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A BLoC-based state management solution on top of Router API for larger apps.

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A bloc-based state management solution on top of Router API for larger apps.

See tons of runnable examples here.

Unique Features #

Blocs First #

In the core there is a stack of Page Blocs instead of routes or widgets. These Blocs are then wrapped into widgets to form the navigator's stack. This simplifies state management: no need for providers, stateful widgets, manual bloc creation and disposal, or BuildContext.

Push-pop Type Safety at Compile Time #

Page Blocs are typed and can only pop what is allowed. And the Page entry you push to the stack is also typed, so your awaited type is also guaranteed.

Stack Recovery from URL #

When a URL is typed in, the page stack is recovered by the rules you define. If you navigate to /books/123/rate, you may get a stack of 3 pages: The Book List at the bottom, the Book Details, and Rate dialog at the top, all can be popped by the back button. Unlike with beamer, the rules can be any, and not only derived from path segments.

Dialog Awaiting Survives the App Restart #

Blocs listen to events from other blocs above them. When the top bloc pops, its result is passed to didPopNext method of a bloc under it. So you get the result without awaiting a future. If you type in /books/123/rate and close the dialog by rating a book, the book details bloc will get the rate without any future. See and run the license dialog example.

Architecture #

The main state unit is PageStackBloc. You normally create it as a global object available to all code, or you provide it with get_it.

It contains the stack at runtime:


For each page, there are 3 main units:

  • PageBloc. This is the heart of a page during its life cycle. If your screen was a StatefulWidget in the traditional architecture, then PageBloc plays the role of its State. It contains everything to preserve so the screen itself can be a stateless widget. However, PageBloc is richer than a State. It can produce a stream of output as the purpose of BLoC suggests. It is also aware of the page stacking and can handle events related to it.
  • Screen. Most often this is just a stateless widget with PageBloc as the single argument.
  • Page. Navigator in Flutter accepts the list of Page objects to maintain the stack of routes that are displayed. So Page is a necessary adapter for the pair of bloc and screen to show in the app.

These three together are collectively referred to as a 'page' (lowercase) to distinguish it from Page class.

Zooming in, this is how they interact:

Page, PageBloc, Screen

The Bare Minimal App #

This app has one screen and no navigation. It even has no page bloc, since it has no state and the blocs are optional. See and run the example project.

The Bare Minimal App

import 'package:app_state/app_state.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

final pageStackBloc = PageStackBloc(bottomPage: HomePage());
final _routerDelegate = PageStackRouterDelegate(pageStackBloc);

void main() => runApp(MyApp());

class HomePage extends StatelessMaterialPage {
  HomePage() : super(key: const ValueKey('Home'), child: HomeScreen());

class HomeScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('Hello World with app_state!')),

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp.router(
      routerDelegate: _routerDelegate,
      routeInformationParser: const PageStackRouteInformationParser(),

Pushing and Popping Pages #

Pushing #

To push a screen, you create its Page class and push it into a PageStackBloc:

final result = await pageStacksBloc.push(
  BookDetailsPage(bookId: id),

You can do this from anywhere and don't need BuildContext.

The Android back button and the default BackButton in Scaffold just work.

See and run this example with a book list. It has no URLs so far, we will get to them soon.

Book List App

Programmatic Popping #

To pop a page, call pop() on its bloc with an optional return value:

onPressed: () => bloc.pop(result);

Overriding the Back Button #

In your bloc, override onBackPressed():

Future<BackPressedResult> onBackPressed() {
  if (!_saved) {
    return Future.value(BackPressedResult.keep);
  return Future.value(BackPressedResult.close);

Page Keys #

Each page in a stack must have a unique key. If you push a page with an existing key, the onDuplicateKey argument of pop determines what to do. It can:

  • Bring the older page up and drop the new page (the default).
  • Drop the older page and show the new one.
  • Raise an exception.

Pages of the same class may have different keys. In a social app, you may have a user page with the user ID in the key. This allows you to show multiple user profiles in the stack, but if a duplicate user profile is about to be shown, you can bring the old one above to save memory and to not bore your use with many future back taps.

Web Architecture #

All the above examples work in web, but URL always stays /. Here is how to support URLs.

Parsing URLs #

PageConfiguration class is an object representation of a URL. You subclass it for every page you support. For example, BookListPageConfiguration will likely have no arguments, but a BookDetailsPageConfiguration will likely have final int id;

You then create a URL parser that is called by Flutter on start-up and also on back and forward navigation. This parser chooses the particular PageConfiguration.

Parsing PageConfiguration

It is easiest to maintain if made of one-liners like this:

class MyRouteInformationParser extends PageStackRouteInformationParser {
  Future<PageConfiguration> parsePageConfiguration(RouteInformation ri) async {
        BookDetailsPageConfiguration.tryParse(ri) ??
        const BookListPageConfiguration(); // The default page if nothing worked.

