archethic_lib_dart 1.0.7 copy "archethic_lib_dart: ^1.0.7" to clipboard
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Archethic dart library for Flutter for Node and Browser. This library aims to provide a easy way to create Archethic transaction and to send them over the network

CI Pub Platform CodeFactor

Archethic's lib_dart #

Archethic dart library for Flutter

Usage #

This library aims to provide a easy way to create Archethic transaction and to send them over the network.

It supports the Archethic Cryptography rules which are:

  • Algorithm identification: keys are prepared by metadata bytes to indicate the curve used and the origin of the generation, and hashes are prepended by a byte to indicate the hash algorithm used. Those information help during the verification

        Ed25519   Software Origin   Public key
          |          |              |
          |  |-------|              |
          |  |   |------------------|        
          |  |   |     
        <<0, 0, 106, 58, 193, 73, 144, 121, 104, 101, 53, 140, 125, 240, 52, 222, 35, 181,
        13, 81, 241, 114, 227, 205, 51, 167, 139, 100, 176, 111, 68, 234, 206, 72>>
         NIST P-256  Software Origin   Public key
          |            |              |
          |  |---------|              |
          |  |  |----------------------
          |  |  |    
        <<1, 0, 4, 7, 161, 46, 148, 183, 43, 175, 150, 13, 39, 6, 158, 100, 2, 46, 167,
         101, 222, 82, 108, 56, 71, 28, 192, 188, 104, 154, 182, 87, 11, 218, 58, 107,
        222, 154, 48, 222, 193, 176, 88, 174, 1, 6, 154, 72, 28, 217, 222, 147, 106,
        73, 150, 128, 209, 93, 99, 115, 17, 39, 96, 47, 203, 104, 34>>
  • Key derivation:

    To be able to retrieve previous public key, the Archethic network designs the key derivation through a seed (passphrase) and an index(number of previous public keys/transactions). The procedure is described as follows:

    The seed generates a master key and an entropy used in the child keys generation.
                                                               / (256 bytes) Next private key
                          (256 bytes) Master key  --> HMAC-512
                        /                              Key: Master entropy,
      seed --> HMAC-512                                Data: Master key + index)
                         (256 bytes) Master entropy


Cryptographic functions #

deriveKeyPair(seed, index, curve)

It creates a new keypair into hexadecimal format

  • seed is hexadecimal encoding or Uint8Array representing the transaction chain seed to be able to derive and generate the keys
  • index is the number of transactions in the chain, to generate the actual and the next public key (see below the cryptography section)
  • curve is the elliptic curve to use for the key generation (can be "ed25519", "P256", "secp256k1") - default to: "ed25519"
import 'package:archethic_lib_dart/archethic_lib_dart.dart';

KeyPair keypair = crypto.deriveKeyPair('mysuperpassphraseorseed', 0);
// uint8ListToHex(keypair.publicKey) => 0100048cac473e46edd109c3ef59eec22b9ece9f99a2d0dce1c4ccb31ce0bacec4a9ad246744889fb7c98ea75c0f0ecd60002c07fae92f23382669ca9aff1339f44216

deriveAddress(seed, index, curve, hashAlgo)

It creates a transaction address by extract the public key from the key derivation and hash it into a hexadecimal format

  • seed is hexadecimal encoding or Uint8Array representing the transaction chain seed to be able to derive and generate the keys
  • index is the number of transactions in the chain, to generate the actual and the next public key (see below the cryptography section)
  • curve is the elliptic curve to use for the key generation (can be "ed25519", "P256", "secp256k1") - Default to "ed25519"
  • hashAlgo is the hash algorithm to create the address (can be "sha256", "sha512", "sha3-256", "sha3-512", "blake2b") - default to "sha256"
import 'package:archethic_lib_dart/archethic_lib_dart.dart';

String address = crypto.deriveAddress("mysuperpassphraseorseed", 0);
// Address: 00004195d45987f33e5dcb71edfa63438d5e6add655b216acfdd31945d58210fe5d2

ecEncrypt(data, publicKey)

Perform an ECIES encryption using a public key and a data

  • data Data to encrypt
  • publicKey Public key to derive a shared secret and for whom the content must be encrypted
import 'package:archethic_lib_dart/archethic_lib_dart.dart';

Uint8List cipher = crypto.ecEncrypt('dataToEncrypt' '00b1d3750edb9381c96b1a975a55b5b4e4fb37bfab104c10b0b6c9a00433ec4646');

aesEncrypt(data, publicKey)

