auto_search 1.0.6 copy "auto_search: ^1.0.6" to clipboard
auto_search: ^1.0.6 copied to clipboard

A simple Auto Search Text Field to spice up your projects. This package would help incorporate such a feature with ease.

Auto Search #

Add a simple Auto Completing TextFeild to you project to spice up the user experience.

A much more easier way to add create an auto search field #

Creating it is as simple as

    List<String> listOfNames = ['Sample', 'Sample2', 'Sample3', on];

        data: listOfNames,                    
        maxElementsToDisplay: 10,
        onItemTap: (int index) {
          //Do something cool

It also has some of the TextField controls that would help you have a much more fine grained controls over the search field

Following are the properties that you can work with: #

  • data -> @Required
  • maxElementsToDisplay -> @Required
  • onItemTap -> @Required
  • selectedTextColor
  • unSelectedTextColor
  • enabledBorderColor
  • disabledBorderColor
  • focusedBorderColor
  • cursorColor
  • borderRadius (Default value = 10.0)
  • fontSize (Default value = 20.0)
  • singleItemHeight (Default value = 40.0)
  • itemsShownAtStart (Default value = 10)
  • hintText (Default vallue = 'Enter a name')
  • autoCorrect (Default vallue = true)
  • enabled (Default vallue = true)
  • onSubmitted
  • onEditingComplete

Let's have a look at the complete Example Widget #

class HomePage extends StatelessWidget {
  final List<String> names = [
    "Ayden Ram",
    "Rowan Trevon",
    "Garrison Faisal",
    "Bridie Ford",
    "Rameel Xavier",
    "Abriel Yestin",
    "Cal Heston",
    "Ryland Nick",
    "Orson Kaylen",

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(
      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20.0),
      child: AutoSearchInput(
        data: names, 
        maxElementsToDisplay: 10,
        onItemTap: (int index) {
          //Do something cool

Want to add custom logic when the items are tapped? #

The onItemTap function lets you add custom logic. It contains index as an argument which is basically the index of the item from the original data array which is passed. #

Output #

Sample Example App Output

pub points


unverified uploader

A simple Auto Search Text Field to spice up your projects. This package would help incorporate such a feature with ease.

Repository (GitHub)
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MIT (license)




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