authing_sdk 1.0.4
authing_sdk: ^1.0.4 copied to clipboard
Authing SDK for Flutter. It provides basic authentication APIs, user profile APIs, social connection APIs, Multi-factor Authentication APIs
Getting started #
Add dependency #
in your pubspec.yaml, add the following dependency:
authing_sdk: ^1.0.0
SDK initialization #
Upon App start, call:
import 'package:authing_sdk/authing.dart';
Authing.init(String userPoolId, String appId)
where userPoolId is your Authing user pool id and appId is your Authing app id
On-premise deployment #
for on-premise deployments, after calling init, call:
Authing.setOnPremiseInfo(String host, String publicKey)
where host is your own domain, e.g. and publicKey is your organization's public key.
Contact Authing sales if you have any questions.
APIs #
Basic Authentication #
- Register by email
- Register by user name
- Register by phone code
- Login by account and password
- Login by phone code
- Login by LDAP
- Login by AD
- Get current user
- Logout
- Send SMS code
- Send email
- Get user custom data
- Set user custom data
- Reset password by phone code
- Reset password by email code
- Update user profile
- Update password
- Bind phone
- Unbind phone
- Update phone
- Bind email
- Unbind email
- Update email
- Link
- Unlink
- Compute password security level
- Get security level
- List applications
- List organizations
- List roles
- List authorized resources
- Reset password by first time login token
Social #
Scan #
Authentication API #
for all authentication APIs, you should import:
import 'package:authing_sdk/client.dart';
Register by email #
Register a new user by email. The email is case insensitive and must be unique within a given user pool. After registration, emailVerified is false.
static Future<AuthResult> registerByEmail(String email, String password) async
- password clear text password
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.registerByEmail("", "strong");
User user = result.user;
- 2003 if email address is mal-formatted
- 2026 if email has been registered already
Register by user name #
Register a new user by user name. User name is case sensitive and must be unique within a given user pool.
static Future<AuthResult> registerByUserName(String username, String password) async
- username
- password clear text password
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.registerByUserName("nextgeneration", "strong");
User user = result.user;
- 2026 if username has been registered already
Register by phone code #
Register a new user by phone number and a verification code. Phone number must be unique within a given user pool.
Must call sendSms method to get an SMS verification code before calling this method.
static Future<AuthResult> registerByPhoneCode(String phone, String code, String password) async
- phone phone number
- code SMS code
- password clear text password
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.registerByPhoneCode("13012345678", "1121", "strong");
User user = result.user;
- 2001 if verification code is incorrect
- 2026 if phone number has been registered already
Login by account and password #
static Future<AuthResult> loginByAccount(String account, String password) async
- account can be one of the following: phone number / email / user name
- password clear text password
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.loginByAccount("your account", "your password");
User user = result.user; // user info
- 2333 incorrect credential
Login by phone code #
login by phone number and a verification code. Must call sendSms method to get an SMS verification code before calling this method.
static Future<AuthResult> loginByPhoneCode(String phone, String code) async
- phone phone number
- code SMS code
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.loginByPhoneCode("13012345678", "1234");
User user = result.user; // get user info
- 2001 if verification code is incorrect
Login by LDAP #
static Future<AuthResult> loginByLDAP(String username, String password) async
- username ldap username
- password clear text password
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.loginByLDAP("your username", "your password");
User user = result.user; // user info
- 2333 incorrect credential
Login by AD #
static Future<AuthResult> loginByAD(String username, String password) async
- username AD username
- password clear text password
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.loginByAD("your username", "your password");
User user = result.user; // user info
- 2333 incorrect credential
Get current user #
Get current user information. Must log in first.
static Future<AuthResult> getCurrentUser() async
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.getCurrentUser();
User user = result.user; // user info
- 2020 must login first
Logout #
Logout user.
