auth 3.2.2 copy "auth: ^3.2.2" to clipboard
auth: ^3.2.2 copied to clipboard


Authorization Library Package to log into Google, Facebook, or by Username and Password.

Auth Class #

This class library works with two plugins: firebase_auth and google_sign_in to log into a Firebase backend using a Firebase account or a Google account. If you're familiar with these plugins, you will find the same functions used in this class library.

Installing #

I don't always like the version number suggested in the 'Installing' page. Instead, always go up to the 'major' semantic version number when installing my library packages. This means always entering a version number trailing with two zero, '.0.0'. This allows you to take in any 'minor' versions introducing new features as well as any 'patch' versions that involves bugfixes. Semanitic version numbers are always in this format: major.minor.patch.

  1. patch - I've made bugfixes
  2. minor - I've introduced new features
  3. major - I've essentially made a new app. It's broken backwards-compatibility and has a completely new user experience. You won't get this version until you increment the major number in the pubspec.yaml file.

And so, in this case, add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file instead:


For more information on this topic, read the article, The importance of semantic versioning

How it Works #

Below are a series of screenshots depicting how to initialize and authenticate or 'sign in' an individual into your app's Firebase database using a either an email and password or a Google account. The following will sign in 'silently' (i.e. automatically if the user had already signed in in the past.). Note, settings are passed as parameters in the screenshot below. 09inistate These examples have the class library called in the State object's iniState() function, but, of course, you could instead 'initialize' the class library in the initState() function and then 'sign in' elsewhere. Below, the init() function is used instead just to initialize the class library. authinit auth3 anyomous google properties

On Medium

This is a class library is covered again in the Medium article, Auth in Flutter. AuthArticle

Other Dart Packages

packages Other Dart packages from the author can also be found at

pub points



Authorization Library Package to log into Google, Facebook, or by Username and Password.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


firebase_auth, flutter, flutter_webview_plugin, google_sign_in, http, url_launcher


Packages that depend on auth