audio_waveforms 1.3.0
audio_waveforms: ^1.3.0 copied to clipboard
A Flutter package that allow you to generate waveform while recording audio or from audio file.
Audio Waveforms #
Use this plugin to generate waveforms while recording audio in any file format supported by given encoders or from audio files. We can use gestures to scroll through the waveforms or seek any position while playing audio and style waveforms.
Preview #
Add dependency to
dependencies: audio_waveforms: <latest-version>
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Make sure delete the app from your device and perform
flutter clean
and thenflutter pub get
Usage #
Recorder #
Below are platform specific setup for recording audio to be able work.
Change the minimum Android sdk version to 21 (or higher) in your android/app/build.gradle
minSdkVersion 21
Add RECORD_AUDIO permission in AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
Add description to your microphone usage in ios/Runner/Info.plist
<string>Add your own description.</string>
This plugin requires ios 12.0 or higher. So add this line to your Podfile
platform :ios, '12.0'
Quick example #
This is a quick example showcasing how to show waveforms while recording,
String? recordedFilePath;
final RecorderController recorderController = RecorderController();
void initState() {
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
children: [
onPressed: () {
if (recorderController.hasPermission) {
recorderController.record(); // By default saves file with datetime as name.
child: Text('Record'),
onPressed: () {
child: Text('Record'),
onPressed: () async {
if (recorderController.isRecording) {
recordedFilePath = await recorderController.stop();
child: Text('Stop'),
controller: recorderController,
size: Size(300, 50),
Advance features of Recorder #
Customizing recorder
- File path,
recorderController.record(path: '../myFile.m4a');
copied to clipboard - Encoders and output format,
Note -: These are default encoder and output format to support
recorderController.record( androidEncoder: AndroidEncoder.aac, androidOutputFormat: AndroidOutputFormat.mpeg4, iosEncoder: IosEncoder.kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC, );
copied to clipboard.m4a
file format. If you change them make sure that your file extension, sample rate and bit rate supports them and also which are supported byMediaRecorder
for Android andAVAudioRecorder
for iOS. - Update the rate at which new waveforms are drawn,
recorderController.updateFrequency = const Duration(milliseconds: 100);
copied to clipboard - Overriding ios recording session,
By Setting this to false, you can use own implement your own implementation so that your doesn't interfere with other app or even this plugin does't override previously set audio session.
recorderController.overrideAudioSession = false;
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Function to control recording and waveforms
- record
recorderController.record(); // If a path isn't provided, by default, the current date and time are set as the file name; m4a is used as the file extension.
copied to clipboard - pause
Note-: To resume recording, use record function.
recorderController.pause(); // Pauses the recording.
copied to clipboard - Stop
The boolean parameter callReset detects if after stopping the recording waveforms should get cleared or not.
recorderController.stop(false); // Stops the current recording.
copied to clipboard - reset
recorderController.reset(); // Clears waveforms and duration legends from the AudioWaveforms widget.
copied to clipboard - refresh
recorderController.refresh(); // Move back waveforms to original position if they have ever been scrolled.
copied to clipboard - dispose
recorderController.dispose(); // Dispose the controller and recorder if haven't already stopped.
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Events to get from RecorderController
- Streams which you can listen to,
recorderController.onCurrentDuration.listen((duration){}); // Provides currently recorded duration of audio every 50 milliseconds. recorderController.onRecorderStateChanged.listen((state){}); // Provides current state of recorder. recorderController.onRecordingEnded.listen((duration){}); // Provided duration of the audio file after recording is ended.
copied to clipboard - Get scrolled duration
A ValueNotifier which provides current position of scrolled waveform with respect to middle line.
copied to clipboardshouldCalculateScrolledPosition
flag must be enabled to use it (available in AudioWaveform widget). For better idea how duration is reported, enable duration labels and scroll toward middle line. Reported duration is in milliseconds.
Other available parameters
recorderController.waveData; // The waveform data is in the form of normalized peak power for iOS and normalized peak amplitude for Android. The values are between 0.0 and 1.0.
recorderController.elapsedDuration; // Recorded duration of the file.
recorderController.recordedDuration; // Duration of recorded audio file when recording has been stopped. Until recording has been stopped, this duration will be zero ( Also, once a new recording is started, this duration will be reset to zero.
recorderController.hasPermission; // If we have microphone permission or not.
recorderController.isRecording; // If the recorder is currently recording.
recorderController.recorderState; // Current state of the recorder.
Customizing the waveforms widget #
size: Size(MediaQuery.of(context).size.width, 200.0), // The size of your waveform widget.
shouldCalculateScrolledPosition: true, // recorderController.currentScrolledDuration will notify only when this is enabled.
enableGesture: true, // Enable/disable scrolling of the waveforms.
waveStyle: WaveStyle(), // Customize how waveforms looks.
Using WaveStyle, you customize color, gradients, space between the waves, add duration legends and many more things.