static Future<AuthResult> logout() async
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.logout();
var code = result.code;
- 1010001 if token is invalid or expired
Send SMS code #
Send an SMS verification code
static Future<AuthResult> sendSms(String phone, [String? phoneCountryCode]) async
- phone phone number to receive the code
- phoneCountryCode phone country code starts with +. Optional
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.sendSms("13012345678", "+86");
var code = result.code;
- 500 phone number is mal-formatted
Send email #
Send an email to the given email addrees
static Future<AuthResult> sendEmail(String email, String scene) async
- email email address
- scene can be one of the following: RESET_PASSWORD, VERIFY_EMAIL, CHANGE_EMAIL, MFA_VERIFY
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.sendEmail("", "RESET_PASSWORD");
var code = result.code;
- 1020017 email address is mal-formatted
Get user custom data #
Firstly add custom field in authing console, then use this API to retrieve user custom data. You can pass AuthClient.currentUser!.id as the user id param. Upon success, custom data will be added in AuthClient.currentUser?.customData
Must log in first
static Future<AuthResult> getCustomData(String userId) async
- userId user id received after login
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.getCustomData("user_id");
var value = AuthClient.currentUser?.customData[0]["key"], "your_custom_field_key");
- 2020 must log in first
Set user custom data #
Firstly add custom field in authing console, then use this API to set user custom data.
Must log in first
static Future<AuthResult> setCustomData(List data) async
- data a list of custom data that needs to be modified. The easy way is firstly set custom data value in your user object, then pass user object's customData field as parameter.
AuthClient.currentUser?.customData[0]["value"] = "hello";
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.setCustomData(AuthClient.currentUser!.customData);
- 2020 must log in first
Reset password by phone code #
Reset user password using email verification code. Must call sendSms method to get an SMS verification code before calling this method.
static Future<AuthResult> resetPasswordByPhoneCode(String phone, String code, String password) async
- phone phone number
- code SMS verification code
- password clear text password
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.resetPasswordByPhoneCode("13012345678", "1234", "strong");
expect(result.code, 200);
- 2004 user not exist
Reset password by email code #
Reset user password using SMS verification code. Must call sendEmail method with scene "RESET_PASSWORD" to get an emmail verification code before calling this method.
static Future<AuthResult> resetPasswordByEmailCode(String email, String code, String password) async
- email email address
- code email verification code
- password clear text password
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.resetPasswordByEmailCode("", "1234", "strong");
expect(result.code, 200);
- 2004 user not exist
Update user profile #
Update user profile. Note phone, email and password cannot be updated using this method. Please call updatePhone / updateEmail / updatePassword respectively.
Must log in first.
static Future<AuthResult> updateProfile(Map map) async
- map user data needs to be updated
full list of field that can be used as key in the map parameter
- username
- nickname
- company
- photo
- browser
- device
- name
- givenName
- familyName
- middleName
- profile
- preferredUsername
- website
- gender
- birthdate
- zoneinfo
- locale
- address
- streetAddress
- locality
- region
- postalCode
- city
- province
- country
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.updateProfile({
- 2020 must log in first
Update password #
Update user password. Must log in first. In case user didn't set a password (e.g. registered by phone code or social connections), the old password parameter should be omitted.
static Future<AuthResult> AuthClient.updatePassword(String newPassword, [String? oldPassword])
- newPassword new password in clear text
- oldPassword old password in clear text. Optional
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.updatePassword("newPassword", "oldPassword");
var code = result.code;
- 2020 must log in first
- 1320011 old password is incorrect
Bind phone #
Bind phone number for current user. If already bound, use updatePhone instead.
Must log in first
static Future<AuthResult> bindPhone(String phone, String code) async
- phone phone number
- code SMS code
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.bindPhone("13012345678", "1234");
var code = result.code;
- 2020 must log in first
Unbind phone #
Unbind phone number for current user.
Must log in first
static Future<AuthResult> unbindPhone() async
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.unbindPhone();
- 2020 must log in first
- 1320005 current user has no phone number bound
Update phone #
Update phone number for current user. Old phone number verification can be disabled in Authing console, in such case, oldPhone, oldPhoneCode and oldPhoneCountryCode must be omitted.
Must log in first
static Future<AuthResult> updatePhone(String phone, String phoneCode,
[String? oldPhone,
String? oldPhoneCode,
String? phoneCountryCode,
String? oldPhoneCountryCode]) async
- phone new phone number
- code SMS code sent to the new phone
- oldPhone old phone number. Optional
- oldPhoneCode SMS code sent to old phone. Optional
- phoneCountryCode phone country code for the new phone. Optional
- oldPhoneCountryCode phone country code for the old phone. Optional
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.updatePhone("13012345678", "1234");
- 2020 must log in first
- 1320004 phone already bound by other user
Bind email #
Bind email address for current user. If already bound, use updateEmail instead.
