azure 0.0.2 copy "azure: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
azure: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard

Azure dart package

Azure Dart Package #

The azure Dart package is a monorepo consisting of multiple sub-packages, starting with the open_ai and ai packages. The open_ai package provides an easy-to-use interface to interact with Azure OpenAI services, including features such as completions, embeddings, chat completions, image generation, transcriptions, and translations. The ai package is a placeholder for future Azure AI services.

Table of Contents #

Features #

  • Completions: Generate text based on provided prompts.
  • Embeddings: Get vector representations of given inputs for use in machine learning models.
  • Chat Completions: Create conversational AI responses.
  • Image Generation: Generate images based on text descriptions using DALL-E.
  • Audio Transcriptions: Transcribe audio into text.
  • Audio Translations: Translate audio into English.

Installation #

Add the package to your pubspec.yaml:

  azure: ^1.0.0

Then, run:

dart pub get

Usage #

Initialization #

To start using the package, you need to initialize the Azure class by providing your Azure endpoint and API key.

import 'package:azure/azure.dart';

void main() {
  final azure = Azure(
    endpoint: '',
    apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',

Completions #

Generate completions based on a prompt.

final completions = await azure.openAI.completions.createCompletion(
  deploymentId: 'YOUR_DEPLOYMENT_ID',
  prompt: 'Tell me a joke about cats.',
  maxTokens: 50,
  temperature: 0.8,

Embeddings #

Create embeddings for given inputs.

final embeddings = await azure.openAI.embeddings.createEmbedding(
  deploymentId: 'YOUR_DEPLOYMENT_ID',
  inputs: ['This is a test sentence.'],

Chat Completions #

Generate chat completions for a conversation.

final chatResponse = await
  deploymentId: 'YOUR_DEPLOYMENT_ID',
  messages: [
    {'role': 'user', 'content': 'What is the weather like today?'}

Image Generation #

Generate images based on a prompt using DALL-E.

final images = await azure.openAI.images.generateImage(
  deploymentId: 'YOUR_DEPLOYMENT_ID',
  prompt: 'A futuristic city skyline at sunset.',

Audio Transcriptions #

Transcribe an audio file.

final transcription = await azure.openAI.transcriptions.transcribe(
  deploymentId: 'YOUR_DEPLOYMENT_ID',
  filePath: 'path/to/audio/file.wav',

Audio Translations #

Translate audio to English.

final translation = await azure.openAI.translations.translate(
  deploymentId: 'YOUR_DEPLOYMENT_ID',
  filePath: 'path/to/audio/file.wav',

Project Structure #

The package is organized into separate files for handling different functionalities:

│   azure.dart                // Main entry point
│   api_client.dart           // Core HTTP client for making requests
├── open_ai/                  // OpenAI sub-package for Azure services
│   ├── endpoints/            // API endpoints for different Azure OpenAI services
│   │       completions.dart       // API for Completions
│   │       embeddings.dart        // API for Embeddings
│   │       chat_completions.dart  // API for Chat Completions
│   │       images.dart            // API for Image Generation
│   │       audio_transcriptions.dart // API for Transcriptions
│   │       audio_translations.dart   // API for Translations
│   └── models/               // Models for request/response data
│           completions_model.dart
│           embeddings_model.dart
│           chat_model.dart
│           images_model.dart
│           audio_model.dart
├── ai/                       // Placeholder for future Azure AI services

Future-proofing #

The azure package is designed to support future changes in Azure REST API versions. The core HTTP client (api_client.dart) allows specifying the API version, making it easy to adapt to future updates by modifying the api-version parameter.

If Azure releases a new API version, you can update the apiVersion parameter accordingly without changing the core logic of your code.

Contributing #

Contributions are welcome! Please submit issues and pull requests to help improve the package.

License #

This package is available under the MIT License.

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Azure dart package

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Packages that depend on azure