Perform an AES encryption using a key and a data

  • data Data to encrypt
  • key Symmetric key
import 'package:archethic_lib_dart/archethic_lib_dart.dart';

Uint8List cipher = crypto.aesEncrypt('dataToEncrypt' '0000b1d3750edb9381c96b1a975a55b5b4e4fb37bfab104c10b0b6c9a00433ec4646');

TransactionBuilding #

new Transaction(type) creates a new instance of the transaction

type is the string defining the type of transaction to generate ("keychain", "keychain_access", "transfer", "hosting", "code_proposal", "code_approval", "nft")

The transaction instance contains the following methods:


Add the code in the data.code section of the transaction code is a string defining the smart contract


Add the content in the data.content section of the transaction content is a string defining the smart contract

addOwnership(secret, authorizedKeys)

Add an ownership in the data.ownerships section of the transaction with a secret and its related authorized public keys to be able to decrypt it. This aims to prove the ownership or the delegatation of some secret to a given list of public keys. secret is the hexadecimal encoding or Uint8Array representing the encrypted secret authorizedKeys is a list of object represented by

  • publicKey is the hexadecimal encoding or Uint8Array representing the public key
  • encryptedSecretKey is the hexadecimal encoding or Uint8Array representing the secret key encrypted with the public key (see ecEncrypt)

addUCOTransfer(to, amount)

Add a UCO transfer to the data.ledger.uco.transfers section of the transaction

  • to is hexadecimal encoding or Uint8List representing the transaction address (recipient) to receive the funds
  • amount is the number of uco to send (BigInt)

addNFTTransfer(to, amount, nft_address)

Add a NFT transfer to the data.ledger.nft.transfers section of the transaction

  • to is hexadecimal encoding or Uint8List representing the transaction address (recipient) to receive the funds
  • amount is the number of uco to send (double)
  • nft_address is hexadecimal encoding or Uint8List representing the NFT address to spend


Add a recipient (for non UCO transfers, ie. smart contract interaction) to the data.recipient section of the transaction

  • to is hexadecimal encoding or Uint8List representing the transaction address (recipient)

build(seed, index, curve, hashAlgo)

Generate address, timestamp, previousPublicKey, previousSignature, originSignature of the transaction and serialize it using a custom binary protocol.

  • seed is hexadecimal encoding or Uint8Array representing the transaction chain seed to be able to derive and generate the keys
  • index is the number of transactions in the chain, to generate the actual and the next public key (see below the cryptography section)
  • curve is the elliptic curve to use for the key generation (can be "ed25519", "P256", "secp256k1") - default to "P256"
  • hashAlgo is the hash algorithm to use to generate the address (can be "sha256", "sha512", "sha3-256", "sha3-512", "bake2b") - default to "sha256"
import 'package:archethic_lib_dart/archethic_lib_dart.dart';

Transaction tx = Transaction(type: 'transfer', data: Transaction.initData())
  .addUCOTransfer('0000b1d3750edb9381c96b1a975a55b5b4e4fb37bfab104c10b0b6c9a00433ec4646', toBigInt(0.420)) 
  .build('mysuperpassphraseorseed', 0, 'P256');


Sign the transaction with an origin device private key

  • privateKey is hexadecimal encoding or Uint8List representing the private key to generate the origin signature to able to perform the ProofOfWork and authorize the transaction
import 'package:archethic_lib_dart/archethic_lib_dart.dart';

final KeyPair originKeypair = crypto.deriveKeyPair('origin_seed', 0);
Transaction tx = Transaction(type: 'transfer', data: Transaction.initData())
  .addUCOTransfer('0000b1d3750edb9381c96b1a975a55b5b4e4fb37bfab104c10b0b6c9a00433ec4646', toBigInt((0.420)) 
  .build('mysuperpassphraseorseed', 0, 'P256') 


Export the transaction generated into JSON

import 'package:archethic_lib_dart/archethic_lib_dart.dart';

Transaction tx = Transaction(type: 'transfer', data: Transaction.initData())
 .addUCOTransfer('0000b1d3750edb9381c96b1a975a55b5b4e4fb37bfab104c10b0b6c9a00433ec4646', toBigInt(0.420)) 
 .build('mysuperpassphraseorseed', 0, 'P256') 

Remote Endpoint calls #


Query a node to find the length of the chain to retrieve the transaction index

  • address Transaction address (in hexadecimal)
import 'package:archethic_lib_dart/archethic_lib_dart.dart';

int index = await ApiService('').getTransactionIndex(
// 0


Query a node to find the public key of the shared storage node key

import 'package:archethic_lib_dart/archethic_lib_dart.dart';