Must log in first
static Future<AuthResult> bindEmail(String email, String code) async
- email email address
- code email verification code
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.bindEmail("", "1234");
var code = result.code;
- 2020 must log in first
Unbind email #
Unbind email address for current user.
Must log in first
static Future<AuthResult> unbindEmail() async
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.unbindEmail();
- 2020 must log in first
- 1320005 current user has no email bound
Update email #
Update email address for current user. Old email address verification can be disabled in Authing console, in such case, oldEmail and oldEmailCode must be omitted.
Must log in first
static Future<AuthResult> updateEmail(String email, String emailCode,
[String? oldEmail,
String? oldEmailCode) async
- email email address
- code email verification code
- oldEmail old email address. Optional
- oldEmailCode email code sent to old email. Optional
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.updateEmail("", "1234");
- 2020 must log in first
- 1320004 email already bound by other user
Link #
Links current account with another social account.
Must log in first
static Future<AuthResult> link(String primaryUserToken, String secondaryUserToken) async
- primaryUserToken current user's token
- secondaryUserToken the target social account's token. Note this token is still Authing token.
AuthResult result = await"first_token", "second_token");
- 2020 must log in first
- 1020020 token is not valid
Unlink #
Unlinks current account with a social account.
Must log in first
static Future<AuthResult> unlink(String provider) async
- provider type of the social account
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.unlink("wechat:mobile");
- 2004 user not exist
Compute password security level #
Computes the security level for a givenn password and return:
- 0 low
- 1 medium
- 2 high
static int computePasswordSecurityLevel(String password)
AuthClient.computePasswordSecurityLevel("123"); // 0
Get security level #
The current account's security level. Note that the result is not AuthResult, it is a general Result oject.
Must log in first
static Future<Result> getSecurityLevel() async
Result result = await AuthClient.getSecurityLevel();
int score =["score"];
"code": 200,
"message": "请求成功",
"data": {
"score": 60,
"email": false,
"phone": false,
"password": true,
"passwordSecurityLevel": 1,
"mfa": false
- 2020 must log in first
List applications #
Get all applications that the current user has access. Note that the result is not AuthResult, it is a general Result oject.
Must log in first
static Future<Result> listApplications([int? page = 1, int? limit = 10]) async
- page page index. Optional
- limit number of applications returned in one page. Optional
Result result = await AuthClient.listApplications();
int count =["totalCount"];
"code": 200,
"message": "获取可访问的应用列表成功",
"data": {
"list": [
"id": "61ae0c9807451d6f30226bd4",
"name": "lance-test",
"logo": "",
"domain": "lance-test",
"description": null,
"createdAt": "2021-12-06T13:14:01.123Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-01-20T10:51:02.806Z",
"protocol": "oidc",
"isIntegrate": false,
"appType": "INDIVIDUAL",
"template": null
"totalCount": 1
- 2020 must log in first
List organizations #
Get all organizations that the current user is in. Note that the result is not AuthResult, it is a general Result oject.
Must log in first
static Future<Result> listOrgs() async
Result result = await AuthClient.listOrgs();
List list =["data"]; // note double data
Since user can be part of separated oragnization trees, this method returns a two-dimensional list stored in["data"]. For example to access one department, do it like this:
String name = list[0][3]["name"]; // returns the first tree, level 4 department's name
- 2020 must log in first
List roles #
Get roles of current user. Note that the result is not AuthResult, it is a general Result oject.
Must log in first
static Future<Result> listRoles([String? namespace]) async
- namespace namespace id to filter the result. Optional
Result result = await AuthClient.listRoles();
List list =["data"]; // note double data
"code": 200,
"message": "获取成功",
"data": [
"id": "61ada935ce061fe3476f0f09",
"createdAt": "2021-12-06T06:09:57.523Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-12-06T06:09:57.523Z",
"userPoolId": "60caaf41da89f1954875cee1",
"code": "admin",
"description": null,
"parentCode": null,
"isSystem": false,
"namespaceId": 36141,
"namespace": "60caaf414f9323f25f64b2f4"
- 2020 must log in first
List authorized resources #
Get authorized resources of current user. Note that the result is a Map.
