atom_generator 0.0.1 copy "atom_generator: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
atom_generator: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

Atom Generator is a package that accelerates your Flutter development and generate GetX routes, bindings with a lot of options

Atom Generator #

Atom Generator is a package to generate GetX routes, bindings, forms and more, that generator using source_gen.


Generator Add the generator to your dev dependencies

 atom_annotations: ^0.0.1

Define and Generate your Code

import 'package:atom_annotations/atom_annotations.dart';  
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class PostsPage extends StatelessWidget {  
  const PostsPage({super.key});  
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {  
  return const Placeholder();  

Any page that needs to be added to the GetPages list should be annotated with @PageRouter('route-name'), replacing route-name with the route of that page.

then run the generator

pub run build_runner build

A new dart file will be created in the root of the project called app_routes.dart. This file will contain the page routes, and the file output will be as follows:

class AppRoutes {  
  static List<GetPage> routes() {  
  return [PostsPageRoute.route()];  
class PostsPageRoute {  
  static GetPage route() {  
  return GetPage(  
  name: '/posts',  
      page: () => PostsPage(),  
      binding: BindingsBuilder(() {}),  
  void open() {  
  Get.toNamed('/posts', arguments: {});  

An AppRoutes class will be created, containing a static method called routes that returns a list of GetPage. For each page, a specific class will be generated, consisting of the page's name with Route added at the end.

This class will include a route method that returns a GetPage with the page path, page, and bindings. Additionally, an open method will be added to allow access to the page later.




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Atom Generator is a package that accelerates your Flutter development and generate GetX routes, bindings with a lot of options

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


analyzer, atom_annotations, build, code_builder, dart_style, flutter, glob, path, source_gen


Packages that depend on atom_generator