appengine 0.13.7 copy "appengine: ^0.13.7" to clipboard
appengine: ^0.13.7 copied to clipboard

Support for using Dart as a custom runtime on Google App Engine Flexible Environment

0.13.7 #

  • Widen dependency constraint on package:http.

0.13.6 #

  • Require Dart 2.19.
  • Setup dbService to do retries for failed requests.

0.13.5 #

  • Added topics to pubspec.yaml.

0.13.4 #

  • Implement onConnectionStateChanged to sync grpc: 3.1.0

0.13.3 #

  • Populate the pubspec repository field.
  • Update the readme to add experimental verbiage.

0.13.2 #

  • Gracefully handle cases where logging fails.

0.13.1 #

  • Fix dependency on package:gcloud to version 0.8.0.

0.13.0 #

WARNING: Version 0.13.0 is broken, use 0.13.1.

  • Migrated to null-safety and package:gcloud version 0.8.0.

0.12.1 #

  • Setup default authClient in package:gcloud, fixing regression from introduction of Application Default Credentials in 0.12.0.

0.12.0 #

  • Breaking, now using the environment variable GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT instead of GCLOUD_PROJECT for project name.
  • Breaking, now using Application Default Credentials instead of using the environment variable GCLOUD_KEY. This allows authentication by specifying an exported service account key in GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS, or running gcloud auth application-default login on your local machine.

0.11.0 #

  • Upgrade gcloud to 0.7.0 with breaking changes in datastore keys.

0.10.5 #

  • Handle duplicate user-agent headers.

0.10.4 #

  • Added Logging.reportError to the `logging interface, for reporting errors to Stackdriver Error Reporting when running in AppEngine.
  • Report errors logged through the package:logging adapter to Logging.reportError (for reporting to Stackdriver Error Reporting).
  • Updated protobuf source files.
  • Reduced number of unnecessarily generated protos.

0.10.3 #

  • Update Protobuf to v1.0.0
  • Add client library identification header
  • Fix grpc/datastore tests

0.10.2 #

  • Update gRPC version dependency

0.10.1 #

  • Update gRPC API protos

0.10.0 #

  • Revert 0.9.0

0.9.0 #

  • Instantiate new DatastoreDB instances for each request.

0.8.1 #

  • Detect dev mode when running behind a proxy.

0.8.0 #

  • Add applicationContext getter to ClientContext

0.7.3 #

  • Add onAcceptingConnections callback to runAppEngine()

0.7.2 #

  • Update the generated protobufs.

0.7.1 #

  • Update to use package:grpc version 2.0

0.7.0 #

  • Refactored to use package:grpc to talk to Logging and Datastore backends.

0.6.1 #

  • Added isCronJonRequest as a helper method for determining if a request originates from the AppEngine cronjob scheduler.

0.6.0 #

Breaking changes:

  • Removed poorly documented assets support with broken tests.
  • Removed memcache as the service was never made it past alpha.

Users of memcache should consider using Cloud Memorystore instead. This comes with a redis interface for which there are multiple packages available on pub. Serving assets is just a matter of sending a file from disk. This is easy to do without the logic that this package used to contain.

0.5.1+1 #

  • Support latest pkg:http and pkg:http2.

0.5.1 #

  • Correct root path for serving assets.

0.5.0 #

  • Support for Dart 2.0 constants and updated gcloud.

0.4.4+2 #

  • Fix race condition in gRPC client between http2Connection.isOpen and http2Connection.makeRequest.

0.4.4+1 #

  • Delay http/2 connection dialer by 20 ms to give client enough time to receive server settings.

0.4.4 #

  • Improve output logging when memcache connections fail.
  • Fix Dart 2 runtime issues.

0.4.3+1 #

  • When logging requests, the label is populated.

0.4.3 #

  • When logging, the following protoPayload values are now populated:

    • instanceId
    • referrer
    • traceId via the X-Cloud-Trace-Context request header.
  • The label is also populated for all log entries.

  • traceId was also added to the ClientContext class.

0.4.2 #

  • Add support for connecting to memcache instance defined by environment variables GAE_MEMCACHE_HOST and GAE_MEMCACHE_PORT.

0.4.1 #

  • Add shared option to runAppEngine to enable multi-threaded operation with isolates.

0.4.0+3 #

  • Fix an issue where models with un-indexed list properties could not be committed.

0.4.0+2 #

  • Be less verbose in request logs printed during local development

0.4.0 #

Switch from Managed VMs to Flexible environment:

  • Removed UsersService api.
  • Removed ModulesService api.
  • Removed RemoteApi api (was already deprecated).
  • Introduce new GCLOUD_PROJECT and GCLOUD_KEY environment variables.
  • Remove STORAGE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE environment variable.
  • To prevent duplicate logging of errors, runAppEngine will no longer log request-specific errors on stdout if they got already logged via the request-specific log.

0.3.3+1 #

  • Support gcloud package version 0.3.0.

0.3.3 #

  • Work around issue (it doesn't drain stdout we therefore avoid printing anything).

0.3.2 #

  • Require protobuf package ^0.5.0
  • Support the lastest release of fixnum package.

0.3.1+1 #

  • Improved output of Logger.root with useLoggingPackageAdaptor.

0.3.1 #

  • Added optional port argument to runAppEngine.
  • Removed the call to /bin/hostname.

0.3.0+1 #

  • Widen dependency constraint on package:logging.

0.3.0 #

  • Pass the memcache expiration time to the memcache service. Before the expiration argument to Memcache.set and Memcache.setAll was ignored.

  • Removed the expiration argument to Memcache.clear. It is not supported by the App Engine memcache API.

0.2.6+3 #

  • Update dependencies to allow gcloud 0.2.0 with Cloud Pub/Sub support.

0.2.6+2 #

  • Do not close authClient, since registerStorageService does it automatically.

0.2.6+1 #

  • Correctly handling x-appengine-https header.
  • Turn logging of for Level.OFF

0.2.6 #

  • Added adaptor for package:logging via useLoggingPackageAdaptor().
  • Added workaround for incorrect requestedUri comming from 'dart:io'.

0.2.5 #

  • Added withAppEngineServices() function which allows running arbitrary code using AppEngine services via a service scope.

0.2.4+1 #

  • Change the service scope keys keys to non-private symbols.

0.2.4 #

  • Run request handlers inside a service scope (see package:gcloud/service_scope.dart).
  • Insert an authenticated HTTP client into the service scope.
  • Insert a memcacheService into the service scope.
  • Added isDevelopmentServer and isProductionEnvironment getter to client context.
  • Make hostnames returned from modules service use -dot- naming to support HTTPS.
  • Mark package:appengine/remote_api.dart as deprecated.

0.2.3 #

  • Small bugfix in the lowlevel memcache API implementation.

0.2.2 #

  • Updated
  • Widen googleapis_auth constraint to include version 0.2.0

0.2.1 #

  • Small bugfix in storage API implementation
  • respect DART_PUB_SERVE url only in developer mode
  • sync db/datastore tests to the ones used in gcloud

0.2.0 #

  • Use datastore/db APIs from package:gcloud
    • simplified annotation system
    • paging-based query API
  • Added module service
  • Some bugfixes

0.1.0 #

  • Alpha release
pub points



Support for using Dart as a custom runtime on Google App Engine Flexible Environment

Repository (GitHub)
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#cloud #gcp


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BSD-3-Clause (license)


fixnum, gcloud, googleapis_auth, grpc, http, logging, path, protobuf, stack_trace


Packages that depend on appengine