auto_route 0.4.5 copy "auto_route: ^0.4.5" to clipboard
auto_route: ^0.4.5 copied to clipboard


AutoRoute is a route generation library, where everything needed for navigation is automatically generated for you.

ChangeLog #

[0.4.5] Breaking Change #

  • Add AdaptiveAutoRouter and AdaptiveRoute for native platforms
  • Change using leading slashes is now options
  • Change wrappedRoute is now a function that takes in build context
  • Fix calling nested route returns null after popping parent route
  • Fix initial route ignore custom transitions
  • Add ability to name routes class

[0.4.4] #

  • Change generating arguments holder for single parameter routes is not optional
  • Fix android soft back button always pops root navigator

[0.4.3] Breaking Changes #

  • Add ability to pass initial route arguments to ExtendedNavigator
  • Change single route parameters will have argument holder classes too as requested
  • Fix ExtendedNavigator.ofRouter

[0.4.2] #

  • Fix Android soft back button always exists App

[0.4.1] Breaking Changes #

  • Fix isInitialRoute not defined for RouteSettings in flutter 1.15.+

[0.4.0] Breaking Changes #

  • Change using ExtendedNavigator instead of the native Navigator
  • Fix initial route does not go through guards
  • Change generated router class is no longer static
  • Change routes are generated in their own class now "Routers"
  • Add option to generate navigation helper methods extension
  • Update README file

[0.3.1] #

  • Fix Compilation Fails in flutter 1.15.+
  • Fix third party imports src instead of library
  • Fix guardedRoutes is generated even if it's empty
  • Add support for custom unknown route screen

[0.3.0] Breaking Changes! #

  • Add global route customization Use MaterialAutoRouter, CupertinoAutoRouter or CustomAutoRouter instead of AutoRouter
  • Navigator key is now accessed by calling Router.navigator.key instead of Router.navigatorKey.
  • Add Route guards
  • Add optional returnType param in all AutoRoute types.
  • Remove generate Navigator Key optional.
  • Fix generate error when using dynamic vars in route widget constructors

[0.2.2] #

  • Add option to generate a list with all route names
  • change generating navigator key is now optional
  • Fix prevent importing system library files
  • Change generated route path name are now Kabab cased (url-friendly)
  • Add ability to use custom path names in all route types
  • Update README file

[0.2.1] #

  • add Route Wrapper
  • add initial flag as a property in all route types
  • change prefix const route names with class name.
  • add fullscreenDialog property to @CustomRoute()

[0.2.0+1] #

  • format README file

[0.2.0] #

Breaking Changes! #

  • change to using a single config file instead of annotating the actual widget class due to performance issues.
  • add @MaterialRoute(), @CupertinoRoute() and @CustomRoute() annotations
  • remove @AutoRoute() annotation and add @AutoRouter()
  • handle required parameters.
  • add navigating with a global navigator key [without context].
  • support nested navigators.

[0.1.1] #

  • code formatting.

[0.1.0] #

  • initial release.
pub points



AutoRoute is a route generation library, where everything needed for navigation is automatically generated for you.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)




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