autocomplete_google_places_widget 1.0.1 copy "autocomplete_google_places_widget: ^1.0.1" to clipboard
autocomplete_google_places_widget: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard

A wrapper around Flutter's default Autocomplete widget that leverages the Google Places API to provide real-time place suggestions as users type

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A wrapper around Flutter’s default Autocomplete widget that leverages the Google Places API to provide real-time place suggestions as users type. Package Preview

Features #

  • 🎨 Highly Customizable: Offers extensive customization options to fit your specific needs.
  • 🕒 History Support: Includes history support for quick access to previous search results.
  • 💳 Session Tokens: Uses session tokens to group user queries in a single session ensuring efficient billing.
  • Debounce: Implements a debounce mechanism to reduce the frequency of API calls.

Getting started #

Import the package in your Dart file.

import 'package:autocomplete_google_places_widget/autocomplete_google_places_widget.dart';

Add your Google API key in the GPlacesAutoComplete widget.

            googleAPIKey: _yourGoogleAPIKey,

And you are good to go!

Usage #

The GPlacesAutoComplete widget has several parameters that you can use.

  /// The Google API key to use for the Places API.
  final String googleAPIKey;

  /// A callback that is called when the user selects an option.
  final void Function(Prediction)? onOptionSelected;

  /// A builder for the text field used to input search queries.
  /// If not provided, a default text field will be used.
  /// Ensure using the provided [TextEditingController], [FocusNode] and [onFieldSubmitted] callback
  /// to make the widget work properly. Check the package example for more details.
  /// Note: You should not use your own TextEditingController and FocusNode with the [textFormFieldBuilder], instead you can use
  /// the provided TextEditingController and FocusNode provided in [GPlacesAutoComplete] widget.
  final Widget Function(
          BuildContext, TextEditingController, FocusNode, void Function())?

  /// A builder for the options view.
  final Widget Function(
      BuildContext context,
      AutocompleteOnSelected<Prediction> onSelected,
      Iterable<Prediction> options)? menuBuilder;

  /// A builder for a single option view in the menu.
  final Widget Function(BuildContext context, int index, Prediction prediction)?

  /// The controller for the text field.
  /// If this parameter is not null, then [focusNode] must also be not null.
  final TextEditingController? textEditingController;

  /// The focus node for the text field.
  /// If this parameter is not null, then [textEditingController] must also be
  /// not null.
  final FocusNode? focusNode;

  /// The time (in milliseconds) to wait after the user stops typing
  /// to make the API request.
  final int debounceTime;

  /// The countries to restrict the search to (two-character region code).
  final List<String>? countries;

  /// The maximum height of the options menu.
  final double optionsMaxHeight;

  /// The maximum width of the options menu.
  final double? optionsMaxWidth;

  /// The color of the menu.
  final Color? menuColor;

  /// The elevation of the menu.
  final double menuElevation;

  /// The shape of the menu.
  final double menuBorderRadius;

  /// If true, the menu option will be dense.
  final bool denseMenuOption;

  /// If true, the predictions history will be saved in shared preferences
  /// and will be displayed in the options menu when the current query is empty
  final bool enableHistory;

  /// if True, The prediction saved will contain only the `placeId`, `description` and `LatLng` (if available)
  final bool liteModeHistory;

  /// A callback that is called when the widget is searching for options.
  /// This can be used to show a loading indicator.
  /// Example:
  /// ```dart
  /// loadingCallback: (bool loading) {
  ///  if (loading) {
  ///   setState(() {
  ///   _yourLoadingVariable = true;
  ///  });
  /// } else {
  ///  setState(() {
  ///  _yourLoadingVariable = false;
  /// });
  /// }
  final void Function(bool loading)? loadingCallback;

  /// A callback that is called when an API exception occurs.
  /// This can be used to show an error message.
  /// Example:
  /// ```dart
  /// apiExceptionCallback: (bool apiException) {
  ///  if (apiException) {
  ///   setState(() {
  ///  _yourErrorMsgVariable = "An error occurred while searching for places".
  ///  });
  /// } else {
  ///  setState(() {
  /// _yourErrorMsgVariable = null;
  /// });
  /// }
  final void Function(bool apiExceptionCallback)? apiExceptionCallback;

Feedback #

Please feel free to give me any feedback helping support this package!




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A wrapper around Flutter's default Autocomplete widget that leverages the Google Places API to provide real-time place suggestions as users type

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#autocomplete #google-places


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


dio, flutter, shared_preferences, uuid


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