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Generates a parser for command-line arguments based on your data class.

Generates a parser for command-line arguments based on your data class, wraps the standard args package.

Usage #

import 'package:args_macro/args_macro.dart';

class MyArgs {
  final String requiredString;
  final String? optionalString;
  String stringWithDefault = 'My default string.';

  final int requiredInt;
  final int? optionalInt;
  int intWithDefault = 7;

  final double requiredDouble;
  final double? optionalDouble;
  double doubleWithDefault = 7.77;

  final Fruit requiredEnum;
  final Fruit? optionalEnum;
  Fruit enumWithDefault =;

enum Fruit { apple, banana, mango, orange }

void main(List<String> argv) {
  final parser = MyArgsParser(); // Generated class.
  final MyArgs args = parser.parse(argv);
  // ...

This will create an instance of MyArgs class filled with parsed data.

Supported Types #

Supported types:

  • String

  • int

  • double

  • enum

  • A non-nullable field without an initializer creates a mandatory option.

  • A nullable field without an initializer creates an optional option that defaults to null.

  • A field with an initializer creates an optional option with the default value of that initializer. Such a field must not be final or nullable.

Help #

The parser automatically adds --help option. It prints the usage and terminates the program (parse() method never returns).

    --required-string (mandatory)
    --string-with-default            (defaults to "My default string.")
    --required-int (mandatory)
    --int-with-default               (defaults to "7")
    --required-double (mandatory)
    --double-with-default            (defaults to "7.77")
    --required-enum (mandatory)      [apple, banana, mango, orange]
    --optional-enum                  [apple, banana, mango, orange]
    --enum-with-default              [apple, banana, mango (default), orange]
-h, --help                           Print this usage information.

Error Handling #

Unless --help is passed, all data is validated according to your data class structure. On any error, parse() method prints the first error occurred and the usage to stderr and terminates the program with the exit code 64.

To ignore all errors but still have the parser populated with the options derived from your data class (and skip the automatic handling of --help), use the standard ArgParser instance which this generated parser wraps. It will return the regular ArgResults without any error handling:

void main(List<String> argv) {
  final result = MyArgsParser().parser.parse(argv);

Status #

The macros feature is experimental in Dart. Things are expected to break. Do not use this package in production code.

For instance, the support for enum in macros is currently very poor. This package uses workarounds and handles them as classes. This is expected to break at some point when the macros API starts returning enum-related objects instead of class-related ones.

pub points



Generates a parser for command-line arguments based on your data class.

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#cli #macros


unknown (LICENSE)


args, collection, common_macros, macro_util, macros


Packages that depend on args_macro