appiceflutter 1.0.3 appiceflutter: ^1.0.3 copied to clipboard
appice flutter plugin
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:appiceflutter/appiceflutter.dart';
import 'package:appiceflutter/appiceinboxmesssage.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
State<MyApp> createState() => _MyAppState();
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
void initState() {
//initialise the SDK
//Receive the payload from PUSH Notification
Appiceflutter.myChannel.setMethodCallHandler((call) async {
switch (call.method) {
case Appiceflutter.AppICEPushNotificationClicked:
print('Received event: ${call.arguments}');
case Appiceflutter.AppICEInAppClicked:
print('Received event from AppICEInAppClicked : ${call.arguments}');
// Record an Event
Future<void> sendEvent() async {
Map<String, String> map = {
"onClick": "true",
"name": "Rahulk",
"testevent": "Event Rose"
var tagEvent = await Appiceflutter.tagEvent('EventName', map);
print("inside send event");
// Initialize the AppICE SDK
Future<void> appICEInit() async {
final List<String> certs = <String>[''];
await Appiceflutter.initSDK(
// Set user information
Future<void> setUser() async {
Map map = <dynamic, dynamic>{};
map[] = 'Test';
map[] = 'Test@email';
map[] = '45674557455';
map[Appiceflutter.age] = 23;
map[Appiceflutter.gender] = 'M';
map[Appiceflutter.educationType] = 'Education';
// Set user IDs
Future<void> setUserId() async {
List<String> arr = <String>[];
// Set custom variable with string
Future<void> setCustommVarString() async {
await Appiceflutter.setCustomVariableWithString('mobNo', 'Developer');
// Receive push notification
Future<void> pushNotificationReceived() async {
await Appiceflutter.pushNotificationReceived("message");
// Set custom variable with boolean
Future<void> setCustommVarBoolean() async {
await Appiceflutter.setCustomVariableWithBoolean('isAwesome', true);
// Set custom variable with integer
Future<void> setCustommVarInt() async {
await Appiceflutter.setCustomVariableWithInteger('device_id', 1234567890);
// Stop AppICE context
Future<void> stopContext() async {
await Appiceflutter.stopContext();
// Set custom variable with long
Future<void> setCustommVarLong() async {
await Appiceflutter.setCustomVariableWithLong('myLong', 1254343423243567892);
// Set custom variable with float
Future<void> setCustommVarFloat() async {
await Appiceflutter.setCustomVariableWithFloat('myFloat', 12.0);
// Get session timeout
Future<void> getSessionTimeout() async {
await Appiceflutter.getSessionTimeout();
// Validate AppICE integration
Future<void> validateIntegration() async {
var flg = await Appiceflutter.validateIntegration();
// Set session timeout
Future<void> setSessionTimeout() async {
await Appiceflutter.setSessionTimeout(18000);
// Set as a test device
Future<void> setAsTestDevice() async {
await Appiceflutter.setAsTestDevice(true);
// Get test device status
Future<void> getIsTestDevice() async {
await Appiceflutter.getIsTestDevice();
// Remove as a test device
Future<void> removeAsTestDevice() async {
await Appiceflutter.removeAsTestDevice();
// Open Play Service update
Future<void> openPlayServiceUpdate() async {
await Appiceflutter.openPlayServiceUpdate();
// Get AppICE SDK version
Future<void> getSdkVersion() async {
var intv = await Appiceflutter.getSdkVersion();
// Get AppICE SDK int version
Future<void> getSdkIntVersion() async {
await Appiceflutter.getSdkIntVersion();
// Set device ID
Future<void> setDeviceId() async {
String id = "abc";
await Appiceflutter.setDeviceId(id);
// Check if it's a geofence campaign
Future<void> isGeofenceCamp() async {
String id = "454HHFkljI";
await Appiceflutter.isGeofenceCamp(id);
// Get device ID
Future<void> getDeviceId() async {
await Appiceflutter.getDeviceId();
// Get Android ID
Future<void> getAndroidId() async {
await Appiceflutter.getAndroidId();
// Get AppICE SDK app key
Future<void> getAppKey() async {
await Appiceflutter.getAppKey();
// Get AppICE SDK API key
Future<void> getApiKey() async {
await Appiceflutter.getApiKey();
// Get current context
Future<void> getCurrentContext() async {
await Appiceflutter.getCurrentContext();
