astra 1.0.0-dev.78 copy "astra: ^1.0.0-dev.78" to clipboard
astra: ^1.0.0-dev.78 copied to clipboard


Astra is a Shelf web server implementation with multi-threaded support and hot reload.

Pub Package License

Astra is a Shelf web server implementation with multi-threaded support and hot reload.


Progress status: #

  • Error handling and verbose output (I'm here)
  • Tests (and there)
  • API Documentation
  • Logging
  • Manual hot reload & hot restart
  • Middlewares:
    • CORS
    • JWT
    • Trailing Slash
    • ...
  • ...
  • Replace HttpServer with Shelf Request/Response first server implementation (experimenting)
  • Application framework on top of this

Quickstart #

Install using dart pub:

$ dart pub global activate astra

Create an application, in lib/[package].dart:

import 'dart:io';

import 'package:astra/core.dart';

Response application(Request request) {
  return Response.ok('hello world!');

Run the server:

$ astra serve

Usage #

The astra command line tool is the easiest way to run your application...

Command line options #

$ astra serve -h
Serve application.

Usage: astra serve [arguments]
-h, --help                           Print this usage information.

Common options:
-d, --directory=<path>               Run this in the directory.
-v, --verbose                        Output more informational messages.

Application options:
-t, --target=<name>                  The name of the handler or factory.
                                     (defaults to "application")

Server options:
-a, --host=<internet-address>        Socket bind host.
                                     (defaults to "localhost")
-p, --port=<port>                    Socket bind port.
                                     (defaults to "3000")
    --backlog=<count>                Socket listen backlog.
                                     (defaults to "0")
    --shared                         Socket connections distributing.
    --v6Only                         Restrict socket to version 6.
-j, --concurrency=<count>            The number of concurrent servers to serve.
                                     (defaults to "1")
    --ssl-cert=<path>                SSL certificate file.
    --ssl-key=<path>                 SSL key file.
    --ssl-key-password=<password>    SSL keyfile password.

Debugging options:
-r, --reload                         Enable hot-reload.
-o, --observe=<port>                 Enable VM Observer.
                                     (defaults to "3001")

Run "astra help" to see global options.

Running programmatically #

To run astra directly from your application...


import 'package:astra/serve.dart';
import 'package:example/example.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
  await serve(application, 'localhost', 3000);
  print('serving at http://localhost:3000');

Application factories #

The --target option also allows loading the application from a factory function, rather than a handler or an application instance directly. The factory will be called with no arguments and should return a FutureOr<Handler>.

class Hello extends Application {


  Response call(Request request) {
    return Response.ok('hello world!');

Future<Handler> createApplication() async {
  var db = await loadDB();
  return logRequests().handle(Hello(db));
$ astra serve --target createApplication

Why Astra? #


pub points


unverified uploader

Astra is a Shelf web server implementation with multi-threaded support and hot reload.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


args, path, shelf, stack_trace, stream_transform, vm_service, yaml


Packages that depend on astra