auth_handler 1.0.0
auth_handler: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
This package provides OTP-based authentication for Flutter. You can easily and quickly verify your email.
Become a sponsor #
AuthHandler #
The Flutter AuthHandler
package is fast and simple to use. An OTP is sent to the recipient via email, which can be used to verify their account information.
AuthHandler Configuration #
First, you need to create a AuthHandler
instance. You need to follow the steps below
AuthHandler authHandler = AuthHandler();
If you want to use the default configuration, you can use this step.
If you want to use the custom configuration, you can use this step, You need to pass in the following parameters.
senderEmail: "",
senderName: "Copyit",
otpLength: 6,
To send an OTP to recipient's email address, follow this step #
Here's how to verify the OTP #
Report bugs or issues #
You are welcome to open a ticket on github if any problems arise. New ideas are always welcome.
Copyright and License #
Copyright © 2022 Rahul Chouhan. Licensed under the MIT LICENSE.