// Get AppICE SDK app ID
Future<void> getAppId() async {
var appid = await Appiceflutter.getAppId();
// Set alias
Future<void> setAlias() async {
await Appiceflutter.setAlias("False_Name");
// Synchronize AppICE inbox
Future<void> synchronizeInbox() async {
var result = await Appiceflutter.synchronizeInbox(0);
var callbackValue = result["callbackValue"];
print("Callback Value: $callbackValue");
// Get message by campaign ID with user ID
Future<void> getMessageByCampaignIdWithUserId() async {
String msgId = '123';
String usrId = '123';
await Appiceflutter.getMessageByCampaignIdWithUserId(msgId, usrId);
// Get message by campaign ID
Future<void> getMessageByCampaignId() async {
String msgId = '63bd1779d58e53bc7333c42b';
await Appiceflutter.getMessageByCampaignId(msgId);
// Get message count
Future<void> getMessageCount() async {
int msgType = 1; // 1=all
var data = await Appiceflutter.getMessageCount(msgType);
print("Received message count : $data");
// Get message count data with user ID
Future<void> getMessageCountDataWithUserId() async {
int msgType = 123;
List<String> arr = ['myUser'];
await Appiceflutter.getMessageCountDataWithUserId(msgType, arr);
// Get inbox message data
Future<void> getInboxMessageData() async {
int msgType = 1;
List<AppICEInboxData>? list =
await Appiceflutter.getInboxMessageData(msgType);
// Get inbox message for ID
Future<void> getInboxMessageForId() async {
String messageId = 'GivA5k6VJqqvK3aZRXyez2qgoAOLzJvCui';
await Appiceflutter.getInboxMessageForId(messageId);
// Update inbox message
Future<void> updateInboxMessage() async {
int Type = 1;
String messageId = 'GivA5k6VJqqvK3aZRXyez2qgoAOLzJvCui';
await Appiceflutter.updateInboxMessage(Type, messageId);
// Get alias
Future<void> getAlias() async {
await Appiceflutter.getAlias();
// Get user data
Future<void> getUser() async {
try {
Map<String, dynamic>? userData = await Appiceflutter.getUser();
print("User data received: $userData");
} catch (e) {
print("Error fetching user data: $e");
// Set child ID
Future<void> setChildId() async {
String child = "CHILD1234";
await Appiceflutter.setChildId(child);
// Set installer
Future<void> setInstaller() async {
String install = "INSTALL2344";
await Appiceflutter.setInstaller(install);
// Get custom variable
Future<void> getCustomVariable() async {
try {
Map<String, dynamic>? userData = await Appiceflutter.getCustomVariable();
print("CustomVariable received: $userData");
} catch (e) {
print("Error fetching CustomVariable: $e");
// Remove custom variable
Future<void> removeCustomVariable() async {
String cvar = "Remove Custom Variable";
await Appiceflutter.removeCustomVariable(cvar);
// Set small icon path
Future<void> setSmallIcon() async {
String path = "path to small icon";
await Appiceflutter.setSmallIcon(path);
// Handle open link URL
Future<void> handleOpenLinkUrl() async {
String path = "";
await Appiceflutter.handleOpenLinkUrl(path);
// Check if payload has an external URL
Future<void> isPayloadHaveExternalUrl() async {
String path = "";
await Appiceflutter.isPayloadHaveExternalUrl(path);
// Check if device is registered
Future<void> isDeviceRegistered() async {
await Appiceflutter.isDeviceRegistered("Device Registered");
// Check if SSL pinning is enabled
Future<void> isSSLPinningEnabled() async {
await Appiceflutter.isSSLPinningEnabled();
// Get SDK configuration information
Future<void> getSdkConfigInfo() async {
await Appiceflutter.getSdkConfigInfo("getSdkConfigInfo");
// Get limited tracking status
Future<void> getIsLimitedTracking() async {
await Appiceflutter.getSdkConfigInfo("getIsLimitedTracking");
// Get custom device ID
Future<void> customDeviceId() async {
await Appiceflutter.getSdkConfigInfo("customDeviceId");
// Get advertising ID
Future<void> getAdvertisingId() async {
await Appiceflutter.getAdvertisingId();
// Set session ID
Future<void> setSessionID() async {
await Appiceflutter.setSessionID();
// Get base URL
Future<void> getBaseUrl() async {
await Appiceflutter.getBaseUrl();
// Get user ID
Future<void> getUserId() async {
await Appiceflutter.getUserId();
// Get installer information
Future<void> getInstaller() async {