You use this parser instead of the ordinary PageStackRouteInformationParser in your app constructor. See and run this example that adds URL support to the earlier book list example.

This is the class from the above example.

class BookDetailsPageConfiguration extends PageConfiguration {
  final int bookId;

  static final _regExp = RegExp(r'^/books/(\d+)$');

    required this.bookId,
  }) : super(
    key: BookDetailsPage.formatKey(bookId: bookId),
    factoryKey: BookDetailsPage.classFactoryKey,
    state: {'bookId': bookId},

  String get location => '/books/$bookId';

  static BookDetailsPageConfiguration? tryParse(RouteInformation ri) {
    final matches = _regExp.firstMatch(ri.location ?? '');
    if (matches == null) return null;

    final bookId = int.tryParse(matches[1] ?? '');

    if (bookId == null) {
      return null; // Will never get here with present _regExp.

    return BookDetailsPageConfiguration(
      bookId: bookId,

  get defaultStackConfigurations => [
    const BookListPageConfiguration(),
  • tryParse is the recommended static method in each of your PageConfiguration classes. You then call them in a chain to return the one that worked. Here it applies the regular expression to get bookId.
  • location getter is the reverse. It returns the URL to put in the address bar in case the location changes programmatically in the app and not as a result of the address bar change. If not present, the URL will be /.
  • getStackConfigurations returns a list of PageConfiguration objects to pre-populate the stack with, bottom to top. In this case, the user has typed in a particular book's URL, so we compose the initial stack of two pages. At the bottom is the book list page, and above it is this one we parsed. So when this stack is loaded, the back button would lead the user to the book list page. If this getter is not present, the stack defaults to this single page.
  • super.key is to diff the pages in the stack to see if after the URL change some pages need to be kicked out of the stack or added.
  • super.state is the map of all fields. It is required because sometimes this object gets serialized into browser history and then recovered.
  • super.factoryKey will be described in the next section.

This was the most complicated example you will see with this package. Everything else will be simpler.

Creating the Page Objects #

Create a global method like this:

AbstractPage? createPage(
  String factoryKey,
  Map<String, dynamic> state,
) {
  switch (factoryKey) {
    case BookDetailsPage.classFactoryKey: return BookDetailsPage(bookId: state['bookId']);
    case BookListPage.classFactoryKey: return BookListPage();

  return null;

Then pass it to your PageStackBloc:

final pageStackBloc = PageStackBloc(
  bottomPage: BookListPage(),
  createPage: createPage,

Pages also must be upgraded to support the factory:

class BookDetailsPage extends StatelessMaterialPage {
  static const classFactoryKey = 'BookDetails';

    required int bookId,
  }) : super(
    key: ValueKey(formatKey(bookId: bookId)),
    child: BookDetailsScreen(book: bookRepository[bookId]),
    configuration: BookDetailsPageConfiguration(bookId: bookId),

  static String formatKey({required int bookId}) {
    return '${classFactoryKey}_$bookId';

The new things in this Page class are:

  • classFactoryKey is any unique string among your page classes. This is what PageConfiguration.factoryKey is matched to when your factory selects the page class to create.
  • formatKey is a method to create a runtime key to avoid page duplication in the stack. It is just for convenience because we now need to create it in two diffeent places: here and in BookDetailsPageConfiguration.
  • super.configuration is described next.

Updating the Address Bar #

The address bar is not the only source of PageConfiguration objects. When you programmatically create a page and push it to the stack, it may report a PageConfiguration object to the framework so it updates the address bar from it.

Emitting PageConfiguration

Page Without Bloc

For a page without bloc, you hardcode a PageConfiguration like in the snippet above.

  // ...
  configuration: BookDetailsPageConfiguration(bookId: bookId),

When this page is pushed, that PageConfiguration.location ends up in the address bar.

Page With Bloc

A page with bloc delegates this to the bloc for higher flexibility. Override PageBloc.getConfiguration():

BookListPageConfiguration getConfiguration() => const BookListPageConfiguration();

Page Without URL

The address bar content is always taken from the highest page in the stack that has non-null PageConfiguration, with or without bloc. For minor dialogs that should not affect the address bar and should not get to the browser history, just do not introduce any configurations.

Updating the URL Programmatically

Imagine a tree browser that dynamically updates the address bar with all of this happening in a single screen:

Tree Navigation

What gets updated is its bloc. A bloc can emit a new PageConfiguration at any time. For this, call its emitConfiguration() method. This will call getConfiguration() for the actual configuration to propagate.

