at_common_flutter 2.0.14
at_common_flutter: ^2.0.14 copied to clipboard
A Flutter package to provide common widgets used by other atPlatform Flutter packages.
2.0.14 #
- CHORE: Addressed static analysis info and warning messages to improve code quality and reduce noise during analysis.
- FIX: Replace depreciated items with up-to-date-ones
2.0.13: #
- CHORE: Major version increase of at_commons from ^3.0.55 to ^4.0.1
2.0.12 #
- CHORE: Updated repository URL
2.0.11 #
- CHORE: Updated dependencies and android gradle versions
2.0.10 #
- CHORE: Updated readme
2.0.9 #
- FIX: Minor UI updates
- CHORE: Updated dependency
2.0.8 #
- FIX: Lint Fixes according to flutter 3.0
2.0.7 #
- FIX: Added missing fontWeight
2.0.6 #
- DOCS: Documentation updated
2.0.5 #
- DOCS: Updated and
- CHORE: Updated example to demonstrate inheriting theme from calling app
2.0.4 #
- FEAT: Added check for mobile, tablet and desktop in SizeConfig
2.0.3 #
- FEAT: Added
check in CustomAppBar
2.0.2 #
- FEAT: borderRadius option added in CustomButton
2.0.1 #
- UPDATE: Updated description, repository link
- FEAT: More options in CustomInputField
2.0.0 #
- UPDATE: Null safety support
1.0.1 #
- DOCS: Updated documentation
1.0.0 #
- CHORE: Updated authentication in example app
0.0.4 #
- CHORE: Updated example app
0.0.3 #
- CHORE: Updated with example app
0.0.2 #
- BREAKING CHANGES: This release consists of parameter change in custom button and custom input field
0.0.1 #
- The initial release consists of custom appBar, custom button and custom input field