aws_lambda_dart_runtime 1.1.0
aws_lambda_dart_runtime: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard
A powerful runtime to build Lambda functions in Dart with native AWS events.
import 'package:aws_lambda_dart_runtime/aws_lambda_dart_runtime.dart';
import 'package:aws_lambda_dart_runtime/runtime/context.dart';
void main() async {
/// This demo's handling an API Gateway request.
final helloApiGateway = (Context context, AwsApiGatewayEvent event) async {
final response = {'message': 'hello ${context.requestId}'};
/// it returns an response to the gateway
return AwsApiGatewayResponse.fromJson(response);
/// The Runtime is a singleton. You can define the handlers as you wish.
..registerHandler<AwsApiGatewayEvent>('hello.apigateway', helloApiGateway)