apphud 2.2.1 copy "apphud: ^2.2.1" to clipboard
apphud: ^2.2.1 copied to clipboard


Official Apphud Flutter SDK is a lightweight open-source library to manage auto-renewable subscriptions and other in-app purchases in your iOS/Android app. No backend required.

2.2.1 #

  • [Android] Fixed bug that method hasActiveSubscription was false for paying users at launch before data refreshes. Now value is cached.

  • [Android] Fixed internal potential crash

  • [iOS] Fixed 403 server error bug, when user could be blocked from sever 403 error code

  • [iOS] Add push token cache

  • [iOS] Update general cache time

  • [iOS] Update some Logs

  • Dependencies of Native SDK's were updated to:

    • [Android] 1.5.5
    • [iOS] 2.5.7

2.2.0 #

  • [iOS] The optional parameter 'level' was added to the method enableDebugLogs(). Possible values are:

    • 'ApphudDebugLevel.low' - the same as previous amount of debug information.
    • 'ApphudDebugLevel.high' - enables printing of additional debug messages, for example HTTP requests and responses.
  • [iOS], [Android] Automatic fetching of Apphud Flutter SDK version was implemented

  • [iOS] BREAKING Method 'disableIDFACollection()' was removed

  • [Android] Method 'grantPromotional()' was implemented

  • [Android], [iOS] Class 'ApphudListener' and method 'setListener({ApphudListener? listener})' were implemented

  • [Android], [iOS] BREAKING Method 'getPaywalls()' was removed. Please use ApphudListener instead.

  • [iOS] BREAKING Method 'paywallsDidLoadCallback()' was removed. Please use ApphudListener instead.

  • [Android] Method 'deviceId()' was implemented

  • [Andoid], [iOS] Significantly improved SDK performance and caching. Now SDK will send much less requests to Apphud server.

  • Dependencies of Native SDK's were updated to:

    • [Android] 1.5.3
    • [iOS] 2.5.6

2.1.0 #

  • [iOS], [Android] Experiments were added. Run Experiments(A/B tests) to test different in-app purchases prices in order to find the best.

  • [iOS] Apple search Ads logic was improved. Submit Apple Attribution Token to Apphud with Apphud.addAttribution().

  • [iOS] Paywalls methods was improved. Paywalls are already exist after SDK initialization. Use paywalls() method.

  • [iOS] paywallsDidLoadCallback() method was added. This callback is called when paywalls are fully loaded with their StoreKit products.

  • [iOS] Promotionals were added. You can grant free promotional subscription to user with new method grantPromotional()

  • [iOS] Fixed important bug when User Properties sometimes may not be saved when submitted simultaneously with initialisation.

  • [iOS] Fixed a bug when incoming rules did not automatically mark as read.

  • [Android] Paywalls events methods were implemented: paywallShown(), paywallClosed()

  • [Android] Supporting of Google Billing library 4.0 was implemented

  • [iOS], [Android] Properties 'experimentName' and 'variationName' were added to ApphudPaywall.

  • [iOS], [Android] Bug fixing and some internal improvements.

  • [iOS], [Android] Products list was removed from Example app because of deprecation due to Paywalls.

  • BREAKING refactor [iOS], [Android]:

    • 'name' property was removed from ApphudPaywall
  • Dependencies of Native SDK's were updated to:

    • [Android] 1.3.3
    • [iOS] 2.4.4

2.0.6 #

  • Paywalls features were implemented:

    • method getPaywalls() [iOS], [Android]
    • method permissionGroups() [iOS], [Android]
    • method purchase({ ApphudProduct? product }) [iOS], [Android]
    • method paywallShown(ApphudPaywall paywall) [iOS]
    • method paywallClosed(ApphudPaywall paywall) [iOS]
  • Bugs were fixed:

    • Method restorePurchases() always returns result with error [Android]
  • Dependencies of Native SDK's were updated to:

    • [Android] 1.1.3
    • [iOS] 2.1.1
  • BREAKING refactor [iOS], [Android]:

    • AppHud class was renamed to Apphud
    • ApphudProduct was renamed to ApphudProductComposite and was marked as deprecated
    • Method purchase(String productId) -> purchase({String? productId}). Parameter productId was marked as deprecated
  • Methods are deprecated:

    • didFetchProductsNotification()
    • refreshStoreKitProducts()
    • product()
    • products()

2.0.5 #

  • [iOS] Add method collectSearchAdsAttribution() to send search ads attribution data to Apphud.

2.0.4 #

  • Update collection dependency
  • Correct

2.0.3 #

  • Upgrade the example application

2.0.2 #

  • Add method documentation in apphud.dart
  • [Android] Upgrade to use ApphudSDK-Android:1.0.0:
    • Add method restorePurchases
    • Modify purchase method to return ApphudPurchaseResult
  • [iOS] Upgrade to use ApphudSDK 1.2.3
  • Some improvements of example application

2.0.1 #

  • Add methods:
    • presentOfferCodeRedemptionSheet [iOS]
    • validateReceipt [iOS]
    • appStoreReceipt [iOS]
    • setUserProperty [iOS], [Android]
    • incrementUserProperty [iOS], [Android]
    • enableDebugLogs [iOS]
    • isSandbox [iOS]
    • disableAdTracking [Android]

2.0.0 #

  • BREAKING: refactor: migrate to null safety
    • upgrade Dart SDK constraints to >=2.12.0-0 <3.0.0
  • Some improvements of example application

1.0.1 #

  • [Android] Upgrade to use ApphudSDK-Android:0.8.5
  • [Fixed] [Android] bugs with wrong parameters' names according to Flutter
  • [iOS] Upgrade to use ApphudSDK 1.2

1.0.0 #

First version Apphud SDK for Flutter

pub points


unverified uploader

Official Apphud Flutter SDK is a lightweight open-source library to manage auto-renewable subscriptions and other in-app purchases in your iOS/Android app. No backend required.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


collection, flutter, json_annotation


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