atreeon_datagrid_responsive 0.4.0 atreeon_datagrid_responsive: ^0.4.0 copied to clipboard
A datagrid with sorting and filtering capabilities. It is also responsive to screen size. Fully Typed.
atreeon_datagrid_responsive #
A datagrid with sorting and filtering capabilities. It is also responsive to screen size. Fully Typed.
Simple Demo #
see examples folder for more examples
class SimpleDemo extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: Column(
children: [
child: ResusableDatagridW<Item>(
data: originalData,
fields: [
Field<Item>((x) =>, "name", FilterFieldString()),
Field<Item>((x) => ramLookup[x.ram] ?? x.ram.toString(), "ram", FilterFieldNum()),
Field<Item>((x) => x.price, "price", FilterFieldNum()),
Field<Item>((x) =>, "storage", FilterFieldNum()),
onRowClick: (x) => print(x.toString()),
lastSaveDate: null,
class Item {
String name;
int ram;
int price;
int storage;
Item(, this.ram, this.price,;
var originalData = List<Item>.generate(
(i) => //
Item("id: $i", i * 2, i ~/ 2, i + 500));
var ramLookup = {64: "sixtyfour", 1: "one", 128: "one hundred & twenty eight"};
Features #
- multi select over multiple pages
- sorting and secondary sort capabilities
- typed filtering
- vertical responsive design (or fixed height)
- paging or no paging
Limitations #
- no cell editing capability (you can open a dialog on click of a row though)
- some data types aren't yet supported (DateTime)
- no grouping
- no reording column placement
- no widening or narrowing of column widths
Other Notes / Information #
written a couple of years ago