app_debug 1.0.2
app_debug: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard
A useful debug tool for flutter developer. Easy to use. Show anywhere where to want. You will look over the request log without computer. It's a quick way to chose the api host.
How to use #
0x01 Use this package as a library #
Depend on it Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
dependencies: app_debug: ^1.0.0
Install it You can install packages from the command line: with Flutter:
$ flutter pub get
Alternatively, your editor might support flutter pub get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.
Import it
Now in your Dart code, you can use: import 'package:app_debug/app_debug.dart';
0x02 init GestureDetector actions #
In about_us_page, at version show. Add a GestureDetector, and isManuel set true.
onTap: (){
AppDebug.showDebugTool(context,isManuel: true);
child: _getCellWithItem(_Type.CellVersion),
0x03 show anywhere #
In splash_page or home_page, init AppDebug. The first page of finish launching.
void initState() {
// 初始化调试工具
_initAppDebug ();
void _initAppDebug (){
AppDebug.showDebugTool(context); // 初始化 AppDebug。 在 关于界面 配置 AppDebug.showDebugTool(context,isManuel: true); 后生效
AppDebug.instance.apiSelected = Global.getApiUrl(); // 设置当前环境
AppDebug.instance.apiList.add(ApiUrlConfig.API_DEV_URL); //添加 dev 环境 host
AppDebug.instance.apiList.add(ApiUrlConfig.API_TEST_URL); //添加 test 环境 host
AppDebug.instance.apiList.add(ApiUrlConfig.API_BETA_URL); //添加 beta 环境 host
AppDebug.instance.apiList.add(ApiUrlConfig.API_PRODUCT_URL); //添加 product 环境 host
AppDebug.instance.apiSelectedCallback = (String api){ // api host 变更后回调
Global.env = ENV.values[AppDebug.instance.apiList.indexOf(api)];