auto_route 0.6.1 auto_route: ^0.6.1 copied to clipboard
AutoRoute is a declarative routing solution, where everything needed for navigation is automatically generated for you.
auto_route: #
AutoRoute is a declarative routing solution, where everything needed for navigation is automatically generated for you.
- Installation
- Setup and Usage
- Customizing routes
- Passing arguments to routes
- Dynamic routing aka path parameters
- Extracting route parameters
- Handling unknown routes
- Nested routes
- Navigation
- Route guards
- Handling wrapped routes
- Custom route transitions
- Migration guide
Installation #
auto_route: [latest-version]
auto_route_generator: [latest-version]
Setup and Usage #
First create a router class and annotate it with @MaterialAutoRouter, @CupertinoAutoRouter, @AdaptiveAutoRouter or @CustomAutoRoute. It's name must be prefixed with $ to get a generated class with the same name minus the $. $Router => Router
Note: using $ prefix is mandatory.
@MaterialAutoRouter(...config) //CustomAutoRoute(..config)
class $Router {}
Declare your AutoRoutes in MaterialAutoRouter() annotation
routes: <AutoRoute>[
// initial route is named "/"
MaterialRoute(page: HomeScreen, initial: true),
MaterialRoute(page: UsersScreen, ..config),
class $Router {}
Now simply run the generator
Use the [watch] flag to watch the files system for edits and rebuild as necessary.
flutter packages pub run build_runner watch
if you want the generator to run one time and exits use
flutter packages pub run build_runner build
Finalize the setup
after you run the generator your router class will be generated
// Let MaterialApp use ExtendedNavigator instead of
// the native one by assigning it to it's builder
builder: ExtendedNavigator<Router>(router: Router()),
// ExtendedNavigator is just a widget so you can still wrap it
// with other widgets if you need to
builder: (ctx, nativeNavigator) => Theme(
child: ExtendedNavigator<Router>(router: Router())
Using the native navigator #
Note Without ExtendedNavigator you will lose support for RouteGuards and auto-nested navigation handling.
// assign your generated Router directly to onGenerateRoute property
onGenerateRoute: Router()
Inside of the generated file
// a Routes class that holds all of your static route names
class Routes {
static const String homeScreen = '/';
static const String usersScreen = '/users-screen';
static const all = <String>{
class Router extends RouterBase {
List<RouteDef> get routes => _routes;
final _routes = <RouteDef>[
RouteDef(Routes.homeScreen, page: HomeScreen),
RouteDef(Routes.usersScreen, page: UsersScreen),
Map<Type, AutoRouteFactory> get pagesMap => _pagesMap;
final _pagesMap = <Type, AutoRouteFactory>{
HomeScreen: (RouteData data) {
return MaterialPageRoute<dynamic>(
builder: (context) => HomeScreen(),
settings: data,
// Argument holder classes if exist ...
Customizing routes #
There are several available auto-route types which you can customize
- MaterialRoute -> will generate a MaterialRoutePage
- CupertinoRoute -> will generate a CupertinoRoutePage
- AdaptiveRoute -> will generate Cupertino or Material route page based on the Platform
- CustomRoute -> will generate a PageRouteBuilder with the provided Customizations
routes: <AutoRoute>[
MaterialRoute(page: HomeScreen, initial: true, name: "InitialRoute"),
CupertinoRoute(page: UsersScreen, fullscreenDialog: true),
//This route returns result of type [bool]
CustomRoute<bool>(page: LoginScreen, transitionsBuilder: TransitionsBuilders.fadeIn),
class $Router {}
Custom path names
AutoRoute automatically generates paths based on page type, for example the generated path for HomeScreen is "/home-screen". You probably won't need to customize your paths unless your are building a web application. To use a custom path name use the path property inside of AutoRoute
MaterialRoute(path: "/users", page: UsersScreen)
Available customizations
MaterialAutoRouter | CupertinoAutoRouter | AdaptiveAutoRouter
Property | Default value | Definition |
generateNavigationHelperExtension [bool] | false | if true a Navigator extension will be generated with helper push methods of all routes |
routePrefix [String] | '' | all route paths will be prefixed with this routePrefix String |
routesClassName [string] | 'Routes' | the name of the generated Routes class |
Property | Default value | Definition |
transitionsBuilder | null | extension for the transitionsBuilder property in PageRouteBuilder |
opaque | true | extension for the opaque property in PageRouteBuilder |
barrierDismissible | false | extension for the barrierDismissible property in PageRouteBuilder |
durationInMilliseconds | null | extension for the transitionDuration(millieSeconds) property in PageRouteBuilder |
MaterialRoute | CupertinoRoute | AdaptiveRoute | CustomRoute
Property | Default value | Definition |
initial | false | mark the route as initial '\' |
path | null | an auto generated path will be used if not provided |
name | null | this will be assigned to the route variable name if provided and it will be used to name the route's nested Router if it has one (String homeScreen = [name]); |
fullscreenDialog | false | extension for the fullscreenDialog property in PageRoute |
maintainState | true | extension for the maintainState property in PageRoute |
CupertinoRoute Specific => CupertinoPageRoute
Property | Default value | Definition |
title | null | extension for the title property in CupertinoPageRoute |
CustomRoute Specific => PageRouteBuilder
Property | Default value | Definition |
transitionsBuilder | null | extension for the transitionsBuilder property in PageRouteBuilder |
opaque | true | extension for the opaque property in PageRouteBuilder |
barrierDismissible | false | extension for the barrierDismissible property in PageRouteBuilder |
durationInMilliseconds | null | extension for the transitionDuration(millieSeconds) property in PageRouteBuilder |
Passing arguments to routes #
That's the fun part!
