at_onboarding_cli 1.2.4
at_onboarding_cli: ^1.2.4 copied to clipboard
Dart tool to authenticate, onboard and perform complex operations on atSign seccondaries from command-line-interface.
import 'package:at_lookup/at_lookup.dart';
import 'package:at_onboarding_cli/at_onboarding_cli.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
//onboarding preference builder can be used to set onboardingService parameters
AtOnboardingPreference atOnboardingPreference = AtOnboardingPreference()
..qrCodePath = 'storage/qr_code.png'
..hiveStoragePath = 'storage/hive'
..namespace = 'example'
..downloadPath = 'storage/files'
..isLocalStoreRequired = true
..commitLogPath = 'storage/commitLog'
..cramSecret = '<your cram secret>'
..privateKey = '<your private key here>'
..atKeysFilePath = 'storage/alice_key.atKeys';
AtOnboardingService? onboardingService =
AtOnboardingServiceImpl('your atsign here', atOnboardingPreference);
await onboardingService.onboard();
AtLookUp? atLookup = onboardingService.atLookUp;
print(await atLookup?.scan(regex: 'publickey'));
await onboardingService.close();
//free the object after it's used and no longer required
onboardingService = null;