awesome_dropdown 0.0.4 awesome_dropdown: ^0.0.4 copied to clipboard
A simple dropdown library with custom style and control all touch events.
Awesome DropDown #
A customizable drop-down library that handles all the touch and clicks events, including iOS and mobile back-pressed callbacks.
Installation #
Add following dependency in pubspec.yaml file. And add this import to your file.
import 'package:awesome_dropdown/awesome_dropdown.dart';
Quick Start #
Add AwesomeDropdown to the widget tree
isPanDown: _isPanDown,
dropDownList: _list,
dropDownIcon: Icon(Icons.arrow_drop_down, color: Colors.grey, size: 23,),
selectedItem: _selectedItem,
onDropDownItemClick: (selectedItem) {
_selectedItem = selectedItem;
dropStateChanged: (isOpened) {
_isDropDownOpened = isOpened;
if (!isOpened) {
_isBackPressedOrTouchedOutSide = false; }
Custom Body #
isPanDown: _isPanDown,
dropDownBGColor: Colors.white,
dropDownOverlayBGColor: Colors.transparent,
padding: 8,
dropDownIcon: Icon(Icons.arrow_drop_down, color: Colors.grey, size: 23,),
elevation: 5,
dropDownBorderRadius: 10,
dropDownTopBorderRadius: 50,
dropDownBottomBorderRadius: 50,
dropDownIconBGColor: Colors.transparent,
dropDownList: _list,
selectedItem: _selectedItem,
numOfListItemToShow: 4,
selectedItemTextStyle: TextStyle(
fontSize: 16,
fontWeight: FontWeight.normal),
dropDownListTextStyle: TextStyle(
color: Colors.grey,
fontSize: 15,
backgroundColor: Colors.transparent),
onDropDownItemClick: (selectedItem) {
_selectedItem = selectedItem;
dropStateChanged: (isOpened) {
_isDropDownOpened = isOpened;
if (!isOpened) {
_isBackPressedOrTouchedOutSide = false;
Screenshot #
Developer Team #
Faiza Farooqui & my team members (Hina Hussain, Kamran Khan, Abdul Sattar)