Player #
Quick example #
This is a quick example showcasing how to show waveforms while playing an audio file,
final PlayerController playerController = PlayerController();
void initState() {
playerController.preparePlayer(path: '../myFile.mp3');
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
children: [
onPressed: () {
child: Text('play'),
onPressed: () {
child: Text('pause'),
onPressed: () {
child: Text('Stop'),
controller: playerController,
size: Size(300, 50),
How to prepare a player
- Loading from assets
- Before you set audio file path, you will need to load file into memory.
File file = File('${appDirectory.path}/audio.mp3'); final audioFile = await rootBundle.load('assets/audio.mp3'); await file.writeAsBytes(audioFile.buffer.asUint8List()); playerController.preparePlayer(path: file.path);
copied to clipboard - Loading from device storage
- When you load a file from device storage, they are already in the memory so you can directly set the file path.
- Loading from network
- Currently playing remote audio file isn't supported so first you will need to download it and then you can play it.
- Deciding if waveforms should be extracted with the preparePlayer
Note-: When
playerController.preparePlayer(shouldExtractWaveform: true);
copied to clipboardshouldExtractWaveform
is enabled, with preparePlayer waveform data will also start to be extracted andPlayerController
will hold the extracted waveform data so anAudioFileWaveforms
widget with same PlayerController will always show same waveforms if it is rebuild or even if widget is removed from widget tree and added again.
Customizing the Player
Play the audio file
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Set volume of the player
playerController.setVolume(1.0); // Values should be between 0 and 1.
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Update how fast audio file should be played
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Seek to any position
playerController.seekTo(5000); // Required value is in milliseconds.
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Choose how player should stop when audio is finished playing.
- FinishMode.loop: Plays audio file again after finishing it.
- FinishMode.pause: Pauses at
millisecond after finishing the audio file. - FinishMode.stop: Stops the player at end and also releases resources taken the native player.
playerController.setFinishMode(finishMode: FinishMode.stop);
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Saving resources by precalculating the waveforms
You can precalculate waveforms by using playerController.extractWaveformData()
This function gives back list of doubles which you can directly set into AudioFileWaveforms
widget. Since calculating waveforms is expensive process, you can save this data somewhere and use it again when same file is used.
final waveformData = await playerController.extractWaveformData(path: '../audioFile.mp3');
waveformData: waveformData,
Listening to events from the player
playerController.onPlayerStateChanged.listen((state) {}); // Triggers events when the player state changes.
playerController.onCurrentDurationChanged.listen((duration) {}); // Triggers events when the audio playback position is adjusted to a specific duration.
playerController.onCurrentExtractedWaveformData.listen((data) {}); // Provides latest data while extracting the waveforms.
playerController.onExtractionProgress.listen((progress) {}); // Provides progress of the waveform extractions.
playerController.onCompletion.listen((_){}); // Triggers events every time when an audio file is finished playing.
Getting the current or maximum duration of the audio file
final fileLengthInDuration = await playerController.getDuration(DurationType.max);
final currentDuration = await playerController.getDuration(DurationType.current); // Provides the current duration where the file is in a paused or in-progress state.
The types of waveforms
AudioFileWaveforms( waveformType: WaveformType.fitWidth, );
copied to clipboard- These are the type of waveforms when you want the whole duration of the audio file's waveforms should fit in specified width.
- With these type of waveforms, you can seek through audio with tap and drag gesture.
For this, you will need to provide number of samples for the width which you can get from the
.final style = PlayerWaveStyle(...); final samples = style.getSamplesForWidth(screenWidth / 2); await playerController.preparePlayer(noOfSamples: samples); // extractWaveformData also has this parameter.
copied to clipboardNote-: If you don't provide number of samples then waveforms may get cut or won't fill whole space since default samples are 100.
AudioFileWaveforms( waveformType: WaveformType.long, );
copied to clipboard- These are the type of waveforms which you want them get out side of widget bounds.
- With these type of waveforms, you can seek through audio using drag gesture.
- These waveforms will show completed part of the audio on left side and remaining part on the right side of the middle line.
You may provide any number of samples for this.
Smoothening the waveforms seek animation
playerController.updateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.high;
There are 3 modes low, medium and high. Setting updateFrequency to high
will update current progress of the playing file faster(every 50ms) which will make waveform seek animation smooth and low
makes slower(every 200ms) which could make seek animation a little laggy. You can update this according to device configuration.
Releasing resources of native player
Stopping players all at once
There could be any number of players but you can just call this function from any one player and it will stop all the players.
Pausing players all at once
This function works similar to stopAllPlayers but just pauses all players.
Disposing the controller
As a responsible flutter devs, we dispose our controllers and it will also release resources taken by a native player.
Customizing the AudioFileWaveforms widget
continuousWaveform: true,
playerWaveStyle: PlayerWaveStlye(),
- Enabling the
will show waveforms as soon as and as much as data is extracted. Disabling it show waveforms only after whole extraction process is complete. - You can use PlayerWaveStyle to customize how waveforms looks. You can update waveform color, thickness, gradient, completed part, remaining part and much more.
Waveform scaling
scaleFactor: 100,
scrollScale: 1.2,
- Waveform data we get is very small value so we can scale them according to the our need using
. - If you want to provide some feedback when scrolling the waves then set
> 1.0.
Main Contributors #
Ujas Majithiya |
Devarsh Ranpara |