archethic_lib_dart 3.4.1 copy "archethic_lib_dart: ^3.4.1" to clipboard
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Archethic dart library for Flutter for Node and Browser. This library aims to provide a easy way to create Archethic transaction and to send them over the network

Changelog #


Version 3.4.1

  • Fix Too many request error in grapqhQL requests

Version 3.4.0

  • BREAKING CHANGES: Handle custom errors codes/messages

Version 3.3.18

  • Add sc_call_function_params.dart in archethic_lib_dart.dart

Version 3.3.17

  • Add param resolve_last to call smart contract public method from specific address

Version 3.3.16

  • Update Transaction model from Blockchain structure

Version 3.3.15

  • Rollback toBigInt and fromBigInt from v3.3.12 method because of float calculation error

Version 3.3.14

  • Rollback "Add decimal property in toBigInt and fromBigInt method" because the Blockchain will manage directly decimals

Version 3.3.13

  • Add decimal property in toBigInt and fromBigInt method

Version 3.3.12

  • Fix ArchethicJsonRPCException is not catched

Version 3.3.11

  • Upgrade dependencies

Version 3.3.10

  • json-rpc multiple requests : Handling the case where nodes return a single element

Version 3.3.9

  • Add json-rpc multiple requests. Add callSCFunctionMulti method

Version 3.3.8

  • Migrate to Dart 3.3
  • Upgrade dependencies

Version 3.3.7

  • Manage Http status code in callSCFunction method

Version 3.3.6

  • New field in Transaction object = State of a smart contract

Version 3.3.5

  • TransactionChain graphql request has new criteria 'from' to get transactions from a specific timestamp in the transactionChain

Version 3.3.4

  • Fix toBigInt and fromBigInt calculations

Version 3.3.3

  • Fix error transaction signature when a value has the 8th decimal > 5

Version 3.3.2

  • Add Blockchain Version in newKeychainTransaction and newAccessKeychainTransaction methods

Version 3.3.1

  • TypedEncoding serialization introduced for the recipients' args
  • Add Blockchain Version GraphQL request
  • Create a new service derivation method to have the same generated private keys between keychain and node running smart contracts. This method is based on the derivation path that does not contains the index m/650'/service/0 => m/650'/service
  • Add a new function to create an ownership with the service seed a secret for smart contract Keychain.ecEncryptServiceSeed()

Version 3.3.0

  • Consideration of AEIP 2 (Token standard) and 9 (Standard NFT Metadata)
  • Implement new JSON RPC Blockchain's API (sendTx, getTransactionFee and addOriginKey methods)
  • Add a method for calling smart contract functions
  • Upgrade dart version to 3.1 and update dependencies
  • Named actions recipients
  • Add API to get last oracle value
  • Transaction's content is not anymore encoded in hexadecimal.
  • BREAKING-CHANGE - Add tupple (Transaction, KeyPair) in the returns of and methods
  • BREAKING-CHANGE - Externalize Messaging SDK
  • BREAKING-CHANGE - New transaction structure version 2 (if FeatureFlags.txVersion2 == true)
  • Update isEnoughConfirmations method to allow ratio comparaison
  • Add a flag to define the format of a RPC response in callSCFunction method

Version 3.2.0

  • Add utility methods to handle message exchange mechanisms within the context of messaging.
  • Add a transaction utility method to handle confirmations when a transaction is sent to the blockchain.
  • Add logs activation property on Service classes

Version 3.1.1 (2023-05-22)

  • Fix getStorageNoncePublicKey method

Version 3.1.0 (2023-05-16)

  • Add new classes to manage 'hosting' type transactions
  • Add setOriginSignature setter in transaction class

Version 3.0.3 (2023-03-19)

  • Update AES GCM Method to be conform with web constraints

Version 3.0.2 (2023-03-12)

  • Add suffix in the keychain derivation. This allows applications to nest create keys and addresses without having to add services or change the derivation path in the keychain

Version 3.0.1 (2023-02-20)

  • Add New Types of Transaction to provide better meaning of the transaction (Contract & Data)
  • Add optional parameters to specify whether input method values are in hexadecimal format or not, in order to properly convert the values
  • Add order in transactionChain graphQL method
  • Add genesisAddress graphQL method
  • Add nearestEndpoints graphQL method
  • Add previous transaction address in graphQL transaction schema

Version 3.0.0 (2023-02-19)

  • BREAKING-CHANGE - Dart SDK model classes migrate to immutable classes with freezed.
  • BREAKING-CHANGE - Change Address().isConform() to Address().isValid() method

Version 2.0.3 (2022-12-22)

  • Fix sort public keys in authorizedPublicKeys

Version 2.0.2 (2022-12-20)

  • Add timestamp, version properties in UnspentOutput model

Version 2.0.1 (2022-12-16)

  • Fix bugs (null Exception in appService)
  • Add lints

Version 2.0.0 (2022-12-08)

  • Change Token structure : add aeip information / add ownerships / add content informations
  • Version for the Mainnet Launch

Version 1.0.27 (2022-11-16)