await Appiceflutter.getInstaller();
// Set referrer
Future<void> setReferrer() async {
await Appiceflutter.setReferrer("myreferrer");
// Get referrer information
Future<void> getReferrer() async {
await Appiceflutter.getReferrer();
// Set install referrer
Future<void> setInstallReferrer() async {
await Appiceflutter.setInstallReferrer("install_referrrer");
// Get install referrer information
Future<void> getInstallReferrer() async {
await Appiceflutter.getInstallReferrer();
// Check if Semusi Sensing is enabled
Future<void> isSemusiSensing() async {
await Appiceflutter.isSemusiSensing();
Widget cButton(String btnName,Function()? method){
margin: const EdgeInsets.all(2),
child: SizedBox(
width: double.infinity ,
child: TextButton(
child: Text(btnName, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 15.0),),
onPressed: method
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Plugin example app'),
body: Center(child: ListView(children: <Widget>[
cButton("INIT", () => appICEInit()),
cButton("STOP CONTEXT", () => stopContext()),
cButton("getAppId", () => getAppId()),
cButton("TagEvent", () => sendEvent()),
cButton("SetUser", () => setUser()),
cButton("getUSer", () => getUser()),
cButton("SetUserId", () => setUserId()),
cButton("setCustomString", () => setCustommVarString()),
cButton("setCustomBoolean", () => setCustommVarBoolean()),
cButton("setCustomInt", () => setCustommVarInt()),
cButton("setCustomLong", () => setCustommVarLong()),
cButton("setCustomFloat", () => setCustommVarFloat()),
cButton("getSessionTimeout", () => getSessionTimeout()),
cButton("setSessionTimeout", () => setSessionTimeout()),
cButton("setAsTestDevice", () => setAsTestDevice()),
cButton("removeAsTestDevice", () => removeAsTestDevice()),
cButton("getIsTestDevice", () => getIsTestDevice()),
cButton("isSemusiSensing", () => isSemusiSensing()),
cButton("getSdkVersion", () => getSdkVersion()),
cButton("validateIntegration", () => validateIntegration()),
cButton("Synchronise Inbox", () => synchronizeInbox()),
cButton('getMessageCount', () => getMessageCount()),
cButton('getMessageByCampaignId', () => getMessageByCampaignId()),
cButton('getInboxMessageData', () => getInboxMessageData()),
cButton('getInboxMessageForId', () => getInboxMessageForId()),
cButton('updateInboxMessage', () => updateInboxMessage()),
cButton('openPlayServiceUpdate', () => openPlayServiceUpdate()),
cButton('setDeviceId', () => setDeviceId()),
cButton('getDeviceId', () => getDeviceId()),
cButton('setAlias', () => setAlias()),
cButton('getAlias', () => getAlias()),
cButton('getAndroidId', () => getAndroidId()),
cButton('getAppKey', () => getAppKey()),
cButton('getAPIKey', () => getApiKey()),
cButton('getCurrentContext', () => getCurrentContext()),
cButton('setChildId', () => setChildId()),
cButton('getReferrer', () => getReferrer()),
cButton('setReferrer', () => setReferrer()),
cButton('setInstallReferrer', () => setInstallReferrer()),
cButton('getInstallReferrer', () => getInstallReferrer()),
cButton('setInstaller', () => setInstaller()),
cButton('getInstaller', () => getInstaller()),
cButton('getCustomVariable', () => getCustomVariable()),
cButton('removeCustomVariable', () => removeCustomVariable()),
cButton('setSmallIcon', () => setSmallIcon()),
cButton('isDeviceRegistered', () => isDeviceRegistered()),
cButton('setSessionID', () => setSessionID()),
cButton('getBaseUrl', () => getBaseUrl()),
cButton('getUserId', () => getUserId()),
cButton('pushNotificationReceived', () => pushNotificationReceived()),
cButton('isSSLPinningEnabled', () => isSSLPinningEnabled()),
cButton('handleOpenLinkUrl', () => handleOpenLinkUrl()),
cButton('isPayloadHaveExternalUrl', () => isPayloadHaveExternalUrl()),
cButton('isGeofenceCamp', () => isGeofenceCamp()),
cButton('getSdkConfigInfo', () => getSdkConfigInfo()),
cButton('getIsLimitedTracking', () => getIsLimitedTracking()),
cButton('getAdvertisingId', () => getAdvertisingId()),
cButton('customDeviceId', () => customDeviceId()),
margin: const EdgeInsets.all(1),
child: TextButton(
child: const Text('getSdkIntVersion', style: TextStyle(fontSize: 15.0),),
onPressed: () {getSdkIntVersion();},