async_queue 2.0.0 copy "async_queue: ^2.0.0" to clipboard
async_queue: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard

This dart package ensure your pack of async tasks execute in order, one after the other.

2.0.0 #

  • add Flutter example
  • add allowDuplicate default to true.
  • add throwIfDuplicate default to false.
  • change AsyncJob = Function(PreviousResult previousResult). This allows you to access the previous job's result when adding new job.
  • remove list, getJobInfo, and addNode from version 2.0.0-dev.1 as not needed.
  • hide AsyncNode
  • remove JobInfo
  • change job label type from String to Object
  • add current running job label CurrentJobUpdater to notify every time a job is running

2.0.0-dev.3 #

  • change job label type from String to Object
  • add current running job label CurrentJobUpdater to notify every time a job is running

2.0.0-dev.2 #

  • add Flutter example
  • add allowDuplicate default to true.
  • add throwIfDuplicate default to false.
  • change AsyncJob = Function(PreviousResult previousResult). This allows you to access the previous job's result when adding new job.
  • remove list, getJobInfo, and addNode from version 2.0.0-dev.1 as not needed.
  • hide AsyncNode
  • remove JobInfo

2.0.0-dev.1 #

  • option to add the job that failed back in to the queue. (last position)
  • expose [AsyncNode]
  • [addNode] on [AsyncQueue]

1.3.0 #

  • option to add label and description when adding job
  • [label] need to be unique unless [DuplicatedLabelException] will throw.
  • in [AsyncQueue.addJob] if provide retryTime = -1 will make the job retry infinitely until it success. You still have to explicitly call retry. Be careful when using this option.
  • emit event when job hits its max retry limit [QueueEventType.retryLimitReached]
  • add [AsyncQueue.list] and [AsyncQueue.getJobInfo] to retrieve the jobs info event when queue finished
  • add [AsyncQueue.clear] to clear the info list and also stop the queue if it's running

1.2.0 #

  • add stop() to stop and remove all remaining jobs in the queue
  • add retry() to retry the job, default to 1 time, but user can set as many time as they want
  • remove {bool forceStop = false} in close() since we now have stop method
  • fix typo
  • add test cases

1.1.1 #

  • add Flutter use cases into README

1.1.0 #

  • [breaking change] remove beforeListener and afterListener. One listener will emit event with type.
  • add close({bool forceStop = false}) close the queue so that no more job can be added. [forceStop] if true, all remain jobs will be canceled
  • addJobThrow Add new job in to the queue if the queue is closed, throw [ClosedQueueException]
  • add test cases

1.0.0 #

  • (Normal Queue) Add multiple jobs into queue before firing
  • (Auto Queue) Firing job as soon as any job is added to the queue
  • (Both) Option to add queue listener that happens before or after execute every job
pub points



This dart package ensure your pack of async tasks execute in order, one after the other.

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