app_storage_kit 0.0.7 copy "app_storage_kit: ^0.0.7" to clipboard
app_storage_kit: ^0.0.7 copied to clipboard

Flutter Plugin for using different storage types, including Normal Storage (Shared Preferences), Secure Storage (Keychain / Keystore) and Database

app_storage_kit #

app_storage_kit is a plugin for application to use both Normal Storage (shared preferences) and Secure Storage (iOS: Keychain, Android: Keystore)

Normal Storage provided by shared_preferences

Secure Storage provided by flutter_secure_storage

Database Storage provided by sqflite

Usage #

Normal Storage #

import 'package:app_storage_kit/normal_storage.dart';

/// Set value "Value" with key "Key" into shared preferences
/// Returns [bool]
/// Returns [true] indicates set value successful
await NormalStorageKit().setValue("Value", "Key");

/// Read value from shared preferences by key "Key" 
/// Returns [String]
/// Returns [Null] if no value was found under [key]
await NormalStorageKit().readValue("Key");

/// Delete value in shared preferences by key "Key"
/// Returns [bool]
/// Returns [true] indicates delete values successful 
await NormalStorageKit().deleteValue("Key");

/// Delete all values stored in shared preference
/// Returns [bool]
/// Returns [true] indicates delete all values successful
await NormalStorageKit().deleteAll();

Secure Storage #

import 'package:app_storage_kit/secure_storage.dart';

/// Set value "Value" with key "Key" into keychain/keystore
/// Returns [bool]
/// Returns [true] indicates set value successful
await SecureStorageKit().setValue("Value", "Key");

/// Read value from keychain/keystore by key "Key" 
/// Returns [String]
/// Returns [Null] if no value was found under [key]
await SecureStorageKit().readValue("Key");

/// Delete value in keychain/keystore by key "Key"
/// Returns [bool]
/// Returns [true] indicates delete values successful 
await SecureStorageKit().deleteValue("Key");

/// Delete all values stored in keychain/keystore
/// Returns [bool]
/// Returns [true] indicates delete all values successful
await SecureStorageKit().deleteAll();

Database Storage #

Create table structure

import 'package:app_storage_kit/data_models/db_record.dart';
import 'package:app_storage_kit/data_models/db_table_model.dart';

/// Create record type extends DBRecord class
class TestingRecordModel extends DBRecord {
    TestingRecordModel({, this.value}) : super(id: id);

    final String id;
    String value;

    /// Convert data from JSON
    TestingRecordModel fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> r) => 
            id: r['id'], 
            value: r['value'],

    /// Convert data to JSON
    Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
        'id': id, 
        'value': value

/// Set Table name and fields
DBTableModel table = DBTableModel(
    tableName: 'table_name',
    fields: [
    TableFieldModel(name: 'id', type: 'TEXT', isPK: true),
    TableFieldModel(name: 'value', type: 'TEXT'),

/// Open database with table
DatabaseStorageKit _db = DatabaseStorageKit(table: table);

/// Add value to table
TestingRecordModel r = TestingRecordModel(id: 'key', value: 'val');
await _db.setRecord(r);

/// Get all values from table
List<Map<String, dynamic>> records = await _db.getRecords();

/// Get values with given condition
List<Map<String, dynamic>> records = await _db.getRecords(where: 'id = ?', whereArgs: [key]);

/// Update value
/// Record will be updated for using the same id
r.value = 'val2';
await _db.setRecord(r);

/// Delete record with given condition
await _db.deleteRecord(where: 'id = ?', whereArgs: [key]);

/// Clear table
await _db.clearTable();

License #


pub points


unverified uploader

Flutter Plugin for using different storage types, including Normal Storage (Shared Preferences), Secure Storage (Keychain / Keystore) and Database



MIT (license)


flutter, flutter_secure_storage, shared_preferences, sqflite


Packages that depend on app_storage_kit