arna 1.0.6 copy "arna: ^1.0.6" to clipboard
arna: ^1.0.6 copied to clipboard

Arna is a set of widgets designed to be simple and easy to use for building applications with Flutter.

Introduction #

Arna is a set of widgets designed to be simple and easy to use for building applications with Flutter. These widgets are designed to be clean, minimal, and modern. Arna is inspired by the GNOME project.

You can check the web version here.

Made with Arna #

Getting Started #

Add Arna as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml

  arna: ^1.0.6

And import it

import 'package:arna/arna.dart';

Donation #

If you like Arna you can support developer with monero. Thank you!



Platform Support #

Platform Android iOS Linux MacOS Web Windows

Feature roadmap #


Widgets #

Arna Material Cupertino
ArnaApp MaterialApp CupertinoApp
ArnaLogo FlutterLogo -
ArnaAvatar CircleAvatar -
ArnaBanner MaterialBanner -
ArnaBaseWidget InkWell -
ArnaBody - -
ArnaBottomBar NavigationBar CupertinoTabBar
ArnaBottomBarItem NavigationDestination -
ArnaDivider Divider -
ArnaDrawer Drawer -
ArnaHeaderBar AppBar CupertinoNavigationBar
ArnaSliverHeaderBar SliverAppBar CupertinoSliverNavigationBar
ArnaLicensePage LicensePage -
ArnaMasterDetailScaffold - -
ArnaMasterItem - -
ArnaPageIndicator - -
ArnaPage MaterialPage CupertinoPage
ArnaProgressIndicator ProgressIndicator CupertinoActivityIndicator
ArnaPageRoute MaterialPageRoute CupertinoPageRoute
ArnaScaffold Scaffold CupertinoPageScaffold
ArnaScrollbar Scrollbar CupertinoScrollbar
ArnaSearchField SearchPage CupertinoSearchTextField
ArnaSelectableText SelectableText -
ArnaSideBarItem - -
ArnaSideScaffold - -
ArnaSnackBar SnackBar -
ArnaTabItem Tab -
ArnaTabView TabBarView CupertinoTabScaffold
ArnaTextSelectionControls MaterialTextSelectionControls CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionControls
ArnaTooltip Tooltip -
ArnaBackButton BackButton -
ArnaBorderlessButton - -
ArnaButton ElevatedButton CupertinoButton
ArnaCloseButton CloseButton -
ArnaColorButton - -
ArnaIconButton IconButton -
ArnaLinkedButtons - -
ArnaTextButton TextButton -
ArnaPillButton FloatingActionButton -
ArnaBadge - -
ArnaCard Card -
ArnaExpansionPanel ExpansionPanel -
ArnaGridTileBar GridTileBar -
ArnaGridTile GridTile -
ArnaList - -
ArnaListTile ListTile -
ArnaReorderableList ReorderableListView -
ArnaAboutDialog AboutDialog -
ArnaAlertDialog AlertDialog CupertinoAlertDialog
ArnaDialog Dialog -
ArnaPopupDialog - -
ArnaAutocomplete Autocomplete -
ArnaCheckbox Checkbox -
ArnaCheckboxListTile CheckboxListTile -
ArnaDropdownButton DropdownButton -
ArnaPopupMenu PopupMenu CupertinoContextMenu
ArnaRadio Radio -
ArnaRadioListTile RadioListTile -
ArnaSegmentedControl Tab CupertinoSegmentedControl
ArnaSlider Slider CupertinoSlider
ArnaSliderListTile - -
ArnaSwitch Switch CupertinoSwitch
ArnaSwitchListTile SwitchListTile -
ArnaTextField TextField CupertinoTextField
ArnaTextFormField TextFormField CupertinoTextFormFieldRow
ArnaDatePicker DatePicker CupertinoDatePicker

Contributing #

Arna is in active development. Any contribution, idea, criticism or feedback is welcomed.

  • If you know Flutter and Dart, we would love you to help us grow Arna more.
  • If you are a designer, we would love to see more mockups for Arna.
  • You can always file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.

License #

Arna is BSD 3-Clause licensed.

Special thanks #



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Weekly Downloads

Arna is a set of widgets designed to be simple and easy to use for building applications with Flutter.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


flutter, url_launcher


Packages that depend on arna