at_commons 5.1.2 at_commons: ^5.1.2 copied to clipboard
A library of Dart and Flutter utility classes that are used across other components of the atPlatform.
5.1.2 #
- fix: remove isPaginated check in SyncVerbBuilder and always set from: and limit: since sync:from verb expects these params to be set.
5.1.1 #
- fix: Introduce IV params for apkam enrollment flow
5.1.0 #
- feat: Introduce skipDeletesUntil for sync:from verb
5.0.2 #
- fix: Add "publicKeyHash" and "hashingAlgo" type to metadata.
- build[deps]: Upgraded the following package:
- json_annotation to v4.9.0
- meta to v1.16.0
- build_runner to v2.4.13
- json_serializable to v6.9.0
- lints to v5.0.0
- test to v1.25.8
- test_process to v2.1.0
5.0.1 #
- fix: export regex utils class
5.0.0 #
- [Breaking Change]feat: Emit the isEncrypted value in the metadata if it is false
- fix: update pkam regex to accept sha512 as hashing algo
4.1.2 #
- feat: Add "expiry" enroll params to support apkam keys to auto expiry after specified time duration
4.1.1 #
- feat: Add "delete" operation to the enroll verb to allow deletion of denied enrollments
4.1.0 #
- feat: Add "unrevoke" operation to the enroll verb to restore revoked APKAM keys
- fix: Add isEncrypted flag to notify command for both true and false
4.0.11 #
- chore: deprecate MessageTypeEnum.text
- fix: remove deprecated annotation from Metadata.pubKeyCS
4.0.10 #
- fix: Add a "force" variable to enroll_verb_builder to propagate enroll:revoke:force value
- fix: Deprecate apkam in PkamAuthMode enum
4.0.9 #
- feat: enroll verb syntax change for enroll:revoke:force and added new exception AtEnrollmentRevokeException
4.0.8 #
- fix: Add shared_key.atsign@atsign to reservedKey regex
4.0.7 #
- fix: Add fetch operation to enroll verb to get the enrollment details
4.0.6 #
- fix: max key length validation changes
- fix: PublicKey toString method should return 'cached:' when isCached is set in metadata
4.0.5 #
- feat: Enhance enroll:list to enable filtering based on enrollment status
4.0.3 #
- fix: "toJson()" invoked on "pubKeyHash" leads to NullPointerException.
4.0.2 #
- feat: changes to replace md5 checksum - deprecated pubKeyCS in AtKey and introduced new class PublicKeyHash
4.0.1 #
- fix: Add "InvalidPinException" which is thrown when an invalid Semi Permanent Passcode is submitted.
4.0.0 #
- [Breaking Change] fix: Updated regex for Reserved keys (Internal keys used by the server)
- fix: Add "put" operation to OTP verb to store semi-permanent pass codes
- Remove attributes related to AtKey and metadata in verb builders. Instead, use AtKey instance.
3.0.58 #
- fix: Deprecate encryptedDefaultEncryptedPrivateKey in EnrollParams and introduce encryptedDefaultEncryptedPrivateKey for readability
- fix: Replace encryptedDefaultEncryptedPrivateKey with encryptedDefaultEncryptionPrivateKey in EnrollVerbBuilder
3.0.57 #
- feat: Introduced TTL(Time to Live) for OTP verb to configure OTP expiry
3.0.56 #
- feat: Introduce "AtInvalidEnrollmentException" which is thrown when an enrollment is expired or invalid
- feat: Introduce error code 'AT0030' for Invalid Enrollment Status
- chore: Deprecated all variables in
, useAtConstants.<variable-name>
3.0.55 #
- feat: Introduce "AtThrottleLimitExceeded" exception which is thrown when enrollment request exceeds the limit
- feat: Introduce new error codes for apkam enrollments
3.0.54 #
- fix: Modify "totp" verb regex to include alphanumeric characters
- feat: Introduce "EnrollResponse" class which represents the enrollment response.
3.0.53 #
- feat: Modify "enroll" verb regex.
- feat: Introduce "EnrollParams" class to encapsulate enrollment attributes.
3.0.52 #
- fix: Add revoke and list operations to "enroll" verb
- fix: Modify "keys" verb regex and verb builder
3.0.51 #
- feat: added exception class for enrollment exception
3.0.50 #
- feat: add self notification flag in monitor syntax for APKAM feature
3.0.49 #
- feat: added syntax and verb builder for keys verb
- feat: introduced verb builder for enroll and pkam verbs
- chore: Moved this package to a new repo & updated repository URL
3.0.48 #
- feat: totp support in enroll verb
3.0.47 #
- fix: Enhance stats verb to allow regex for stats:15
- feat: Add syntax and verb builder for APKAM enroll verb
3.0.46 #
- fix: Modify emoji list to allow variation selector Unicode
3.0.45 #
- fix: Add constants for AtClientParticulars
3.0.44 #
- feat: introduce enum for pkam authentication mode
3.0.43 #
- feat: Enhanced the monitor verb syntax
- added
flag to allow client to request that only regex-matching notifications are sent - e.g. do not send other 'control' type notifications like the 'statsNotifications' - added
flag to allow client to indicate that this socket is also being used for request-response interactions
- added
3.0.42 #
- fix: Tightened the validation of 'public' key names. Keys like this:
will now correctly be identified as not being valid.
