at_onboarding_cli 1.5.0 copy "at_onboarding_cli: ^1.5.0" to clipboard
at_onboarding_cli: ^1.5.0 copied to clipboard

Dart tools for initial client onboarding, subsequent client enrollment, and enrollment management.


List of steps to run the examples for checking apkam enrollment

  1. Onboard an atsign which will get the privilege to approve/deny enrollments:
    • run: dart example/onboard.dart -a <atsign> -c <CRAM secret> -k <path_store_keys_file>
    • e.g. dart example/onboard.dart -a @alice -k /home/alice/.atsign/@alice_wavikey.atKeys -c b26455a907582760ebf35bc4847de549bc41c24b25c8b1c58d5964f7b4f8a43bc55b0e9a601c9a9657d9a8b8bbc32f88b4e38ffaca03c8710ebae1b14ca9f364
    • If you do not already have the CRAM Secret for your atsign run: dart example/get_cram_key.dart -a <@atsign>
  2. Authenticate using the onboarded atsign:
    • run: dart example/apkam_examples/apkam_authenticate.dart -a <atsign> -k <path_of_keys_file_from_#1>
    • e.g. dart example/apkam_examples/apkam_authenticate.dart -a @alice -k /home/alice/.atsign/@alice_wavikey.atKeys
  3. Run client to approve enrollments:
    • run: dart example/apkam_examples/enroll_app_listen.dart -a <atsign> -k <path_of_keys_file_from_#1>
    • e.g dart example/apkam_examples/enroll_app_listen.dart -a @alice -k /home/alice/.atsign/@alice_wavikey.atKeys
  4. Get OTP for enrollment
    • 4.1 Perform a PKAM authentication through the ssl client
      • 4.1.1 Get the challenge from the atServer:
        • run: from:<@atsign> e.g. from:@alice
        • This generates a string which is called the challenge which will be used to generate the authentication token
      • 4.1.2 Create a pkamSignature that can be used to authenticate yourself
        • Clone at_tools from
        • Change directory into 'at_tools/packages/at_pkam>'
        • run: dart bin/main.dart -p <keys_file_path> <from_response>
        • e.g dart bin/main.dart -p /home/alice/.atsign/@alice_wavikey.atKeys -r _70138292-07b5-4e47-8c94-e02e38220775@alice:883ea0aa-c526-400a-926e-48cae9281de9
        • This should generate a hash, which is called the pkamSignature which will be used to authenticate into the atServer
      • 4.1.3 Now that a pkamSignature is generated, use it to authenticate
        run:pkam:enrollmentId:<enrollmentId>:<pkamSignature> [enrollmentId - get it from the .atKeys file]
    • 4.2 Once authenticated run otp:get
      • Now copy the 6-digit alpha-numeric code which is the OTP
  5. Request enrollment
    • 5.1 Submit enrollment from new client:
      • run:dart example/apkam_examples/apkam_enroll.dart -a <atsign> -k <path_to_store_keys_file> -o <otp>
      • Note: this path has to be different from the path provided in Step#1 as this is a new file
      • e.g. dart example/apkam_examples/apkam_enroll.dart -a @alice -k /home/alice/.atsign/@alice_buzzkey.atKeys -o DY4UT4
    • 5.2 Approve the enrollment from the client from #3
      • To approve the enrollment type yes and then Enter
    • 5.3 Enrollment should be successful and atKeys file stored in the path specified
  6. Authenticate using the enrolled keys file
    • 6.1 run: dart example/apkam_examples/apkam_authenticate.dart -a <atsign> -k <path_of_keys_file_from_#5.1>
    • Note: this keys file is different from the keys file generated in Step#1. This new file only has access to the data that is allowed to access from this enrollment_id



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Dart tools for initial client onboarding, subsequent client enrollment, and enrollment management.

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args, at_auth, at_chops, at_cli_commons, at_client, at_commons, at_lookup, at_server_status, at_utils, crypton, encrypt, http, image, meta, path, zxing2


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