Redirecting a URL #

Option 1. Single Class

The URL that your PageConfiguration returns takes over the one that was parsed. To redirect / to /books, do the following:

  1. In BookListPageConfiguration.tryParse(), allow both / and /books.
  2. Return /books in location getter.

Option 2. Multiple Classes

You can have many PageConfiguration classes for different URLs that all return BookListPageConfiguration in their tryParse methods, and it in turn will return /books for location.

This is useful for:

  • Redirecting to a page without its knowledge.
  • Conditional redirects where you don't want to concentrate the condition logic in the target PageConfiguration.

Browser's Back and Forward Buttons #

Back and Forward buttons in the browser work automatically. Unlike the Android back button, these buttons traverse the browser's history. The following is happening on any navigation with browser buttons:

  1. RouteInformationParser is called with a URL to parse PageConfiguration object from it. This is exactly like when the app starts.
  2. Unlike the initial parsing, the RouteInformation now contains saved states for each page. This is because when the framework emitted the PageConfiguration earlier, it was smart enough to also save all pages' serialized states. This is why you had state passed to PageConfiguration super constructor earlier. This is how History API works in JavaScript, nicely abstracted by Flutter. PageStackRouteInformationParser detects this and skips the URL parsing.
  3. PageStackBloc.setConfiguration() is called with all pages' states recovered into maps. The current pages in the stack are diffed against that recovered state. Unchanged pages are not affected, unwanted pages are popped, and new pages are created using the pageFactory you provided when creating this bloc. This is why pageFactory gets a map and not a PageConfiguration object.
  4. PageStckBloc emits an event to rebuild any navigator listening to it. This is usually PageStackBlocNavigator created for you by the default PageStackRouterDelegate you passed to the app constructor.
  5. The Navigator then runs its own diff on pages to update the routes that actually show the screen widgets. This way you get the updated UI.

It all works for you automatically if you correctly set all pages' and PageConfiguration keys.

Recovering Unsaved Input on Back and Forward Navigation #

Use case: In a multi-screen app, the user enters some text, then closes the screen without saving by ‘Back’ button. They then click ‘Forward’ and expect their input is still there.

Recovering Unsaved Input

Read this tutorial on how this app is made.

Multiple Tabs with Independent Stacks #

Use case: Each tab must have its own navigation stack. The Android back button and the Scaffold's back button should only pop pages on the current stack. Tab switching should not affect the back button history (except the browser's navigation buttons, this is how browsers work).

Multiple Tabs with Independent Stacks

Read this tutorial on how this app is made.

Advanced Ways to Return Result #

Push and Pop Type Safety at Compile Time #

PageBloc and BlocMaterialPage is typed by a return type R:

  • PageBloc<R>
  • BlocMaterialPage<R, B extends PageBloc<R>>

In most examples we ignore those types for faster learning, but in production you always specify the return type even if it is void.

If you await the push call, the result is inferred with that type:

class InputPageBloc extends PageBloc<int> { /* ... */ }
class InputPage extends BlocMaterialPage<int, InputPageBloc> { /* ... */ }

final result = await pageStackBloc.push(InputPage()); // result is inferred as int.

When you pop the result from the bloc, you can only pop that exact type, otherwise it will not build.

And your Page can only have a bloc of the same return type, otherwise it will not build.

Receiving the Dialog Result after the App Restart #

Use case:

  1. The user opens the input dialog, copies its URL and restarts the app at that URL.
  2. The user inputs a value and closes the dialog.
  3. The underlying page receives the result.

Result Surviving Restart

This cannot be done by mere awaiting of the pushed page. When the app restarts, even if we recover the page stack, we create the stack in the factory, so the bottom page has no future to await.

For this, we employ the alternative way to receive the result. In the bottom page bloc, override didPopNext:

void didPopNext(AbstractPage page, PageBlocCloseEvent event) {
  print('didPopNext: ${}');

This way the compiler still makes sure the bloc pops with the right type, but the is not type-checked. This is because a bloc can push different page classes that produce different result types, but they all are collected in this method.

See this tutorial with more details and the link to the full runnable example.

Help is Wanted #

Do you like this package? Do not buy me a coffee, I don't drink it. You can make:

  • A Like on, because people judge the packages by the like count.
  • Code Generator. This package needs one to generate Page and PageConfiguration classes. You can design or implement it.
  • Tests. You can cover it.
  • Comparison to auto_route, go_router, beamer, raw Router API implementation, and the old Navigator push-pop. You can write an article or at least provide me with points on how they compare, what they could not do for you, what is too hard with them, or how this package made your life easier. My email is here:
  • Issue Reports if you find anything wrong.
  • Other PRs. Please share your idea in an issue first.

Here are tons of runnable examples again if you missed the link in the beginning.

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A BLoC-based state management solution on top of Router API for larger apps.

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collection, flutter, meta, rxdart


Packages that depend on app_state