3.0.41 #
- fix: Add 'configkey' to list of reserved keys for key validation purposes
3.0.40 #
- fix: Add notification expiry to the notify verb builder.
3.0.39 #
- feat: add new exceptions for at_chops operations.
3.0.38 #
- fix: add hashing algorithm to pkam syntax.
3.0.37 #
- fix: change signing algo in pkam syntax from rsa256 to sha256.
- fix: pub score issues.
3.0.36 #
- feat: change is pkam syntax to support different signing algorithms.
- fix: pub score issues.
3.0.35 #
- feat: enforce lowercase on AtKey(all key types included)
- fix: incorrect behaviour of cached:public keys in AtKey.fromString()
- feat: Added new fields to Metadata
- feat: Added new encryption metadata to the syntax for notify, update and update:meta verbs
3.0.34 #
- feat: New server-side exception ServerIsPausedException, error code AT0024
3.0.33 #
- fix: Deprecate AtCompactionConfig class
3.0.32 #
- fix: Enable deletion of a local key
3.0.31 #
- feat: Added AtTelemetryService. Marked @experimental while the feature is in early stages.
3.0.30 #
- fix: Add key validations to Update and llookup verb builders
3.0.29 #
- fix: AtKey.fromString() sets incorrect value in sharedWith attribute for public keys.
3.0.28 #
- feat: Introduce the local key type
3.0.27 #
- feat: Implement the
methods for AtKey, AtValue and Metadata classes
3.0.26 #
- feat: Introduce notifyFetch verb
- fix: bug in at_exception_stack.dart
3.0.25 #
- fix: update regex to correctly parse negative values in ttl and ttb
- feat: add clientConfig to from verb syntax
3.0.24 #
- fix: add error code for InvalidAtKeyException
3.0.23 #
- fix: bug fixes to AtKey.fromString static method and various toString instance methods
- feat: When validating AtKeys, allow namespace to be optional, for legacy app code which depends on keys without namespaces
- feat: Added getKeyType to AtKey
3.0.22 #
- Add ENCODING to update verb regex, update verb builder and Metadata to support encoding of new line character
- Add AtKeyNotFoundException for non-existent keys in secondary
- Add documentation around the Metadata fields
3.0.21 #
- Add constant for stats notification id
3.0.20 #
- Enhance notify verb to include the isEncrypted field
- Add intent and exception scenario to AtException subclasses
- Introducing class SecureSocketConfig to store config params to create security context for secure sockets.
3.0.19 #
- Rename byPassCache to bypassCache in lookup, plookup verb builders and at_constants
3.0.18 #
- Add 'showHidden' to scan regex to display hidden keys when set to true
3.0.17 #
- Introduce exception hierarchy and new AtException subclasses
3.0.16 #
- Hide at_client_exceptions.dart to prevent at_client_exception being referred from at_commons
3.0.15 #
- FEAT: support to bypass cache in lookup and plookup verbs
3.0.14 #
- Remove unnecessary print statements
3.0.13 #
- Generate default notification id
3.0.12 #
- Added optional parameter to info verb. Valid syntax is now either 'info' or 'info:brief'
3.0.11 #
- Rename 'NotifyDelete' to 'NotifyRemove' since 'notify:delete' is already in use.
3.0.10 #
- Added syntax regex for 'notifyDelete' verb
3.0.9 #
- Bug fix in notify verb syntax
3.0.8 #
- Support for encryption shared key and public key in notify verb
3.0.7 #
- Added encryption shared key and public key checksum to metadata
3.0.6 #
- Added syntax regexes for new verbs 'info' and 'noop'
3.0.5 #
- Rename TimeoutException to AtTimeoutException to prevent confusion with Dart async's TimeoutException
3.0.4 #
- Add TimeoutException
3.0.3 #
- Add static factor methods for AtKey creation
3.0.2 #
- added constants for compaction and notification expiry
3.0.1 #
- Add AtKey validations
3.0.0 #
- sync pagination changes
2.0.5 #
- version 2.0.4 update issue
2.0.4 #
- Shared key status in metadata
- Add last notification time to Monitor
2.0.3 #
- Syntax change in stream verb to support resume
2.0.2 #
- Fix regex issue in Notify verb
2.0.1 #
- Remove trailing space in StatsVerbBuilder
2.0.0 #
- Null safety upgrade
1.0.1+8 #
- Refactor code with dart lint rules
1.0.1+7 #
- Third party package dependency upgrade
1.0.1+6 #
- Replace ByteBuffer with ByteBuilder
1.0.1+5 #
- Notification sub system changes
1.0.1+4 #
- added createdAt and updatedAt to metadata Introduced batch verb for sync
1.0.1+3 #
- Notify verb builder and update verb syntax changes
1.0.1+2 #
- Update verb builder changes
1.0.1+1 #
- Stream verb syntax changes
1.0.1 #
- Initial version, created by Stagehand