app_store_server_sdk 1.2.10
app_store_server_sdk: ^1.2.10 copied to clipboard
Apple App Store Server SDK for facilitating integrations with App Store Server API
import 'package:app_store_server_sdk/app_store_server_sdk.dart';
void main() async {
String? token; // load existing token if available
var appStoreEnvironment = AppStoreEnvironment.sandbox(
bundleId: 'app_bundle_id',
issuerId: 'issuer_id',
keyId: 'private_key_id',
privateKey: 'private_key');
var appStoreHttpClient = AppStoreServerHttpClient(appStoreEnvironment,
jwt: token, jwtTokenUpdatedCallback: (token) async {
// Persist token for later re-use
var api = AppStoreServerAPI(appStoreHttpClient);
try {
var statusResponse =
await api.getAllSubscriptionStatuses('1000000907113638');
var historyResponse = await api.getTransactionHistory('1000000907113638');
var refundLookupResponse = await api.getRefundHistory('1000000907113638');
} on ApiException catch (e) {
print('Error code ${e.error?.errorCode}');
print('Error message ${e.error?.errorMessage}');
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