atproto 0.6.1 copy "atproto: ^0.6.1" to clipboard
atproto: ^0.6.1 copied to clipboard

The most famous and powerful Dart/Flutter library for AT Protocol.

Release Note #

v0.6.1 #

  • Exposed freezed union objects. You can use them for pattern matching. (#600)
    • labels.dart
      • ULabelsSelLabels
      • ULabelsUnknown
    • report_subject.dart
      • UReportSubjectRepoRef
      • UReportSubjectStrongRef
      • UReportSubjectUnknown
    • subscribed_repo.dart
      • USubscribedRepoCommit
      • USubscribedRepoHandle
      • USubscribedRepoMigrate
      • USubscribedRepoTombstone
      • USubscribedRepoInfo
      • USubscribedRepoUnknown
    • batch_action.dart
      • UBatchActionCreate
      • UBatchActionUpdate
      • UBatchActionDelete

v0.6.0 #

  • Drop support for null unsafe Dart, bump SDK constraint to '^3.0.0'. (#599)
  • Dart3 modifier applied.

v0.5.9 #

  • Added SelfLabel, SelfLabels, Labels objects. (#654)

v0.5.8 #

  • Added cursor to Repos object. (#627)
  • Upgraded atproto_core and exposed RateLimit and RateLimitPolicy objects. (#636)
  • Added pagination utils. (#626)
    • RepositoriesService
      • paginateRecords
      • paginateRecordsAsJson
    • SyncService
      • paginateRepos
      • paginateReposAsJson

v0.5.7 #

  • Exposed lexicon ids from com.atproto as ids.dart. (#623)

v0.5.6 #

  • Optimized internal processing. (#606)

v0.5.5 #

  • Added documentations to model objects. (#595)
  • Made annotations const. (#605)

v0.5.4 #

  • Upgraded atproto_core. Fixed minor things.

v0.5.3 #

  • Removed deprecated properties. This is a property that was planned to be turned off in v0.6.0, so there are no breaking changes.

v0.5.2 #

  • A method to retrieve response data as JSON from endpoints that perform GET communication has been added. These processes do not convert to a specific model object, thus improving performance. (#563)
    • IdentitiesService
      • findDIDAsJson
    • RepositoriesService
      • findRecordAsJson
      • findRecordsAsJson
      • findRepoInfoAsJson
    • ServersService
      • findCurrentSessionAsJson
      • findInviteCodesAsJson
      • findAppPasswordsAsJson
      • findServerInfoAsJson
    • SyncService
      • findRepoCommitsAsJson
      • findRepoCommitPathsAsJson
      • findRepoBlocksAsJson
      • findRepoCheckoutAsJson
      • findRepoHeadAsJson
      • findRecordAsJson
      • findReposAsJson

v0.5.1 #

  • Supported com.atproto.server.describeServer as findServerInfo in ServersService. (#260)
  • Supported com.atproto.server.createInviteCodes as createInviteCodes in ServersService. (#258)
  • identifier in createSession is now required.
  • Fixed to throw UnsupportedError when an anonymous user tries to access an endpoint that requires authentication. (#564)

v0.5.0 #

  • Added homepage in pubspec.yaml. (#549)
  • Changed the argument of the uploadBlob method to byte data instead of a File object. This change allows uploads to be used without being affected by platform differences. (#556)

v0.4.0 #

  • Supported com.atproto.sync.getRepo as findRepoCommits in SyncService. (#313)
  • Changed default timeout from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.
  • Supported com.atproto.sync.getCommitPath as findRepoCommitPaths in SyncService. (#310)
  • Supported com.atproto.sync.getBlocks as findRepoBlocks in SyncService. (#308)
  • Supported com.atproto.sync.getCheckout as findRepoCheckout in SyncService. (#309)
  • Supported com.atproto.sync.getHead as findRepoHead in SyncService. (#311)
  • Supported com.atproto.sync.getRecord as findRecord in SyncService. (#312)
  • Supported com.atproto.repo.listRecords as findRecords in RepositoriesService. (#305)
  • Supported com.atproto.repo.rebaseRepo as rebaseRepo in RepositoriesService. (#509)
  • Supported com.atproto.sync.listRepos as findRepos in SyncService. (#315)
  • Renamed object from Repo to RepoInfo returned from findRepoInfo in RepositoriesService.
  • Renamed RecordValue to Record. And now createRecord and updateRecord returns StrongRef. (#511)
  • Removed BlobContext and LegacyBlob. Blobs in the old format were modified to be converted to the new format. (#514)

