apsl_sun_calc 0.0.4 apsl_sun_calc: ^0.0.4 copied to clipboard
Calculate solar positions, sunrise, sunset, and twilight phases for Flutter apps.
Apsl Sun Calc #
is a Flutter package for calculating the position and phase of the sun and moon, based on a given date and geographic location. This Dart package is inspired by the suncalc
JavaScript library.
Features #
- Sun Position: Calculate the sun's position with azimuth and altitude.
- Moon Position: Determine the moon's position with azimuth, altitude, and distance.
- Sun Times: Get various sunlight phases (dawn, dusk, golden hour, etc.).
- Moon Illumination: Calculate the fraction of the moon illuminated, its phase, and angle.
- Flutter Support: Compatible with Flutter for both mobile and web platforms.
Prerequisites #
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- Flutter SDK
- Dart SDK
Installation #
Add flutter_suncalc
to your pubspec.yaml
flutter_suncalc: ^0.0.1
Then, run the following command to install the package:
flutter pub get
Usage #
Import the package in your Dart code:
import 'package:flutter_suncalc/flutter_suncalc.dart';
Examples #
Sun Position
var sunPosition = SunCalc.getSunPosition(DateTime.now(), latitude, longitude);
// Output the sun's position
Moon Position
var moonPosition = SunCalc.getMoonPosition(DateTime.now(), latitude, longitude);
// Output the moon's position
Acknowledgments #
Thanks to the original suncalc JavaScript library authors.
License #
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.