appinio_animated_toggle_tab 1.0.3
appinio_animated_toggle_tab: ^1.0.3 copied to clipboard
A custom tab viewer with built-in animation and different design from default `TabViewer`.
is a Flutter package for creating a custom tab viewer with built-in animation. ✨
Supporting Android, iOS & WebApp.
Why? #
We build this package because we wanted to:
- have a tabviewer ready to be customized
- be able to animate between switching tabs
Show Cases #

Switching between tabs.
Installation #
Create a new project with the command
flutter create MyApp
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to your pubspec.yaml
of your flutter project.
flutter pub add appinio_tanimated_toggle_tab
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in your project's root directory.
In your library add the following import:
import 'package:appinio_animated_toggle_tab/appinio_animated_toggle_tab.dart';
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For help getting started with Flutter, view the online documentation.
Usage #
You can place your AppinioAnimatedToggleTab
inside of a MaterialApp
like we did here. Optional parameters can be defined to enable different features. See the following example..
class TabsViewer extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return CupertinoApp(
home: AppinioAnimatedToggleTab(
callback: (int i) {},
tabTexts: const [
'tabs :)',
height: 40,
width: 300,
boxDecoration: BoxDecoration(color: Color(0xFFc3d2db),),
animatedBoxDecoration: BoxDecoration(
boxShadow: [
color: const Color(0xFFc3d2db).withOpacity(0.1),
spreadRadius: 1,
blurRadius: 5,
offset: const Offset(2, 2),
color: kDarkBlueColor,
borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all(
border: Border.all(
color: Colors.grey,
width: 1,
activeStyle: const TextStyle( color:,),
inactiveStyle: const TextStyle( color:,),
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Constructor #
Parameter | Default | Description | Required |
callback | - | function(int) for call back and control the view of tabs | true |
tabTexts | - | a list of texts displayed on the tabs | true |
height | - | height of the tab | true |
width | - | width of the tab | true |
boxDecoration | - | decoration of the tab | true |
animatedBoxDecoration | - | the decoration of animated box used to toggle | true |
activeStyle | - | style of text when active | true |
inactiveStyle | - | style of text when inactive | true |
initialIndex | 0 | initial tabbar index | false |
Made with ❤ by Flutter team at Appinio GmbH