v0.3.4 #

  • Improved generation of CID hash codes, allowing CID objects to be specified as keys for Maps, etc. (#490)
  • Fixed a bug in converting the results of com.atproto.sync.subscribeRepos. (#487)

v0.3.2 #

  • Refactored subscribeRepoUpdates. (#472)

v0.3.1 #

  • handle parameter in findDID is now required. (#459)
  • Exposed $XRPCErrorCopyWith. (#463)
  • Add a record field with decoded Car block in the object converted by subscribeRepoUpdates and also a uri field. (#446)

v0.3.0 #

  • Fixed type from StrongRef to Record of updateRecord in RepositoriesService.
  • Updated SDK to ">=2.17.0 <4.0.0". (#406)

v0.2.13 #

  • Supported com.atproto.repo.applyWrites as updateBulk in RepositoriesService. Also added following utilities. (#306)
    • createRecords
    • updateRecords
    • deleteRecords
  • Added toStrongRef() method in Record and RecordValue. Be sure to check with hasStrongRef or hasNotStrongRef when you use toStrongRef() from RecordValue, because cid in RecordValue is nullable. (#367)

v0.2.12 #

  • Added unknown fields for union types. The AT Protocol allows some endpoints to create records of types not officially supported. In such cases, the unknown field is used to store the raw JSON for a safe and user-choice implementation. (#350)

v0.2.11 #

  • Removed did parameter from findRecord in RepositoriesService.

v0.2.10 #

  • Added label.dart. (#346)

v0.2.9 #

  • Added additional fields in InviteCode object. (#326)
  • Supported findRecord in RepositoriesService. (#304)
  • Added SyncService and supported stream API as subscribeRepos. (#318)
  • Added anonymous constructor in ATProto object. (#324)

v0.2.8 #

  • Supported findRepo. (#303)

v0.2.7 #

  • Added moderation reasons, and fixed report_subject to union. (#288)
  • Supported updateRecord. (#295)

v0.2.6 #

  • Supported com.atproto.server.createAccount. (#256)
  • Supported com.atproto.server.createInviteCode. (#257)
  • Added protocol option. Defaults to HTTPS. (#269)
  • Supported com.atproto.server.deleteAccount. (#259)
  • Supported com.atproto.server.requestDeleteAccount. (#273)
  • Supported com.atproto.server.requestPasswordReset. (#263)
  • Supported com.atproto.server.updatePassword. (#264)
  • Supported com.atproto.server.createAppPassword. (#277)
  • Supported com.atproto.server.deleteAppPassword. (#279)
  • Supported com.atproto.server.listAppPasswords. (#278)
  • Supported com.atproto.server.getAccountInviteCodes. (#261)

v0.2.5 #

  • Supported com.atproto.repo.uploadBlob. (#249)

v0.2.4 #

  • Added email field to Session and CurrentSession. (#235)
  • Upgraded xrpc to make this package compatible with Flutter. (#242)

v0.2.3 #

  • Fixed lexicon method id from com.atproto.handle to com.atproto.identity.

v0.2.2 #

  • Merged official refactoring. (#52)
    • Renamed SessionService to ServersService
    • Renamed handle parameter in createSession to identifier
    • Removed parameter collection from RepositoriesService.deleteRecord

v0.2.1 #

  • Added IdentitiesService and findDID. (#211)
  • Added updateHandle in IdentitiesService. (#212)
  • Added ModerationService and createReport. (#216)
  • Added refreshSession in SessionsService. (#218)

v0.2.0 #

  • Fixed to use xrpc package and refactored structures. (#146)
  • Fixed to use at_uri for uri parameters in Record and deleteRecord. (#144)

v0.1.2 #

  • Fixed standard prefix from get to find. (#90)

v0.1.1 #

  • Fixed standard prefix from destroy to delete. (#81)
  • Fixed standard prefix from lookup to get. (#84)

v0.1.0 #

  • Refactored structures. (#70)
    • Moved Empty to atproto_core
    • Moved ATProtoResponse to atproto_core
    • Moved ATProtoRequest to atproto_core

v0.0.4 #

  • Fixed typo from awtToken to accessJwt.

v0.0.3 #

  • Added RepositoriesService.
    • createRecord
    • destroyRecord

v0.0.2 #

  • Fixed links.

v0.0.1 #

  • First Release!
pub points



The most famous and powerful Dart/Flutter library for AT Protocol.

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