arb_tsv 2.1.0 copy "arb_tsv: ^2.1.0" to clipboard
arb_tsv: ^2.1.0 copied to clipboard

This package provides conversion between arb files and tsv files and merging arb files for easy internationalization.

arb_tsv #

This package provides conversion between arb files and tsv files and merging arb files for easy internationalization. Arb file is output of intl_translation package from Dart and tsv file is for spread sheet apps like Google Sheets.

Convert arb to tsv #

When you have arb files to translate and it's uncomfortable to do with text editor. Convert arb to tsv and use tsv file for spread sheet app.

Usage: arb2tsv [path of arb file or directory containing arb files] [options]
-o, --output-dir=<output directory>    Set output directory for generated tsv file. Create directory if given directory is not exists
                                       (defaults to ".")

Convert tsv to arb #

After translation with spread sheet app. Export tsv file from spread sheet app and convert it to arb file for use in your app.

Usage: tsv2arb [path of tsv file or directory containing tsv files] [options]
-o, --output-dir=<output directory>    Set output directory for generated arb file. Create directory if given directory is not exists
                                       (defaults to ".")
-l, --locale=<locale in translation>   Append locale to suffix of the file name. ex) translate_en_US.arb

Merge arb files #

Merge multiple target arb files with one source arb file without overwrite but appends new messages.

Usage: merge_arbs [source arb file path] [merge target arb file paths]
pub points


unverified uploader

This package provides conversion between arb files and tsv files and merging arb files for easy internationalization.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


args, ktc_dart, path


Packages that depend on arb_tsv