az_ui 0.0.11 az_ui: ^0.0.11 copied to clipboard
AzUi package use for easy and smooth development of ui for any flutter application, it is build by
0.0.11 #
- bugs fix
0.0.9 #
- azCard() extension now can use card properties if defined
- azCenter() extension now can use center properties if defined
- azColumn() extension now can use column properties if defined
- azIcon() extension now can use common Icon properties if defined
- azInkWell() extension now can use two common InkWell properties if defined
- azRow() extension now can use row properties if defined
- azText() extension now can use some common text properties if defined
- Do not use AzImage() it is not rebuild so showing dummy images
0.0.6 #
- Some InkWell Properties added
- Methods changes container to toContainer, center to toCenter to make suggestions easy
- to use hex code a method is added on string fromHex
- Some bugs fix
0.0.4 #
- solidTwo added for border layout
- solidTwo color groups can access it like primarySolidTwo(), successSolidTwo() & so on
0.0.3 #
- Major part cover Text, Button, Icon, Card, Container, Column, Row, Center, Stack, Positioned, Wrap, GestureDetector
- You can also use with less properties Image, ListTile, RadioListTile,
- You can use color groups like this primaryColor, primaryBorder, primaryCard, primaryBg on specific widgets
- Color groups are primary, success, warning, info, secondary, danger, dark, light
0.0.2 #
- Try to fixing analyses issues.
0.0.1 #
- A package for easy & smooth development of UI.
- This package covers the necessary properties.