depend on azure_ad_authentication