Must log in first
static Future<Map> listAuthorizedResources(String namespace, [String? resourceType]) async
- namespace namespace id to filter the result
- resourceType resource type to filter the result. Can be DATA, API, MENU, UI, BUTTON. Optional
Map result = await AuthClient.listAuthorizedResources("default");
String result["list"][0]["code"];
"totalCount": 1,
"list": [
"code": "ci:*",
"type": "DATA",
"actions": [
"apiIdentifier": null
- 2020 must log in first
Reset password by first time login token #
If this feature is enabled, user must reset password after first time login
static Future<AuthResult> resetPasswordByFirstLoginToken(String token, String password) async
- token returned after initial login
- password clear text password
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.resetPasswordByFirstLoginToken("token", "strong");
Social API #
Login by wechat #
Login by wechat auth code
static Future<AuthResult> loginByWechat(String connId, String code) async
- connId get from social connection config in Authing console
- code auth code returned by wechat
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.loginByAccount("connId", "code");
Login by alipay #
Login by alipay auth code
static Future<AuthResult> loginByAlipay(String connId, String code) async
- connId get from social connection config in Authing console
- code auth code returned by alipay
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.loginByAlipay("connId", "code");
Login by apple #
Login by apple auth code
static Future<AuthResult> loginByApple(String code) async
- code auth code returned by apple
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.loginByApple("code");
MFA check #
Checks if a given phone or email can be used for MFA
static Future<bool> mfaCheck(String? phone, String? email) async
- phone phone number to check. Can be null
- email email address to check. Can be null
bool r1 = await AuthClient.mfaCheck("13012345678", null);
bool r2 = await AuthClient.mfaCheck(null, "");
MFA verify by phone #
MFA by SMS verification code sent to phone
static Future<AuthResult> mfaVerifyByPhone(String phone, String code) async
- phone phone number
- code SMS verification code
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.mfaVerifyByPhone("13012345678", "1234");
MFA verify by email #
MFA by email verification code
static Future<AuthResult> mfaVerifyByEmail(String email, String code) async
- email email address
- code email verification code
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.mfaVerifyByEmail("", "1234");
MFA verify by TOTP #
MFA by TOTP (Time-based One Time Password) code. User must firstly bound with TOTP.
static Future<AuthResult> mfaVerifyByTOTP(String code) async
- code TOTP code
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.mfaVerifyByTOTP("1234");
MFA verify by recovery code #
MFA by recovery code which should be safely stored after first time bound with TOTP. Note after successful MFA via this method, the recovery code will be refreshed and returned by this method. User should again safely store the new recovery code.
static Future<AuthResult> mfaVerifyByRecoveryCode(String code) async
- code recovery code
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.mfaVerifyByRecoveryCode("1234");
Auth by code #
After OIDC authentication, we will get an authorization code. Use this API to get user's access token & id token. Note that since we are front end, we cannot set OIDC client secret, instead, we have to use PKCE to get the code.
static Future<AuthResult> authByCode(String code, String codeVerifier, String redirectUrl) async
- code authorization code
- codeVerifier PKCE code verifier
- redirectUrl a valid url set in Authing console
AuthResult result = await AuthClient.authByCode("P6FENDfGSH72PxgJQk17FoGMWY3oL1G0D2PQ1AfyDeo",
String ak = result.user?.accessToken;
String idToken = result.user?.token;
Scan API #
In order to support scan-to-login feature, first enable it in Authing console, then in the login web page, a QR code will be shown to user. User will then use your in house app to scan the QR code and if success, the web site will be logged in by the account that was logged into the in house app. As the flow suggests, user must firstly log into your in house app using any login method provided by this SDK.
Authing QR code data structure:
"scene": "APP_AUTH",
"random": "5e05f0c57fde537d950f7da5",
"userPoolId": "5e04ae0d5f3cee22fb37612b",
"createdAt": "2019-12-27T11:53:41.260Z",
"expireAt": "2019-12-27T11:55:41.260Z",
"customData": { "hello": "world" }
mark QR code scanned #
After calling this API, the web page will show user avatar on top of the QR code
Must call one of the login method first so that we have a logged in user
static Future<Result> markQRCodeScanned(String ticket) async
- ticket random field in QR code data structure
Result result = await AuthClient.markQRCodeScanned(ticket);
login by QR code #
Login the web application by the QR code that has been shown to user
Must call mark QR code scanned first before calling this API
static Future<Result> loginByScannedTicket(String ticket) async
- ticket random field in QR code data structure
Result result = await AuthClient.loginByScannedTicket(random);