You don't actually need to do anything extra. AutoRoute automatically detects your route parameters and handles them for you, it will automatically generate a class that holds your screen arguments and keep them typed.
class WelcomeScreen extends StatelessWidget {
final String title;
final String message;
const WelcomeScreen({this.title = "Default Title",@required this.message});
Widget build(BuildContext context)...
Generated arguments holder for the above example
- Default values are respected.
- Required fields are also respected and handled properly.
class WelcomeScreenArguments {
final String title;
final String message;
// you're not going to lose your default values;
WelcomeScreenArguments({this.title = "Default Title",@required this.message});
Pass your typed args using the generated arguments holder class
arguments: WelcomeScreenArguments(
title: "Hello World!"
message: "Let's AutoRoute!"
Dynamic routing aka path parameters #
requires AutoRoute: >= 0.6.0 Define a dynamic segment by prefixing it with a colon
MaterialRoute(path: "/users/:id", page: UsersScreen);
Now pushing users/1
will match /users:id
and the path parameter id
will be extracted and exposed in RouteData
Extracting route parameters #
Extracted path parameters & queryParameters are bundled inside of an object called RouteData which you can get by calling RouteData.of(context)
inside of the current route page.
class UsersScreen extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
var routeData = RouteData.of(context)
// .value will return the raw string value
var userId = routeData.pathParams['id'].value;
// .intValue will return a parsed int or null if parsing fails
int userId = routeData.pathParams['id'].intValue;
var queryParams = routeData.queryParams;
isn't there a better way to extract route parameters? This doesn't feel very auto! #
of course there is! simply annotate your constructor parameters with @PathParam()
or @QueryParam()
and let auto_route do the work for you
class UsersScreen extends StatefulWidget {
const UsersScreen({
// if your var name is different from the param name you
// can pass it's expected name to the annotation
// e.g [/users/1?filter=testers]
@QueryParam('filter') this.filterFromQuery,
Generated code for UsersScreen
builder: (context,) => UsersScreen(
// auto_route will know the right type to parse the raw value to
id: data.pathParams['id'].intValue,
filterFromQuery: data.queryParams['filter'].stringValue)
Note constructor parameters annotated with @PathParam()
or @QueryParam
will not be considered as argument parameters and will be excluded from the generated argument class holder
Handling unknown routes #
requires AutoRoute: >= 0.6.0
Using a wildcard
AutoRoute 0.6.0 supports wildcard matching, you can simply declare a wildcard at the end of your routes list to catch any undefined routes.
routes: <AutoRoute>[
MaterialRoute(page: HomeScreen, initial: true),
MaterialRoute(page: UsersScreen),
// This should be at the end of your routes list
// wildcards are represented by '*'
MaterialRoute(path: "*", page: UnknownRouteScreen)
class $Router {}
Using the onUnknownRoute callback function in ExtendedNavigator
This function is called when the matcher fails to find a route to return, a default error page is returned if onUnknownRoute is not provided
router: Router(),
onUnknownRoute:(RouteSettings settings){
// return your Error page
} ,
Nested Routes #
Declaring your nested routes inside of the parent route's children property will generate a nested router class called UsersScreenRouter, if you provide a custom name for the parent route the nested router name will be customName+Router
routes: <AutoRoute>[
MaterialRoute(page: HomeScreen, initial: true),
path: '/users:id',
page: UsersScreen,
children: <AutoRoute>[
// path: '/' is the same as setting initial to true
MaterialRoute(path: '/', page: ProfileScreen),
MaterialRoute(path: '/posts', page: PostsScreen),
class $Router {}
Now we need to render these nested routes inside of their parent UsersScreen and for that we use a NestedNavigator()
, this widget will build an ExtendedNavigator and provide it with the right router.
this is the same as using <router-outlet>
in Angular or <router-view>
in Vue.
