awareframework_core 0.0.6
awareframework_core: ^0.0.6 copied to clipboard
awareframework_core provides core classes for developing your own sensor module on aware framework.
awareframework_core #
A new flutter plugin project.
Developing Aware Plugin for Flutter #
Flutter #
- Make a template app using flutter command
$ flutter create --org com.awareframework.sample --template=plugin -i swift -a kotlin awareframework_sample
- Add the awareframework_core into your pubspec.yaml
You can get more information about the package installation via the following link.
- Implement your sensor using the core-library
/// install the library
import 'package:awareframework_core/awareframework_core.dart';
/// init sensor
class SampleSensor extends AwareSensorCore {
static const MethodChannel _sampleMethod = const MethodChannel('awareframework_sample/method');
static const EventChannel _sampleStream = const EventChannel('awareframework_sample/event');
AccelerometerSensor(MethodChannel _sampleMethod, EventChannel _sampleStream) : super(_sampleMethod, _sampleStream);
/// Init Accelerometer Sensor with AccelerometerSensorConfig
SampleSensor(AwareSensorConfig config):this.convenience(config);
SampleSensor.convenience(config) : super(config){
/// Set sensor method & event channels
super.setSensorChannels(_sampleMethod, _sampleStream);
/// A sensor observer instance
Stream<Map<String,dynamic>> get onDataChanged {
return super.receiveBroadcastStream("on_data_changed")
(dynamic event) => Map.from(event)
/// ...
/// Make an AwareWidget
class SampleCard extends StatefulWidget {
SampleCard({Key key, @required this.sensor}) : super(key: key);
SampleSensor sensor;
SampleCardState createState() => new SampleCardState();
class SampleCardState extends State<SampleCard> {
var data;
void initState() {
if (widget.sensor == null) {
widget.sensor = new SampleSensor(SampleSensor._myMethod, SampleSensor._myStream);
widget.sensor.receiveBroadcastStream("on_data_changed").listen((event) {
data = event;
}, onError: (dynamic error) {
// print('Received error: ${error.message}');
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final TextStyle _biggerFont = const TextStyle(fontSize: 18.0);
return new AwareCard(
contentWidget: Text(data),
title: "Sample",
sensor: widget.sensor
Android #
iOS #
- Add following code into ios/awareframework_sample.podspec
# update author information and url
s.dependency 'awareframework_core'
s.ios.deployment_target = '10.0'
# add other dependency
pod install
at example/ios -
Open iOS project (example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace) and change a deplyment target to 10.0
import Flutter
import UIKit
import com_aware_ios_sensor_core
public class SwiftAwareframeworkSamplePlugin: AwareFlutterPluginCore, FlutterPlugin, AwareFlutterPluginSensorInitializationHandler {
public static func register(with registrar: FlutterPluginRegistrar) {
// add own channel
super.setChannels(with: registrar,
methodChannelName: "awareframework_sample/method",
eventChannelName: "awareframework_sample/event")
public func initializeSensor(_ call: FlutterMethodCall, result: @escaping FlutterResult) -> AwareSensor? {
// init sensor
return AwareSensor();
// func opnSomeChanged(){
// for handler in sController.streamHandlers {
// if handler.eventName == "eventName" {
// handler.eventSink(nil)
// }
// }
// }
Eaxample App #
import 'package:awareframework_core/awareframework_core.dart';
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
AccelerometerSensor sensor;
AccelerometerSensorConfig config;
void initState() {
config = AccelerometerSensorConfig()
..debug = true
..label = "label";
sensor = new SampleSensor(config);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new MaterialApp(
home: new Scaffold(
appBar: new AppBar(
title: const Text('Plugin Example App'),
body: new AccelerometerCard(sensor: sensor)
Publishing the your plugin #
Add author and homepage information into pubspec.yaml #
author: AWARE Mobile Context Instrumentation Middleware/Framework <>
Publish #
$ flutter packages pub publish --dry-run
$ flutter packages pub publish