app_debug 1.0.1+1
app_debug: ^1.0.1+1 copied to clipboard
A useful debug tool for flutter developer. Easy to use. Show anywhere where to want. It's powerful and comfortable. You will look over the request log without computer. Logs can be viewed anywhere in [...]
How to use #
0x01 Use this package as a library #
Depend on it Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
dependencies: app_debug: ^1.0.0
Install it You can install packages from the command line: with Flutter:
$ flutter pub get
Alternatively, your editor might support flutter pub get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.
Import it
Now in your Dart code, you can use: import 'package:app_debug/app_debug.dart';
0x02 init GestureDetector actions #
In about_us_page, at version show. Add a GestureDetector, and isManuel set true.
onTap: (){
AppDebug.showDebugTool(context,isManuel: true);
child: _getCellWithItem(_Type.CellVersion),
0x03 show anywhere #
In splash_page or home_page, init AppDebug. The first page of finish launching.
void initState() {
// 初始化调试工具
_initAppDebug ();
void _initAppDebug (){
AppDebug.showDebugTool(context); // 初始化 AppDebug。 在 关于界面 配置 AppDebug.showDebugTool(context,isManuel: true); 后生效
AppDebug.instance.apiSelected = Global.getApiUrl(); // 设置当前环境
AppDebug.instance.apiList.add(ApiUrlConfig.API_DEV_URL); //添加 dev 环境 host
AppDebug.instance.apiList.add(ApiUrlConfig.API_TEST_URL); //添加 test 环境 host
AppDebug.instance.apiList.add(ApiUrlConfig.API_BETA_URL); //添加 beta 环境 host
AppDebug.instance.apiList.add(ApiUrlConfig.API_PRODUCT_URL); //添加 product 环境 host
AppDebug.instance.apiSelectedCallback = (String api){ // api host 变更后回调
Global.env = ENV.values[AppDebug.instance.apiList.indexOf(api)];