aws_managedblockchain_api 2.0.0
aws_managedblockchain_api: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard
AWS API client for Amazon Managed Blockchain (generated from SDK API specification).
AWS API client for Amazon Managed Blockchain #
Generated Dart library from API specification
About the service:
Amazon Managed Blockchain is a fully managed service for creating and managing blockchain networks using open-source frameworks. Blockchain allows you to build applications where multiple parties can securely and transparently run transactions and share data without the need for a trusted, central authority.
Managed Blockchain supports the Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum open-source
frameworks. Because of fundamental differences between the frameworks, some
API actions or data types may only apply in the context of one framework and
not the other. For example, actions related to Hyperledger Fabric network
members such as CreateMember
and DeleteMember
not apply to Ethereum.
The description for each action indicates the framework or frameworks to which it applies. Data types and properties that apply only in the context of a particular framework are similarly indicated.