  • Optimization : Use graphql union requests. BREAKING CHANGE
  • Remove coingecko references and API
  • Use GraphQL lib to manage GraphQL requests
  • Manage pagingAddress param in transactionChain method

Version 1.0.26 (2022-09-30)

  • Reuse Token class in TokenResponse class
  • Rename token naming in the API calls
  • Remove GraphQL references
  • Add varint for token_id
  • Manage conection exceptions

Version 1.0.25 (2022-09)

  • Implementation of tokens management
  • Serialization - int management
  • Coingecko: Get historical market data include price, market cap, and 24h volume within a range of timestamp
  • Check curve type in method
  • Add error field in transactionFee message
  • Add field tokenId in fetchBalance method
  • Add getToken method to query the network to find a token's data
  • Remove NodeMovement class
  • Amount management. Int format (10^8) from end to end
  • Add API to get last oracle value
  • Sort authorizedPublicKeys in ownerships

Version 1.0.23 (2022-07-21)

  • BREAKING-CHANGE - Implement VarInt when getting signature payload

Version 1.0.22 (2022-07-05)

  • Add timestamp in logs
  • Manage the coding of the transaction's content to hexadecimal with 16 bytes instead 8 bytes

Version 1.0.21 (2022-06-23)

  • Rename NFT to Token
  • Add token id

Version 1.0.20 (2022-06-16)

  • Optimize graphQL requests to limit the transfer of informations

Version 1.0.19 (2022-06-16)

  • Add tests for CoinGecko APIs
  • Fix nullpointerException in CoinGecko APIs

Version 1.0.18 (2022-06-13)

  • Add waitConfirmations function to listen acks
  • Managing Origin Key
  • getLastOracleUcoPrice method : fix nullPointerException
  • getCoinsCurrentData method : add params to specify which informations should be retrieve
  • Optimize graphQL requests to limit the transfer of informations

Version 1.0.17 (2022-06-09)

  • Use lastAdress from address store in keychainAccess to get a keychain

Version 1.0.16 (2022-06-09)

  • Fix bugs in Keychain management

Version 1.0.15 (2022-06-07)

  • Remove NFTService class

Version 1.0.14 (2022-06-01)

  • Simplify the derivation path for the Archethic purpose
  • Fix Keychain management

Version 1.0.13 (2022-05-24)

  • Fix authorizedKeys naming in transaction.convertToJSON method

Version 1.0.12 (2022-05-24)

  • Fix type transaction in newKeychainTransaction

Version 1.0.11 (2022-05-17)

  • Fix Keychain DID document to be conform

Version 1.0.10 (2022-05-14)

  • TransactionChain : Pagination based on paging_state as last page last transaction address GraphQl API

Version 1.0.9 (2022-05-13)

  • Expose API to get the origin key
  • Migration to dart 2.17
  • Improve codefactor score

Version 1.0.8 (2022-05-10)

  • Improve README readability
  • Add transaction building from the keychain
  • Distinct getLastTransaction and getTransactionIndex methods
  • Keychain management : Fix bugs (authorizedKeys alimentation, aesKey generation)
  • Move methods newAccessKeychainTransaction & newKeychainTransaction to ApiService class
  • Add serviceName and derivationPath in newKeychainTransaction method signature

Version 1.0.7 (2022-04-29)

  • Update methods to be conform with libjs 1.4.0
  • Adapt crypto key identifiers
  • Add hashAlgo param in prepareNewNFT method
  • Change logs management
  • Add keychain creation and access
  • Fix Index overflow in ecdh computeSecret() when the output X coordinate is less than 32 bytes
  • Add default value to curve type in the address

Version 1.0.5 (2022-01-15)

  • Rename node field in CrossValidationStamp with 'nodePublicKey'
  • Add flutter_lints
  • Add Oracle UCO Price recovery
  • Add function to get the tx's fee
  • Add function to control address format
  • Add curve type in the address
  • Fix NullPointerException
  • Add Network transactions list in the API
  • Add license notifications
  • Add and

Version 1.0.4 (2022-01-04)

  • Add new method to get all transaction informations (ApiService().getTransactionAllInfos())
  • Integrate Bitcoin in currencies management
  • Fix Null Pointer Exceptions
  • Fix Bigint Conversions in UCOTransfer management

Version 1.0.3 (2021-12-20)

  • Coingecko infos changed : uniris -> archethic

Version 1.0.2 (2021-10-27)

  • Update dependencies.
  • Add createKeychain method : Create a keychain and an access keychain using the initial passphrase

Version 1.0.1 (2021-10-01)

  • Update dependencies.
  • Change authorized keys to use list instead of map.
  • Rename keys to ownerships
  • Use integer instead of float
  • add getTransactionInputs method

Version 1.0.0 (2021-08-08)

  • Initial stable release.
pub points



Archethic dart library for Flutter for Node and Browser. This library aims to provide a easy way to create Archethic transaction and to send them over the network

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


AGPL-3.0 (license)


collection, crypto, decimal, ecdsa, elliptic, freezed_annotation, gql, graphql, http, jwk, phoenix_socket, pinenacl, pointycastle, quiver, x25519


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