class UsersScreen extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: Text("Users Page")),
// this navigator will obtain it's router
// on it's own
body: NestedNavigator(),
Navigation #
You can either use context to look up your Navigator in your widgets tree or without context, by router or name.
with context
by Router
by Name -> requires AutoRoute: >= 0.6.0
// give your navigator a name
ExtendedNavigator(router: Router(), name: "root")
NestedNavigator(name: "nestedNav")
//call it by it's name
if you're working with only one navigator
Navigation helper methods extension #
to generate extension methods set the generateNavigationHelperExtension property inside of MaterialAutoRouter() to true
This will generate
extension RouterNavigationHelperMethods on ExtendedNavigatorState {
Future pushHomeScreen() => pushNamed(Routes.homeScreen);
Future<bool> pushSecondScreen(
{@required String title, String message}) =>
arguments: SecondScreenArguments(title: title, message: message));
Then use it like follows
Route guards #
Implementing route guards requires a little bit of setup:
- Create your route guard by extending RouteGuard from the autoRoute package
class AuthGuard extends RouteGuard {
Future<bool> canNavigate(
ExtendedNavigatorState navigator, String routeName, Object arguments) async {
SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
return prefs.getString('token_key') != null;
- Register the guards inside of ExtendedNavigator
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
builder: ExtendedNavigator<Router>(
router: Router(),
guards: [AuthGuard()],
Finally assign the guards to the route you want to protect
MaterialRoute(page: ProfileScreen, guards: [AuthGuard])
Handling Wrapped Routes #
To wrap your route with a parent widget like a Provider or such, simply implement AutoRouteWrapper, and let wrappedRoute(context) method return (this) as the child of your wrapper widget.
class ProductsScreen extends StatelessWidget implements AutoRouteWrapper {
Widget wrappedRoute(BuildContext context) {
return Provider(create: (ctx) => ProductsBloc(), child: this);
Custom Route Transitions #
To use custom Transitions use the @CustomRoute() annotation and pass in your preferences. The TransitionsBuilder function needs to be passed as a static/const reference that has the same signature as the TransitionsBuilder Function of the PageRouteBuilder class. The included TransitionsBuilders Class contains a preset of common Transitions builders
@CustomRoute(transitionsBuilder: TransitionBuilders.slideBottom,durationInMilliseconds: 400)
LoginScreen loginScreenRoute;
Use @CustomAutoRouter() to define global custom route Transitions.
You can of course use your own transitionsBuilder function as long as it has the same function signature. The function has to take in exactly a BuildContext, Animation[Double], Animation[Double] and a child Widget and it needs to return a Widget, typically you would wrap your child with one of flutter's transition Widgets as follows.
Widget zoomInTransition(BuildContext context, Animation<double> animation, Animation<double> secondaryAnimation, Widget child) {
// you get an animation object and a widget
// make your own transition
return ScaleTransition(scale: animation, child: child);
Now pass the reference of your function to CustomRoute() .
CustomRoute(page: ZoomInScreen, transitionsBuilder: zoomInTransition)
Migration guide #
I apologize for the good 5 to 10 minutes you're gonna lose rewriting your router class but it's for the greater good ;).
Migrating from auto_route <= 0.5.0
Basically instead of declaring our routes as class fields we're going to use a more readable and scalable way (a static routes list).
old way <= 0.5.0
class $Router{
HomeScreen homeScreen;
new way >= 0.6.0
MaterialRoute(page: HomeScreen, initial: true),
class $Router{}
Route Customization
old way <= 0.5.0
class $Router{
@CupertinoRoute(fullscreenDialog: true, returnType: bool)
LoginScreen loginScreen;
@CustomRoute(transitionBuilder: TransitionsBuilders.fadeIn)
ProfileScreen profileScreen;
new way >= 0.6.0
CupertinoRoute<bool>(page: LoginScreen, fullscreenDialog: true),
CustomRoute(page: ProfileScreen, transitionBuilder: TransitionsBuilders.fadeIn)
class $Router{}
Route Guards
old way <= 0.5.0
class $Router{
ProfileScreen profileScreen;
new way >= 0.6.0
MaterialRoute(page: ProfileScreen, guards:[AuthGuard]),
class $Router{}
Custom UnknownRoute screen
old way <= 0.5.0
class $Router{
UnknownRouteScreen unknownRoute;
new way >= 0.6.0
// order is important here, this must be at the end of your routes list
MaterialRoute(path: '*', page: UnknownRouteScreen),
class $Router{}
Problems with the generation? #
Make sure you always Save your files before running the generator, if that doesn't work you can always try to clean and rebuild.
flutter packages pub run build_runner clean
Support auto_route #
You can support auto_route by liking it on Pub and staring it on Github, sharing ideas on how we can enhance a certain functionality or by reporting any problems you encounter