String storageNoncePublicKey =
       await ApiService('').getStorageNoncePublicKey();
// 00b1d3750edb9381c96b1a975a55b5b4e4fb37bfab104c10b0b6c9a00433ec4646


Query a node to fetch the tx fee for a given transaction

  • tx Generated transaction
import 'package:archethic_lib_dart/archethic_lib_dart.dart';

Transaction tx = Transaction(...)
TransactionFee transactionFee = await ApiService('').getTransactionFee(tx);


Query a node to find the ownerships (secrets and authorized keys) to given transaction's address

  • address: Transaction's address
import 'package:archethic_lib_dart/archethic_lib_dart.dart';

String address = crypto.deriveAddress("mysuperpassphraseorseed", 0);
List<Ownership> ownerships = await ApiService('').getTransactionOwnerships(address);

Keychain / Wallet management #

newKeychainTransaction(String seed, List

Creates a new transaction to build a keychain by embedding the on-chain encrypted wallet.

  • seed Keychain's seed
  • authorizedPublicKeys List of authorized public keys able to decrypt the wallet
  • originPrivateKey Key to make the origin signature of the transaction

newAccessKeychainTransaction(String seed, Uint8List keychainAddress, Uint8List originPrivateKey)

Creates a new keychain access transaction to allow a seed and its key to access a keychain

  • seed Keychain access's seed
  • keychainAddress Keychain's tx address
  • originPrivateKey Key to make the origin signature of the transaction


Retrieve a keychain from the keychain access transaction and decrypt the wallet to retrieve the services associated

  • seed Keychain access's seed
import 'package:archethic_lib_dart/archethic_lib_dart.dart';

Keychain keychain = await ApiService('').getKeychain(accessKeychainSeed);

Once retreived the keychain provide the following methods:

deriveAddress(service, index)

Derive an address for the given service at the index given

  • service: Service name to identify the derivation path to use
  • index: Chain index to derive (default to 0)
Keychain keychain = await ApiService('').getKeychain(accessKeychainSeed);
Uint8List genesisUCOAddress = keychain.deriveAddress('uco', index: 0);
deriveKeypair(service, index)

Derive a keypair for the given service at the index given

  • service: Service name to identify the derivation path to use
  • index: Chain index to derive (default to 0)
Keychain keychain = await ApiService('').getKeychain(accessKeychainSeed);
KeyPair keyPair = keychain.deriveKeypair('uco', index: 0);

Return a Decentralized Identity document from the keychain. (This is used in the transaction's content of the keychain tx)

Keychain keychain = await ApiService('').getKeychain(accessKeychainSeed);
final Map<String, dynamic> did = keychain.toDID();
  "@context": [
  "id": "did:archethic:keychain_address",
  "authentification": servicesMaterials, //list of public keys of the services
  "verificationMethod": servicesMaterials //list of public keys of the services
addService(String name, String derivationPath, {String curve = 'ed25519', String hashAlgo = 'sha256'})

Add a service into the keychain

  • name: Name of the service to add
  • derivationPath: Crypto derivation path
  • curve: Elliptic curve to use
  • hashAlgo: Hash algo
Keychain keychain = await ApiService('').getKeychain(accessKeychainSeed);
keychain.addService("nft1", "m/650'/1'/0'");
  version: 1,
  seed: "mymasterseed",
  services: {
    uco: {
      derivationPath: "m/650'/0'/0'",
      curve: "ed25519",
      hashAlgo: "sha256"
    nft1: {
      derivationPath: "m/650'/1'/0'",
      curve: "ed25519",
      hashAlgo: "sha256"

Coingecko functions #


Get all Archethic Coin infos with http request

getCoinsChart(currency, nbDays)

Get Archethic Coin infos (Prices, Marketcaps, Total Volumes) for a period with http request


Get Archethic Coin infos (BTC Price, Local Currency Price) with


Get Archethic Coin infos (name, price, market, ... including exchange tickers) with

Running the tests #

dart test --exclude-tags noCI
pub points



Archethic dart library for Flutter for Node and Browser. This library aims to provide a easy way to create Archethic transaction and to send them over the network

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


convert, crypto, crypto_keys, ecdsa, elliptic, http, jwk, pinenacl, pointycastle, secp256k1, x25519


Packages that depend on archethic_lib_dart