async_storage_local 0.0.1 async_storage_local: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
Async Storage Local
The package Async_Storage_Local is to save/write and read a string to local storage. If you are familiar with AsyncStorage in React/React Native, this is a close counter part in flutter environment. It's a class with three fucntionalities of write/save, read, and delete. Declare a class variable in your STATEFUL widget with "keyFile" property. Then, saving and reading are done by .saveSting() and .readString() respectively. It saves data in Stinrg. Stringify (via jsonEncode) any json data to store/save and convert the retrieved data to json format via jsonDecode. It was tested fine with a couple of kB of data string.
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Features #
- Easy to save/write and read a String data to local storage.
- Delete the file if not necessary.
Getting started #
Github provide an example.
Usage #
Run the command to add intp the pubspec.yaml:
flutter pub add async_storage_local
Import the package:
import 'package:async_storage_local/async_storage_local.dart';
The parent widget calling the package should be STATEFUL
declare your local AsyncStorageLocal and dataStringRetrieved: _ eg:
AsyncStorageLocal fileSetting =AsyncStorageLocal(keyFile: 'settings'); String dataStringRetrived=''; //optional String fileDeleted='';
Place the code set in any place takeing functions (eg, onPress, initState,-blocks):
InkWell( onTap: (){ fileSetting.saveString('Lang: English'); }, child: const Text( 'Save settings on keyFile', ), ),
To retrieve the string use .readSting()
onTap:(){ fileSetting.readString().then((value) { setState((){ dataStringRetrived=value; }); }); },
_ Then, the retrived string is "dataStringRetrived". The data is accessed like:
... Text(dataStringRetrieved,style:TextStyle(...)), ...
_ As state earlier, the dataStringRetrived needs to be decoded to convert into a json if the saved is an encoded json. The data string size can be a couple of kB.
Additional information #
Please refer my Github site for details.